General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7


Conference Proceedings. FIFTH MEETING

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson

May 18, 10 A. M.

W. T. Knox in the chair. Charles Thompson led the conference in prayer. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.14

The following additional delegates were seated from the North Pacific Union Conference: Dr. W. B. Holden, Dr. J. Reith, M. H. St. John, O. A. Johnson, J. E. Graham. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.15

W. T. Knox: The first order of business will be the report from Elder Evans, superintendent of the Asiatic Division of the General Conference. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.16

Elder Evans then submitted the following report:— GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.17




The countries embraced in the Asiatic Division of the General Conference are Japan, Korea, China with her dependencies, Formosa, Hainan, Indo-China, Siam, the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines. This territory covers the southeastern portion of the great continent of Asia with the adjacent islands east and south, most of the countries being contiguous, except the island fields. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.18

A territory so vast and extending from the far north to below the equator gives a variety of climate, reaching the two extremes. The Asiatic Division of the General Conference constitutes the most densely populated portion of the earth, having a population of some 625,000,000, or more than one third of the entire population of the globe. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.19


The languages of most of these countries, both written and spoken, are difficult, having no relation to Western languages, nor are they built after the manner of Western languages. The two leading written languages, Chinese and Japanese, are composed of characters, while the Korean language has an alphabet, which greatly simplifies the learning of that tongue. It takes a native many years to be able to read the best classics in the Chinese and Japanese tongues, to say nothing of mastering a sufficient number of characters to be able to properly study the sciences, which require critical investigation and research. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.20

The greatest of these character languages is the Chinese. This language has been growing for nearly four thousand years, many claim for even a longer period. It was originally a hieroglyphic language, and the present characters are often suggestive of the things for which they stand. The Japanese adopted the Chinese characters, with additions of their own. They also invented a phonetic system, which is now used as an auxiliary to the Chinese characters, and is considered by the Japanese an aid in properly pronouncing the Chinese characters. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.21

The foreigner finds the mastering of these Oriental character languages a difficult task, requiring years of the hardest kind of labor and the closest application. Not a few find that they are unable to acquire either the Chinese or the Japanese, and are compelled to return to the home land on this account. One can do little successful missionary work in any of these lands without learning to speak the native language so that he can both preach and teach the Bible doctrines in the vernacular of the people. GCB May 19, 1913, page 34.22

Religions of the Orient

The religions of the people of the Asiatic Division are as complex and mysterious to the foreigner as the languages. The majority of this vast population are heathen, as judged from the Christian standpoint. Confucianism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Mohammedanism are the great religions permeating the masses of the people, while there are still devil-worshipers, animism in all its multiplicity of deities, and all shades of heathenism descending down the ages from ancient Bible times. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.1

Until very recently the masses of these peoples lived secluded from the Western nations who had come under the influences of Christianity, and knew nothing of civilization save what they saw about them. They were content with their condition. The last century was the day dawn to the East, and the leaven of progress and unrest has been working in various ways, till today the Orient is a restless, surging mass of dissatisfied humanity. The majority of the people are not yet aroused; but seeing the foreigner, hated as he is, leading the way in all advancement, power, and wealth, the people, through their leaders, are seeking enlightenment, and are stretching forth their hands to the Christian nations for help. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.2

Not a few, especially of the more educated and influential class, believe the ancient religions are unable to save the people from stagnation, and the countries from national death. They see with amazement what an uplifting influence the Christian religion has had on the character and conditions of the people, and they desire the results which they see in Europe and America, and are seeking the means to attain these ends. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.3

In the East the doors which but a few years ago were closed to the foreigner now stand ajar, and the nations are waiting to be taught by the Westerner both the Word of God and modern science. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.4


Four Years of Progress

In our new field the work of giving the message to this people has made some progress since the last session of the General Conference. I have no statistical report of the work at that time, hence will confine my remarks to a statement of how the work stands at the close of 1912. In the Asiatic Division at the present time we have 21 ordained foreign ministers, 4 ordained native preachers, 12 foreign licentiates, 50 native licentiates, 17 foreign Bible women, 29 native Bible women, 54 colporteurs, and 110 other workers, as teachers, chapel boys, printers, etc., making a total corps of 298 workers under pay. This does not include the wives and families of our missionaries, but simply the heads of families, and single workers on the pay-roll. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.5

We have 40 churches, with a membership of 1,157. There are 62 companies of believers not yet organized into churches, with a membership of 388, and a scattered membership numbering 341. This makes a total of 1,886 Sabbath-keepers; and many more pretend to be keeping the Sabbath and reckon themselves as belonging to the Adventist denomination, but they are probationers and not ready for baptism. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.6

The total native tithe paid last year, as reported from the various fields, was $2,148 gold. In addition to this the foreign missionaries pay a tithe on their salaries. The fields did not report this amount. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.7

We have 104 Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 2,743. The Sabbath-school donations aggregated $1,073. Of this, $937 was donated to missions, the balance being used in supporting local Sabbath-schools. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.8

Our Publishing Work

We have no record of the number of papers distributed, but our book sales amounted to $1,810, and we received from the sale of magazines $4,914. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.9

We have three printing plants in successful operation, one each in China, Korea, and Japan. In China and Korea we have suitable buildings erected for our printing work, and Japan has funds on hand for building as soon as title to the land can be secured. Of course the outfits in these plants are crude and the machinery not of the best; but they answer for our work, and with this small beginning we hope to print much literature laden with truths for these times. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.10

The Philippines greatly need a small printing outfit to enable them to do their own printing. This is equally true of the Malaysian mission field. These small printing plants create centers, give permanency to the work, and also give the denomination a standing among the people. It will not require a large outlay to equip these fields, and once such little plants are fitted up, they will place those carrying on the work in a position to do better service than heretofore. At present we are compelled to have our literature printed by those who are opposed to our work in the Philippines, while the Malaysian field is getting most of its literature printed in Australia. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.11

The combined monthly circulation of our missionary periodicals in the Asiatic Division is over 70,000 copies. The Chinese magazine, Signs of the Times, takes the lead, with circulation of 64,000 copies a month. Considerable literature has been brought out in some of the leading languages. The Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Malaysian fields, and the Philippines are each year making progress in the preparation of standard literature. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.12

We have not demonstrated in the Asiatic Division that bookselling can be made a success. We are anxiously waiting for a bookman to arrive in China, when we purpose to make an effort to see to what extent printed books can be sold among the Chinese people. We believe that in all these fields we shall be able to sell books bearing on the message, if we can sell them at a moderate price, and to this end our committees are working. They are putting forth their best efforts to get proper translations of some of our standard works in a condensed form, that we may give the people the message through our literature. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.13

