General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3


October 22, 1889



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SUNDAY evening, October 20, was set apart to the interests of Health and Temperance. The president of the Association, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, opened the meeting, and prayer was offered by Elder J. N. Loughborough. The reading of the secretary’s report was deferred until next meeting. The president made interesting remarks upon the growing interest in the work of the Association, the present membership being about 20,000. He spoke of the facts that were developed about ten years ago, when the Health and Temperance pledges were first circulated. Many persons were found who were opposed to signing pledges, the real reason being, in some cases, that they were using a little tobacco, wine, tea, or coffee. Time and labor have eliminated these elements, and now the denomination is much more free from those things than formerly. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.1

Some of the reasons why there has not been more work done in the past, is that the officers have often been removed from their field, and the Health and Temperance work has been left to suffer. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.2

In response to a call for reports from different fields, Elder Loughborough spoke for the Pacific Coast, reporting increased interest. In California cooking-schools are held in connection with the camp-meeting, and practical instruction is given in the art of properly preparing food. This feature always awakens a great deal of interest, both in the camp, and among the people of the community. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.3

Elder W. H. Wakeham spoke for Iowa, and Elder D. A. Robinson for South Africa. He said that after several weeks of fruitless efforts to gain the attention of the people in Cape Town, they succeeded by beginning to give health and temperance lectures. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.4

Dr. Kellogg said that young men and women should be educated in the science of healthful cookery, in order that they might instruct others as they go out to work. Volunteers are needed, to be educated so that they can go from house to house doing good to the afflicted, in connection with city mission work. Thus they may be real followers of Jesus. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.5

The president deferred the appointment of committees, and the meeting adjourned. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.6


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HYMN No. 678 was sung to open this meeting, and all united in prayer with Elder J. O. Corliss. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.7

After the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting, credentials were presented by John Vuilleumier, from the Central European Conference, and by C. N. Woodward, from Minnesota. The treasurer’s report was then read, of which the following is a summary:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 31.8

July 1, 1888, Cash on hand,$7,517.79
 “  1, 1889, Rec’d. from Confer’s for year$23,949.65
               “         Honolulu      “161.45
               “         Individ’ls    “2,879.05
               “         Brooklyn Mis. “32.37
Total receipts,27,022.52
Grand Total,$34,540.31
July 1, 1889, Paid to ministers and laborers
             during year,$22,130.53
             Paid for tents for Georgia, Maryland, and New Mexico,421.30
             Appropriation in 1885-6 to Canada, to Missouri, work in Arkansas,400.00
             Office expenses for 1888,721.93
July 1, 1889, Board of delegates in Minneapolis at last Gen. Conf.150.00
             1/8 Kentucky T. and M. debt,392.71
             Expense of moving canvassers into new fields of labor,545.44
Total expenditures,$24,761.91
Balance of cash on hand July 1, 1889,$9,778.40

Under the head of unfinished business Elder R. A. Underwood presented the report from his district, which according to the program, should have been given the day before. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 32.1


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With pleasure and a sense of gratitude to God I present to this Conference a condensed report of the work in the field lying largely east and north-east of Ohio in the United States, and in Canada, east of Ontario. I can give only a brief outline of the field, its needs, and what we are doing to supply it with laborers. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 32.2

The extent and importance of this field should not be overlooked. It contains fourteen States, namely, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, besides the District of Columbia, and that portion of Canada known as the Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The above field contains over twenty-five millions of inhabitants. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 32.3


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There are at present ten organized conferences in this territory, with a total membership of about 5,000, and a few hundred isolated Sabbath-keepers not connected with our churches. We have in this territory forty-eight ordained ministers, but only about forty of this number are actively engaged in the work. This gives us but one minister to every six-hundred thousand of the population. There are twenty-three licentiates, and twenty-four Bible-workers, besides about 225 canvassers actively engaged in the work. In addition to the above force of labor, we have the South Lancaster Academy, at South Lancaster, Mass., and the Mt. Vernon Sanitarium at Mt. Vernon, O., as auxiliary in educating and disseminating light in this field. The Academy is doing good work in training workers. A large number of its students were in the field at work the past season. The Sanitarium at Mt. Vernon, O., is doing a good work. It is having a liberal patronage, and is doing excellent work under the medical management of Dr. G. A. Hare. The cause in this Eastern field presents many encouraging features, and in many respects shows a marked improvement over last year. Not less than $75,000 worth of our publications has been placed in the hands of the people the past year. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 32.4

One conference has been organized, which will be known as the “Atlantic Conference.” Its territory embraces the District of Columbia, Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland, and the cities of New York and Brooklyn, also two of the southern counties of the State of New York, Long and Staten Islands. The provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia desire soon to be organized into a conference, if it shall be thought best by this Conference to do so. About one hundred Sabbath keepers are now in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The work in these Provinces has been developed largely as the result of the labors of brethren D. A. Corkham and A. J. Rice, who have given much of their time to the sale and distribution of our publications. The field promises good results for the bestowal of faithful well directed labor. Elders J. B. Goodrich, T. M. Steward, R. S. Webber, and S. J. Hersum have bestowed some labor in that field the past season with good results, under the direction of the Maine Conference. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 32.5

We have added to our laborers eight ordained ministers, several Bible-workers and a large number of canvassers the past year. There has been a steady growth in nearly all the conferences represented in this field in membership, amount of labor performed, and financial strength. Yet we feel that but a small beginning is made, compared with what must be accomplished. The great number of large cities in this field, and the influence they exert through the press and otherwise in the United States, make this section one of great importance to our work. This will become more and more apparent each year till the work shall close. We need strong, well-balanced, trained workers to labor in Washington, D. C., New York, Brooklyn, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Montreal, as well as other large cities, and the entire field. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 32.6

In view of our need of trained laborers in this most important field, and the fact that we have only one denominational school on the Atlantic coast, we ask this Conference to consider well the needs of the South Lancaster Academy, as well as the good work it is doing, and lay such plans as shall greatly increase the patronage of this worthy institution. A larger proportion of the students of the South Lancaster school have gone into the field as laborers in some branch of the work. We need many more and better trained ministers and laborers. It costs to educate; but without it, missions will fail at home and abroad. The Atlantic field calls for consecrated trained workmen, competent to meet the learned, the educator, the lawyer, the jurist, and the statesman, as well as the mechanic and the farmer. We look to the school at South Lancaster to greatly aid in furnishing such laborers. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 32.7

The Conferences and camp-meetings held in the Eastern States, nine in number, the past season have been attended with much of the blessing of God. There seems to be on the part of many a spirit of consecration, a setting apart of themselves to the work as never before. This is seen especially among those who are devoting their lives to circulating the truths, by means of our publications. The fruit of the canvassing work is beginning to be seen as never before. A recent letter from one of he above conferences reports a large interest, - thirty or more having accepted the truth at one place all of whom first became interested by means of “Bible Readings for the Home Circle.” In the past, New England has been regarded as a hard field in which to sell our books, but the effort of the canvassers in that field the present year has demonstrated that New England, with the blessing of God, is a good field for such labor. In the New England Conference alone the canvassers sold in the eight months prior to the opening of the South Lancaster Academy, reading matter equal to two million sermons. Something like one hundred