Homes for Our Missionaries

We have six dwelling-houses in Korea, five of which were provided out of the $300,000 Fund. A printing plant and a chapel were also provided out of this fund. In China we have already built nine foreign-style houses, ten Chinese houses, one semiforeign house, and our printing plant, and have under construction in China eight foreign houses and a central training-school. Surely this is a good start in providing homes for our workers in the East, and Japan has funds on hand to provide most of its workers with accommodations such as they require. I am sure I voice the sentiments of every worker in the East when I express to our brethren and sisters throughout the world our hearty thanks for the liberality they have shown in supplying us with these homes. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.14

Our Educational Work

In China we have six schools under foreign supervision; in Korea, two; and in Japan, one. In addition to these we have about twenty church-schools in operation, and are establishing more as rapidly as we can secure competent teachers. GCB May 19, 1913, page 35.15

In China, Japan, and Korea we are conducting what we call training-school work, where young people whom the brethren believe to be promising are taken and given instruction and training for some time, with the hope that they will become strong workers in the cause of God. Of course these schools are as yet far from what we hope to make them; but a beginning has been made, which gives promise of greater things as the work progresses. In these training-schools we plan to receive only bona fide church-members of our faith, who are recommended to us by the native brethren who know them best. In this way we hope to bring into our work many young people who have experienced a real conversion of heart, and who, by being in touch with and under the instruction of consecrated foreign men, may become efficient workers in giving the message to their own people. Already Korea has sent out from their school several evangelists, who are now in the field doing good work for the Lord. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.1

We are planning in most of the fields in the Asiatic Division to prepare a goodly number of native women to enter upon Bible work, and teaching in our church-schools. Up to the present time we have not been able to fill the many calls that come to the superintendents of the various fields for this class of workers. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.2

In China we have over three hundred students in our schools, which are conducted by foreigners; in Korea, there are about seventy; in Japan, about thirty. In both China and Korea we are planning this season to erect suitable buildings for a central training-school, and we expect to have them ready for the opening of the next school year. This will greatly increase our facilities for doing good work in this line. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.3

The Philippines are greatly in need of facilities for conducting a training-school, and this is almost equally true of the Malaysian field. The Philippines have quite a number of promising young people who would make efficient workers for the Lord if they could be properly trained for such work. It can hardly be expected that these young people who come out of Catholic and Protestant church-schools, or from the public school, will be able to go into the field and do good work in this cause. We must have training centers where they can be taught the truth by consecrated men who believe this message. In this way we hope to build up a strong working force among our natives in each field. At the present time there are no school facilities in either the Philippines or the Malaysian field, and these fields will never be as strong as they should be until they have their young people in training for the work of the Lord. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.4

The Vastness of the Work Before Us

When one travels through the vast area of the Asiatic Division and sees the millions to be warned of the soon-coming doom of the world, it takes faith to believe that the warning can be given in a single generation. One thing is most encouraging, and that is the open doors everywhere waiting for the missionary to enter. There is not a country nor a province in the whole Asiatic Division whose doors are not wide open for the missionary, and the Macedonian cry reaches far and wide, “Come over and help us.” GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.5

Nowhere is the message preached by consecrated evangelists but persons accept the truth and give themselves to this great and closing work. In not a few places men and women will travel long distances to find those who can teach them the Word of God. Through reading the printed page they have become interested in present truth, and are thus led to seek for further light. Instead of waiting indifferently for some one to come to them who can teach them, they go in search of believers in the message, and earnestly urge them to come and give instruction in the doctrines which we believe. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.6

In the province of Hunan a party of eleven traveled three weeks to reach a Bible institute. They had come on foot and by rowboats more than three hundred fifty miles. When they reached the institute, the meeting had closed. They refused to leave the place until they had been instructed in the Word of God. No foreign worker has yet visited this little company of believers. Still they are holding on to the truth, and last fall they sent several of their number a thousand li to attend our general meeting. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.7

In the great empire of China we have undertaken work in only seven of the eighteen provinces, to say nothing of the four dependencies. In the western part of China is one province with a population of seventy million, in which so far as we know not a foreigner who believes this message has ever put foot. Yet this very province is one of the great provinces of China, having a larger population than any country in Europe outside of Russia, and only thirty-one million less than the population of the United States. For four years we have been hoping and planning each coming year to enter this promising field, but so far we have been unable to send a worker. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.8

In the province of Shantung, with a population of thirty-eight million, the one province in China that bears the name of a healthful climate, we have not a single worker. Here the population is so dense that it averages 683 persons to the square mile, and still no worker has ever entered this field. So we could name province after province in the great Chinese field where no foreigner is at work, and where we have done nothing in giving this message to the people. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.9

Other boards are rushing their workers into these fields by the hundreds. Last year the mission boards sent between nine hundred and a thousand new workers to the Chinese field. They realize the importance of the present as a strategic time for opening up work among China’s millions, and surely it is time that our people threw a strong force into China to seize the vantage that is presented under existing conditions for giving this truth to that great nation. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.10

The Need for Additional Workers

Our workers in the East are carrying heavy burdens. We have not a man who is not loaded beyond his physical strength; and yet when he sees unentered doors, with groups of people beginning the observance of the Sabbath and importuning for help, with no one to go, it seems imperative that he should work beyond his strength in order to reach these out-of-the-way places where believers have already begun to spring up. In every one of these fields we are so short of help that we cannot lose or move a man without creating a condition that we know not how to remedy. The other day a leading officer of the General Conference wrote me, “If one man cannot do the work, why can you not give him help?” forgetting that every man is already loaded to the limit of his working strength, and that there is no man to go without creating another need as great as the one we tried to relieve. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.11

Not only is China in need of additional workers, but so also is Japan, the Philippines, and the Malaysian field. We can never expect to make our work in Japan a success without a new force of workers. It is impossible for us to handle our work in that field under existing conditions. We must have young men sent to this field who will learn the language and be able to preach the truths of this message in the vernacular of the people. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.12

Japan is a most promising missionary field. Last year it is reported that the Protestant missionaries reaped a harvest of more than six thousand souls there. They report that there has never been a time since Protestantism entered Japan when the promise was so great for an abundant harvest of souls as at the present. We are wholly unable to meet such conditions with the corps of workers we now have in Japan. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.13

We ask for at least six families to go to Japan, learn the language, and give their lives to this great work. We must have young, well-trained men who can meet the conditions, and who will give their best endeavors to studying the Japanese language, until they can preach this truth in the vernacular of the people. In this country every condition invites the worker to enter,—a polite, pleasing people, a healthful climate, favorable conditions under which to live, and open doors, with liberty to preach the message everywhere. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.14

The same pressing conditions appeal to us in the Philippines. We made a great mistake in not entering the Philippines years before with a strong corps of laborers. Already Brother Finster and his colaborers have demonstrated that missionary work can be made a success in the Philippines, and we must have more workers sent to this needy island field. We have seen that wherever the consecrated worker goes he finds a whitened harvest ready for the sickle. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.15

The East Indies

We find the same condition in the East Indian field. It is certainly most astonishing how God has gone before in that island field and planted the standard of truth in islands where the foreigner has never done any work. A Chinese brother was sent to the island of Borneo from Singapore, and already there are more than thirty believers in this message, earnestly pleading that we send some one to instruct them more fully in the truth. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.16

The opportunities to preach this message are so great that it almost staggers our faith when we see what could be done with consecrated workers, and we have none to send. Surely the Lord is calling us to this great work. It seems that he can no longer wait our planning and our hesitancy, but plants his own standard in these heathen lands, calling upon his people to follow where he leads. GCB May 19, 1913, page 36.17

He sort of thrusts us into these fields, and wherever we go the harvest is white. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.1

The country of Siam is ready for the message; and Indo-China, with its thirty millions of people, is waiting for some one to enter and preach the truth. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.2

Our Appeal

Is not the opening of these long-shut doors a call of God to enter and proclaim the truth for this time? What means the almost universal Macedonian cry from these age-benighted heathen lands if the Spirit of God has not gone before and prepared the way for the worker to follow? For eighteen long centuries after the Master commanded his disciples to go into all the world and make Christians of every nation, these doors were closed to the preaching of the gospel. Now, since the rise of this message in 1844, these doors have been opening one by one, and the cry rings to all the world, “Come over and help us.” GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.3

We appeal to our young men and women, to the brave, the strong, and the hopeful, in behalf of these whitened fields, and ask for help. We appeal to those who are willing to follow in the footsteps of the Master, Christ the Son of God, who left all that he might save some, who beggared himself that he might enrich us, that they send the best to these needy fields, that a harvest of souls may be gathered for our coming Lord. To those who hear the voice of God calling them to some of these needy fields, we say, Welcome, a thousand welcomes, to these lands of need and promise. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.4

In behalf of 25,000,000 human beings in the Asiatic Division who annually are dying without the least ray of hope in God, some of whom would believe could they but hear, we ask for help. We ask it in behalf of the 625,000,000 living souls who within another quarter of a century will be numbered with the dead. We ask it in behalf of the workers already in the field, whose hearts are breaking with the great work before them, and whose strength is not sufficient for the reaping. We ask it in the name of the Lord, whose coming is delayed by our failure to quickly do the work committed to this people. We ask for help in your own behalf, that the work may speedily be finished, and we go home to rest and glory when the work is done. I. H. EVANS, GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.5

Vice-President for Asiatic Division. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.6

An Interesting Letter

At the close of Brother Evan’s report, he read the following letter from Brother F. E. Stafford, received last evening:— GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.7

“I am just getting over an attack of Shanghai fever, a light form of typhoid fever. It is the same as Brother Woodward had. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.8

“Yesterday I received a long letter from Brother Liu, our Sze-Chuen brother, whom we baptized here a year ago. He is back at his home, and is teaching a little school for a living. He writes that his whole family, including father and mother, are keeping the Sabbath, and there is a tremendous interest in Chengtu in regard to the ‘new doctrine.’ He says that about thirty meet together on the Sabbath, and many of them are good, substantial people who have openly avowed their intention to cast their lot with us. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.9

“He writes a most pleading letter for me to come up there. He says if I cannot stay, to at least come up and look over the prospects. I declare as I sit here in bed propped up on a pillow, I feel just like going this very minute. However, that is out of the question, and when I get up again, I have my own work to look after here, which is getting larger every day. But I wish I could write something on this sheet of paper that, when you read it to the brethren and sisters assembled in General Conference, would so stir their hearts that they would never close the meeting until it has been definitely decided to send at least two families to Sze-Chuen this fall to open up the great West China Mission field, with its millions of perishing souls crying out in the agonies of death, ‘Come over and help us.’ GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.10

“As these words are read aloud, are there not two families who will volunteer to fill this place, who will surrender all to God, and step out in faith, allowing God to lead as he did Abraham of old?” GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.11

Continuing Elder Evans said, “It is wonderful to think that there is a company of thirty people keeping the Sabbath, without having had any effort made as yet to reach that field. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.12

“I have also received a letter from Elder R. F. Cottrell, which I want to read to you. He is in the province of Honan. They have had a famine there, having had no rain for eight months. The conditions are the most distressing that you can imagine, in a country of such small territory, with a population of thirty-five million. Last year they went through the most heathenish ceremonies to persuade the gods to give them rain, and performed all sorts of extortions for this purpose. Brother Cottrell says:— GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.13

“‘At this writing I am waiting at the Yen Cheng station for the Hankow train, which is six hours late. On my way from Hankow last week, scenes of poverty and distress were on every hand. At the railway stations there were scores and often hundreds of famine refugees; and at such places as Sin Yang Djou and Dju Ma Tien there could not have been less than a thousand. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.14

“‘It seemed to me that their pinched faces would have moved a heart of stone, and my soul in its helplessness yearned to do something for the poor people. I prayed earnestly that the Lord would quickly send copious showers upon these parched plains, and also that the relief that is being undertaken, might quickly become effectual to alleviate this awful distress. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.15

“‘The following evening, I reached Chowkiakow. Although, for the present, that city is just outside the real famine belt, there will hardly be a quarter of a wheat crop in that vicinity. Brother Westrup told me that, owing to conditions, he did not look for more than about one hundred at the general meeting; nevertheless, the people kept coming until the chapel was crowded, and the attendance was quite as good as it was a year ago. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.16

“‘The second day at the early morning prayer-meeting, we read some of the precious promises of the Word regarding prevailing prayer and its conditions; and then we besought the Father of mercies to send rain. The following day came the response in a heavy twenty-four hours’ downpour. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.17

“‘This answer to prayer made a deep impression on the people, and when the need of the Yen Cheng intermediate school was presented, together with the appropriateness of showing our gratitude by a liberal thank offering, the people responded with a gift of $158, Mexican, in cash and pledges. This will be increased within a few days by money from others who were not present. Where has greater loyalty, thankfulness, or self-sacrifice ever been manifested by Adventist believers? GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.18

“‘Upon examination, thirty-six were admitted—subject to baptism—into church fellowship. Thirty-three of these were baptized during the meeting, and the others were to receive the rite a few days later. Among these were three preachers and one school teacher, who have been in the employ of the North Honan Presbyterian Mission for six, five, three, and two years, respectively. They are very intelligent men, all of them having attended mission schools more or less. They give excellent promise as workers, and we shall doubtless send all of them to our training-school next fall.’” GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.19

Here Brother Evans’ excellent report closed. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.20

W. T. Knox: There are a number of brethren here from the Asiatic Division, operating in the various parts of the field, who are ready to report to us. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.21

A. G. Daniells: Brother Allum is one of our Australian products. He embraced the truth over there, attended our Avondale school, and was sent from there as a missionary. Our brethren in this country helped to build the Australasian school, helped to establish it and to maintain some of us while it was being done. They also sent teachers over from this country to conduct the school for a time. I am sure it must be a satisfaction to the brethren and sisters here who have done this work to see brethren and sisters now established in the truth come from that land as active workers, both in the home field over there and in the missionary fields that we are opening up in all parts of the world. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.22

While I lived in Australia Brother Allum’s wife came into my home and lived with us. We tried to encourage her, and had something to do with getting her into the training-school, and since that time she has spent several years in China, standing by him in the work. O this is a wonderful movement, a progressive movement, and God blesses our gifts, our prayers, and our labors in building up the cause and in raising up people to carry it forward in lands that we never saw, but for which we work. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.23

F. A. Allum (reading):—




This morning I bring greetings from hundreds of Christian homes in central China, where the Holy Spirit has been working in a wonderful way to change the hearts and influence the lives of men and women. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.24


China is to many nothing but a name, but it represents, O, how much to the heart of God! And how deep a claim it has upon the lives of his people! The Central China Mission includes the four provinces of Hunan, Hupei, Honan, and Kiang-si, with a total area of 281,420 square miles, or four times the area of England and Wales. GCB May 19, 1913, page 37.25


The population of Hunan is given as 23,000,000; Hupei, 35,000,000; Honan, 35,316,000; Kiang-si, 26,532,000; making a total population of almost one hundred twenty millions—twenty or thirty millions more than you have in the United States. “In the millions of this empire the merchant sees one of the largest and most promising fields in the world; the financier recognizes an almost limitless field for exploit; the statesman and soldier perceive political and military problems of the most stupendous magnitude; while the Christian, though not unmindful of other aspects, thinks more of the countless millions of men and women who are living and dying without that knowledge that alone can make them wise unto salvation.” Could we but realize the fear and dread which encircle one death in the land where Christ is not known, we should be moved to greater efforts and to more supreme consecration and willing self-denial that the true light might shine upon those now sitting in darkness and the shadow of death. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.1


The language spoken in the North-Central Mission is the Mandarin. It is the official language of China, and is spoken in fifteen of the eighteen provinces. Over three hundred million people speak this language. God has blessed the workers, and has given to them the gift of tongues in proportion to the effort and hard work they have put in on the language study. Although this language is very difficult to learn, yet there is a fascination in learning a language in the mission fields. Some one has said: “To a student fresh knowledge is always sweet; to a linguist, a new word is always musical; ... but to a missionary, as he consciously surmounts the difficulties of a heathen tongue, all the pleasures of gain, of improvement, and of learning, are fused into one feeling of ardent happiness. His acquirements are not hailed by the noisy admiration of the crowd, nor by the stately approval of academic tribunals; but they are hailed by the warm voice of the angel who hath the everlasting gospel to preach. In gaining every additional word, or phrase, or idiom, he grows richer, and seems to draw nearer to the ascending Redeemer, that he may hear again his last command, that command which is at once the missionary’s warrant and the world’s hope. In conquering every difficulty, he uncoils golden wires; and in securing each new word, sets another string necessary to complete the tones of the harp on which, before the heathen, he will celebrate him who loved him and washed him from his sin in his own blood.” GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.2

Results of the Gospel Message GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.3

It is a singular fact that in 1844, the year when this movement had its birth, toleration was first granted to Christianity by the treaty made by the United States and China. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.4


Our work in central China began nearly ten years ago, when Doctors Miller, Selmon, and their associates began work in Honan. These were afterwards joined by Elder J. J. Westrup and wife, and a little later by the writer and wife. Brother and Sister O. A. Hall and Miss Schilberg also worked in that field for a time. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.5

Seven years ago we had but two baptized believers in all central China; today, in Honan alone, we have 150 baptized members. (A letter received during this Conference states that 33 more were baptized, bringing the membership up to 183.) We are glad to tell this Conference that of these, 104 have never been members of any other church, but are converts from the ranks of the heathen. We have in Honan nineteen companies, that meet every Sabbath day for divine worship, and sixteen Sabbath-schools, with a regular attendance of 350. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.6



The work in Hunan was begun by Brother P. J. Laird. He was afterwards joined by Elder R. F. Cottrell and wife who have for a long time labored in that field almost alone so far as foreign help is concerned. But God has blessed Brother Cottrell and his faithful wife in their work. At the time of the last General Conference but three or four had been baptized, but today we have a church membership of 108. There are nine Sabbath-schools, with an attendance of 450. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.7


The work in Hupeh began a little over two years ago, when our late beloved Brother Esta Miller and the writer secured the first chapel in Hankow, the Chicago of China. You have all read of Brother Miller’s death a little over a year ago. He was beloved by all who knew him and fell like a soldier on the battle-field, with his face to the foe. But his work was not in vain; four companies are rejoicing in the message in that province. The church membership is 40. We have four Sabbath-schools, with an attendance of 150. The work is now in charge of Brother F. Lee, who has a splendid command of the language. He is assisted by Dr. A. G. Larsen. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.8


No settled work has been done in Kiang-si, but our canvassers from Hunan have sold a considerable amount of literature, and we now have believers there. They are calling for us to enter that field. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.9


During the year 1912 we have sold over one hundred thirty thousand copies of our monthly paper in the three provinces of Hunan, Hupeh, and Honan. The total sales amounted to $1,395, Mexican, or $697.92, gold. As a result of our literature, we receive more calls than it is possible for us to fill. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.10

Women’s Work

One of the most difficult features of missionary work in China is the work for the Chinese women. It requires much painstaking effort on the part of our sisters to bring to the women of China the knowledge of the Saviour’s love. One reason for this is the extreme ignorance of the women. Not one in a thousand can read, and so the first work of the sister is to teach them to read in their own language. But it is wonderful to see the transformation that the story of Christ’s love makes in their lives, and they are very earnest in telling the message to their heathen sisters. Some of these women walk on their crippled feet as much as ten or twelve miles to attend Sabbath service. In closing we wish to state that we sorely need lady missionaries, and we honor those who, in addition to faithfully performing the duties of a missionary’s wife, are themselves missionaries in the highest sense of the word. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.11

Donations and Membership

We have 12 organized churches, with a membership of 298. The tithe amounted to $729.33. There are 29 organized Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 875. Their donations were $105.65. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.12

Free-will offerings amounted to $289.98, gold. Total receipts for 1912 equal $1,124.96, gold, or $3.77 per capita. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.13

When we consider the extreme poverty of the people, we will see that they have given in a wonderful way for the spread of the message. A laborer receives only five cents a day; a carpenter, nearly eight cents; a bricklayer, but seven cents. The highest-paid native evangelist receives but $7.50 a month. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.14


There are four ministers, two foreign licentiates, fourteen native evangelists, five foreign Bible women, seven native Bible women, twenty-six canvassers, making fifty-eight workers in all. GCB May 19, 1913, page 38.15

In this connection I desire to express, on behalf of the foreign and native workers, our heartfelt gratitude for the splendid support you have rendered to us. Befort this year closes, homes for all the foreign workers will have been built. This has been made possible by the freewill offerings of God’s loyal, devoted people. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.1

I have a letter from the Honan church to the General Conference, received after I left China. We as foreign workers have had nothing to do with this letter, except to translate it. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.2

Letter From the Honan Church to the General Conference

To the brethren, beloved of the Lord, assembled at the General Conference: Greeting! GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.3

“Our Heavenly Father has greatly blessed the church in our humble province during the last few years, and it has made progress and prospered. Outside the central station, we have now over ten out-stations, and brethren are constantly being added to the church. Moreover, from very many places we are continually receiving letters from those who are anxiously inquiring for the truth, and asking us to come over and help them understand the truth of God. Upon the reception of these letters, we are pleased beyond measure because the Lord loves them as much as he loves us, and desires us to give them this last warning message. However, we have but little strength, for we have been in this truth such a short time that we are still like little children, and therefore we cannot be much help to them. As we think of this, we are exceedingly sorrowful of heart, because we cannot properly do that which God desires us to do, and take the complete gift of his grace to them. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.4

“Moreover, to the north of us we have the great province of Chihli, and to the northeast the populous province of Shantung, and in the northwest the provinces of Shansi and Shensi, all bordering on the province of Honan, and having a population of over one hundred million that have not yet heard the last warning message of the gospel. Truly the harvest is great and the reapers are few, and we are already in the time of the judgment. We must make haste and complete the work which God has given us to do. Just now we have a wonderful opportunity to preach the three angels’ messages, because our humble country has established a republic, giving religious liberty to all. The Lord at this time has given us a wonderful opportunity to bear witness for him. In China but seven provinces have as yet been entered by this message, and even in these provinces but one in a hundred has had the opportunity of hearing this message. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.5

“Think of this great country, with its great area and dense population of over four hundred million, of whom not one in a thousand has yet heard this message. Does not our Heavenly Father love and care for this multitude? Our people are hungry for the bread of life even to the point of starvation. And so we have appointed Pastor Allum to represent us at the great meeting which you are holding, and we desire him to tell those at the General Conference that we are all praying earnestly for this great meeting, and certainly desire that all who have the privilege of attending will obtain a special blessing from the Lord, and that the influence of this meeting will be world-wide, reaching even to China. And we earnestly request that when the meeting is over, the General Conference will send those who are loved of the Lord to help us preach this last warning message to China’s millions. We would close this letter of greeting with this earnest request. In conclusion, we wish all assembled at the General Conference, peace. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.6

“Written by all the members of the Honan branch of the one true church.” GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.7

I have also, a letter to you, from the Nanking training-school. This makes my report a little long, but I think you will be glad to hear the letter. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.8

Letter From the Nanking Training-School

“From the Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Training-school at Nanking to those assembled at the General Conference: Greeting and peace! GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.9

“We wish first to thank God because, through his grace, this school has been established at Nanking, and therefore we are able to learn the important truths of the Word of God. Concerning the preaching of the gospel to the Chinese we completely acknowledge our duty, but we are still young in the message, and our strength is insufficient, and the land is great, and the people many, so that to use us is like putting out a great fire with a cupful of water. Moreover, the Lord is soon to return, and time is short; therefore, with childlike heart, we respectfully entreat the General Conference to help us to the utmost of your strength to quickly take this gospel for the last days to all parts of China. We also ask those assembled at the General Conference to pray for us. We wish the presence of the Lord to be with you in all things. Amen.” GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.10

F. A. Allum (concluding his report):—

An Appeal

Such appeals as the above coming to this people at this time should touch our hearts. It is enough to make an angel weep. Think of it. Realize it if you are able! Such facts are overwhelming. Fourteen hundred heathen have sunk into Christless graves during the last hour; 33,000 will pass today forever beyond your reach. Send your missionary tomorrow, and a million and a quarter of precious souls for whom Christ died will have passed to their final account before he can reach their shores. And can the church of Christ sit still with folded hands while these multitudes are perishing, perishing for a lack of knowledge, for lack of that knowledge which we possess so richly, and which has made us what we are. There can be no question as to the answer. Then let us pray:— GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.11

“Stir me, O stir me, Lord, I care not how,
But stir my heart in passion for the world;
Stir, till the blood-red banner be unfurled
O’er lands that still in heathen darkness lie,
O’er deserts where no cross is lifted high.
GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.12

“Stir me, O stir me, Lord, till all my heart
Is filled with strong compassion for these souls;
Till thy compelling ‘must’ drives me to prayer;
Till thy constraining love reach to the poles,
Far north and south, in burning, deep desire;
Till east and west are caught in love’s great fire.
GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.13

“Stir me, O stir me, Lord! Thy heart was stirred
By love’s intensest fire, till thou didst give
Thine only Son, thy best-beloved One,
E’en to the dreadful cross, that I might live;
Stir me to give myself so back to thee
That thou canst give thyself again through me.
GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.14

“Stir me, O stir me, Lord; for I can see
Thy glorious triumph day begin to break;
The dawn already gilds the eastern sky!
O church of Christ, awake! awake!
O, stir us, Lord, as heralds of that day!
The night is past, our King is on his way!”
GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.15

The Chair then called upon Dr. H. W. Miller for a report. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.16

I. H. Evans: Dr. Miller represents the East China mission field. China has been divided into five mission fields. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.17

Dr. H. W. Miller: The East China mission field embraces in its territory several provinces. I will first mention the province of Shantung, which has a population of thirty-eight million. This, as its Chinese name indicates, is a mountainous province, yet it has a population of 683 people to the square mile. Shantung is the natural door to Manchuria. In fact, a great percentage of the population of Manchuria have come from this province. It is also the home of Confucius—the place where he is buried. It is a province as yet unentered by us, but one of the most valuable healthwise. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.18

The second province is that of Kiang-su, with a population of 25,980,000. We have two stations located in this territory, one at Nanking and the other at the New York of China, namely, Shanghai. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.19

The third province is that of Anhwei. We have two mission stations in this portion of the field, now in charge of a native evangelist, Brother Han. This province has a population of 23,672,000. The people in this province are largely devoted to agriculture. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.20

The remaining province in the East China Mission is that of Chekiang, having a population of 11,580,000. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.21

The aggregate population for the East China Mission is ninety-five million, practically the population of the United States. This mission is one of the most accessible. It can be reached more conveniently than any other part of the empire. It is well provided with waterways, which can be traveled by means of small steam launches. It also has a number of railways, one of which runs from Shanghai to Nanking, and now extends north to Tientsin. There are also cross railways, connecting important centers with this main trunk line. The great canal which was built the second century after Christ also runs north and south through these provinces. GCB May 19, 1913, page 39.22

Our work was begun in this division at Shanghai, in the spring of 1908, when our printing office was removed to this place. The office was not so large as it is now, and so it could be moved quite easily. A short time after this, land was purchased for the headquarters of our mission, where the houses and the printing plant of which Elder Evans spoke this morning have been built. Here were stationed Brother Winslow and family, Brother Roberts and wife, also myself and wife, and Sister B. Miller. Only one, however, of this number devoted time to the study of the Shanghai language—Sister B. Miller. She is still helping in this place. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.1

These laborers were afterwards reenforced by Brother F. E. Stafford and wife, from the Pacific Press. Brother Stafford went to China to take charge of the photo-engraving plant of a large commercial printing office. He did so at their expense, with the understanding that when he desired to leave he was to receive his transportation home, but he chose to remain with us after he severed his connection with that publishing plant. Having learned the language to some extent, he connected with our mission as an evangelistic laborer, and has been very successful in his work. He and his wife, together with Sister B. Miller, have been enabled to plant the gospel in that great center, and we have several church members as a result of their labors. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.2


The next work that was established in this division was in the province of Anhwei. Brother Han and wife received a copy of our paper from the Shanghai printing office. It was sent from Honan by a friend of his. After reading it he sent for more light, and Brother Allum went down with his native evangelist. This required six days, and it was in the middle of winter. The first night he sat up all night giving Brother Han a Bible study. In a short time Brother Han was perplexed to know what he should do. We invited him to come to our Shanghai office to receive further instruction. He came. We asked him, “Are you ready, Brother Han, to unite with us?” He said: “I cannot tell you that yet, but I have fully decided that I am going to keep the Sabbath.” That decided the question so far as we were concerned. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.3

He went to his society,—he was employed as the only minister of a native Chinese independent church,—met them with his arms loaded down with our Seventh-day Adventist literature, and endeavored to defend the truth. The result was that they had no further need of Brother Han’s services, and requested him to go to some other place to labor. But he returned to his field, where he had a little company of believers, and they all came to the knowledge of this truth. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.4

When we established our training-school in the province of Honan, he had eight young men who traveled up the river, a journey requiring nine days, to enter our training-school, that they might receive a preparation as evangelists and colporteurs. A number of these young men are in our work today as colporteurs and evangelists. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.5

There is no other province that has been opened up in the same way. No foreign worker was previously there, but through a little of our literature we have now a large company of believers, and the truth is established in that province. Brother Han is a man who gathers souls wherever he goes. If he stops at Nanking, in a short time he has two or three converts. If he goes to Shanghai, he gathers them out, and wherever he goes he is always scattering this truth. His heart is overflowing with a love for this message, and his hope is the second coming of Christ. Brother Han is a native Chinese. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.6

Next our work was planned at Nanking, the translation of which means “the south capital of China.” Peking means “the north capital of China.” The Ming dynasty was located at Nanking for a time, which is now the center of many educational institutions. Our work began there through the reading of our literature. Brother Allum took some of our evangelists and colporteurs there, and made a record in selling publications. Some of the canvassers sold in one day as many as two or three hundred copies of our monthly paper. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.7

Two of these provinces have no definite work established in them. However, in this province [pointing to Chehkiang] we have at Mokanshan a rest home, a very desirable place, where our workers can go to recuperate their strength. It is a very beautiful spot, and there are located in this region many important centers. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.8

There are three distinct dialects spoken in the East China Mission,—Mandarin, in the north and west; Shanghaiese, in the southern part of Kiang-su; and Ningpoese, in the province of Shehkiang. Dr. A. C. Selmon is at present in charge of the work in this mission. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.9

Now, I need not make an appeal to you this morning regarding our needs for this eastern division. This province of Shantung should especially appeal to you. It is one which is densely populated, and is really the connecting link between the East and the North. Once established there, the gospel can easily penetrate into other parts. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.10

Now a few words about our central training-school, which was first established in Honan and then transferred to Nanking. It was finally moved to Shanghai, and I trust that will be its abiding place. In this school we have endeavored to gather together the promising young men and women that we hope to train as teachers, ministers, and colporteurs. We try also to teach our evangelists and colporteurs something about treatments. We believe that the success of work in China will largely depend upon training young men and women who will go out to different places and establish new centers. In fact, this is the way the work has gone, largely. We look to the central training-school as a great help in the evangelization of China. We have had from thirty to fifty young men in training. We teach them the message, and some geography and history, to help them understand the message, and we give them a sufficient knowledge of hygiene and physiology to make them intelligent as ministers of this message. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.11

A great many problems have faced us as we have endeavored to prepare our native brethren for efficient service. In the first place, we had to find characters by which to translate many of our theological and historical expressions and terms. We could not teach students the second, eighth, and eleventh chapters of Daniel until we had translated some words. To show you to what extent this has been accomplished, I will show you this little chart, which was made by one of the students in our training-school, showing the territory of the ten kingdoms. [The map was exhibited.] The prophecies of Revelation are illustrated in a similar manner. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.12

We find that the Chinese language lends itself well to the translation of present truth. In fact, any doctrine can be placed in this language in such a way that the common people can understand it. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.13

We are finding that as the natives are trained in our school, not only are they enabled to teach the people the truth, but they are learning to be organizers. People told us that we should never be able to get them to a place where we could send them out by themselves and expect them to organize their own people. However, our school is overcoming this difficulty. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.14

We believe that the possibility lies before us, in this training-school, of preparing men who, when filled with the Spirit of God, will cause this great country to be lightened with the glory of God; and we desire your prayers, and cooperation, and further assistance in giving the gospel to the millions in this field. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.15

W. T. Knox: Are there any questions which you would like to ask Dr. Miller? GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.16

I. H. Evans: I would say that Dr. Miller has been appointed to take charge of our training-school on his return to China this fall. GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.17

E. E. Andross: I should like to inquire if the same teachers teach the students from all parts of the empire? GCB May 19, 1913, page 40.18

Dr. Miller: We have planned at present for only one training-school. Of course there are different dialects, but it has been demonstrated by actual experience that when the Chinese obtain a knowledge of a subject in the Mandarin language, which is the nearly universal language, they can readily give it out to the people in their own local dialect. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.1

Following Brother Miller’s report, the Chair called upon W. C. Hankins to report for the South China Mission Field. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.2

Report of the South China Mission Field


We bring you greetings from the South China Mission Field, and will endeavor to give you as good a report as possible after having been absent from the field for one year. Our report, however, will not include the Hakka field, as Elder J. P. Anderson, who pioneered the work in that field, is here in person to render his own report. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.3

The territory of this field includes the provinces of Kwangtung, Kwangsi, and Fukien, and the islands of Formosa and Hainan. This was formerly divided into two parts, known as the South China Mission and the Southeast China Mission, but last September, under the new organization, it was all placed in one division. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.4

There are five Chinese dialects spoken in this mission,—Cantonese, Hakka, Hoklo (or Swatowese), Amoyese, and Foochowese. Japanese is spoken in the island of Formosa, and a number of different dialects are spoken by the aboriginees of the islands of Formosa and Hainan. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.5

This division has a population of about sixty-five millions, and at the close of 1912 we had only 7 ordained ministers,—5 foreign and 2 Chinese,—to carry forward the work. To aid them, we had 2 foreign licentiates and 15 Chinese, 3 foreign Bible women and 9 Chinese, 14 colporteurs, and 21 other Chinese workers. There were 7 churches, with a combined membership of 262. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.6


Cantonese Work

This work was begun many years ago by Brother A. La Rue settling in Hongkong and working as a self-supporting missionary among the English-speaking Chinese and the English soldiers and sailors who were often found in the city. In 1902 Elder J. N. Anderson and family and Sister Ida Thompson arrived in Hongkong, and began the study of the language. The next year they were joined by Brother and Sister E. H. Wilbur, and they all moved to the city of Canton. At that time there was not a single Seventh-day Adventist Chinaman in all China, and it is very hard for those who have not passed through a similar experience to realize what it meant to get a foothold in that great Chinese metropolis under those conditions. Hoping to find young people whose hearts would be open to the message, and who could be educated to become workers in this cause, a boys’ school and a girls’ school were started. As soon as the worker had the language sufficiently well learned to make a start, a chapel was opened where this last great message of mercy was preached night after night, and where those who accepted the truth could meet from Sabbath to Sabbath. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.7

Time will not admit of a detailed account of the growth of our work in this field, but a special case or two may be of interest. During the year 1909, at a general meeting of the Chinese believers in the Kwangtung Province, fourteen were united with the family of God by baptism, seven of whom were from the girls’ school. That evening after the baptism, when the girls had returned to the school, they were talking over the events of the day and saying what a good meeting they had had, when some one said that now they could look forward to another good meeting next year. “Yes,” said one of the girls, “but I will not be as happy next year.” “Why not?” asked the others. “Because,” said the girl, “I can only be baptized once, and I have already been baptized this year, so I cannot look forward to that happiness again.” GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.8

One of the girls from this school lived in Kong Mun. When she returned home she had given her heart to the Lord, and was rejoicing in the good things she had learned in the school. She desired to share all these blessings with her heathen sisters, but it was entirely against all Chinese custom for her to go from house to house carrying on Bible studies, as she might have done in this country, so she asked the women to come to her home so that she might teach them. They were willing to come, but many of them had little bound feet, and it would have been impossible for them to walk so far. But the girl was not to be balked in her desire to give them the precious truth she had learned, so she suggested carrying them to her house on her back. This plan they agreed to, and she carried them to and from her home for the privilege of teaching them the precious news of salvation. I wonder how many young women in this country would be willing to show their love for the truth in the same way? GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.9

The Medical Missionary Work

This branch of work has been carried on by Dr. Law Keem. He opened his work in Fat Shan, a village containing about half a million inhabitants. Here he has carried on a school and chapel, and a dispensary part of the time. His dispensary is fitted up with a bath-tub and a place for simple treatments. The Doctor has carried on his work in such a way as to make the medical work the opening wedge for preaching the gospel. One good feature of his work is that he has used the medical work to bring in means to help carry on the school and gospel work. Our China Union Mission treasurer told me just before I left China that the doctor’s income from his medical work practically met all the expenses of his station, with the exception of his own salary. Would that we might have a few more medical missionaries in this field who would do the same kind of work. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.10

The Work in Amoy

The work in this field began with the conversion of Elder Keh Nga Pit by the young Chinaman whom elder Munson sent up from the Straits Settlement to learn the Amoy dialect. In the spring of 1905 my wife and I were sent into this territory, and were joined in March of the following year by B. L. Anderson and wife. When we first went to Amoy, Brother Keh was the only baptized Sabbath-keeper. There was one old man who was just starting to keep the Sabbath. At first there was no attempt made to open schools, but our entire attention was given to preaching the message and distributing literature. From the very first the work has gone steadily forward, and each year has seen a steady increase in membership and tithes and offerings. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.11

Tens of thousands of copies of tracts and our Chinese periodical, The Signs of the Times, have been circulated all over this territory, and fruitage has already been seen. Elder Keh’s tract, “A Treatise on the Sabbath,” was read by a man living seventy miles up the coast, in the city of Chin-chew. He was convinced of the truth of what he had read, and commenced to keep the Sabbath. He died of the plague before we had a chance to see him, but the seed thus sown was not lost, and we now have an organized church at that place with a membership of about twenty, and with an average attendance at Sabbath services of from fifty to sixty. This is only a sample of how our literature is working, and we expect an even more bountiful harvest in the future. GCB May 19, 1913, page 41.12

Our School Work

As mentioned before, we did not start school work at first, but after we had organized several churches our members began to ask for school privileges for their children. They did not care to send them to the heathen schools, and the schools of the other missions were now closed to them. To meet this demand, we have opened three boys’ schools and a girls’ school in the Amoy district. Two of the boys’ schools are day schools, and have an attendance of sixty to seventy in one and fifty in the other. Many of these are children of the believers, but a few of the heathen children also attend. Besides these day schools we have one boarding school, where the older boys are taken and trained to be workers in this cause. Here they are given only such studies as will be of use to them in carrying forward this work, and it is also our aim to give them practical work while still in school, so that we can form some idea of their ability, and they may be able to make a practical application of what they are learning. Most of the boys help to support themselves while in school by selling our books and papers. They are also given a chance to preach in our chapels of Amoy, Kulangsu, and the different country chapels. Sometimes Elder Anderson takes a number of the boys and goes on a canvassing and preaching tour through the country. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.1

Sister B. L. Anderson had a great desire to do something for the girls of our district, so she opened a girls’ school in our Amoy chapel, and has paid the teacher’s salary by exporting the beautiful Amoy lace. Last year they had an enrollment of about seventy. This school has a very good reputation, and they have more applicants for enrollment than they have room to receive. We hope that these girls will prove to be the means whereby we may bring the truth to the families they represent. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.2

The Work in Swatow

If my time were not so limited I could tell you a very interesting story of how the work opened up in the Swatow district. The hand of God was plainly seen in this work, and from the very start the work here has gone ahead of our ability to follow it up and bind it off. For two years we asked the Mission Board to send us a suitable man to fill the opening there. Several different ones were under appointment for that place, but something always hindered their coming, until Elder W. F. Hills and family finally arrived, in November, 1911, to take up this work. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.3

The conversion of Ang Tsu Kiet to this truth was a very remarkable one, and was the direct result, in the hands of God, of Elder Keh’s stopping off at Swatow while on his way to a general meeting at Canton. Brother Ang was an independent preacher of the Baptist persuasion, and was holding an official position under the government, while acting as the unpaid pastor of a little church of about seventy members who met each Sunday in his home. When he accepted the truth, this company also voted to go with him in keeping the Sabbath. Not all of these have remained faithful to the step thus taken, but perhaps half of that number still attend the Sabbath services, and some of them are regular baptized members of the Swatow church. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.4

We have a regularly organized church in Swatow of about thirty members, and there are about a dozen little companies of Sabbath-keepers scattered throughout this district, with at least two hundred unbaptized Sabbath-keepers, who meet regularly to keep the Sabbath and listen to the teachings of God’s Word. A number of bright men have joined us who were formerly teachers or preachers or doctors in the other missions, but who are now giving their lives to the preaching of the third angel’s message. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.5

One of the latest communications we have received from Elder Hills is concerning the conversion of a Baptist preacher to this truth, and that about thirty of his former flock have decided to come with him. Word has also reached us of the organization of two church-schools in the city of Swatow, one for boys and one for girls, so that the children of our Sabbath-keeping brethren may have school privileges. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.6


For many years we have been looking forward to establishing work in Foochow, the capital of the Fukien Province, but we have had no one who could speak that dialect. Now Elder Keh has added that dialect to his vocabulary, and has started work in that city. The latest report from there announced that about twenty were meeting together for Sabbath services. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.7


Formosa also has one Chinese worker, who has succeeded in putting a great deal of literature in the hands of the people, and who has been given a great deal of free advertising by the pastors of the other churches opposing his work. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.8

Thus something has been done in all parts of our territory except the province of Kwangsi and the island of Hainan. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.9

Tithes and Offerings

From the very beginning, our brethren have been faithful in the payment of tithes and offerings, and in 1910 the average annual amount given for the support of the cause by the Chinese members of the Southeast China Mission, averaged seven dollars each. Most of our baptized believers are poor, but they love the message, and give liberally. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.10

We held a general meeting down at Amoy, and one day gave a talk on our organization and finances. One of our boys who was acting at the time as cook, was at the meeting, and he went up to one of our larger companies and gave them a regular sermon on organization and finance. One old man who had just come into the truth, said: “I did not know we needed money like that. I have on a solid gold ring that I bought just before I came into the truth. I have no need for such things, now that I am an Adventist. I will sell it, and give the proceeds to the cause. He sold it. It did not bring him quite ten dollars, so he went down into his pocket and made it an even ten, and sent it down to us. Now, dear friends, you say it is only ten dollars, but that means two months’ salary over there. What is the average amount paid people over here? At least $100 or $150 for two months. That same old man was faithful in tithes and offerings up to the day of his death. He died in Jesus a little while ago. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.11

I have known men over there who had families of two or three children, whose tithe amounted sometimes only to five and ten cents a week. You would think, “How in the world can they live?” They need every bit of money they get to live on, but they bring their tithe in faithfully, notwithstanding their poverty. It is only five cents sometimes,—ten cents of our Mexican money. Sometimes it amounts to twenty cents, but they bring it in faithfully, and add their offerings as well. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.12

Our Needs

We need, above all things else, greater consecration to God on the part of all our native and foreign workers. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.13

We also need your prayers, my brethren. O, I tell you, dear friends, it is a good thing to know that our people over here are remembering us at the throne of grace daily, morning, noon, and night, as they bow to God. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.14

We need workers who are fully consecrated,—men who love God, and who are willing to sacrifice for this cause. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.15

We need more of your means. We shall have to have financial help, more and more, as the truth advances in these regions. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.16

Dear friends, we who are in China desire to see the message go quickly to every part of our field. The Chinese would like to see the Lord come. I could tell you how our young people come in and ask me every time they come together, “Have you any news?” What news do they want? They want news concerning the fulfillment of prophecy, that they may know when the Lord is coming. O, that we all over here had the same desire to see our Master come that some of those young men have there: I tell you we would finish this work in a very short time. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.17

W. T. Knox: The time has passed for adjourning. At subsequent meetings we will have opportunity to hear reports from other portions of the Asiatic field. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.18

It was voted to adjourn. GCB May 19, 1913, page 42.19

W. T. KNOX, Chairman.
W. D. SPICER, Secretary.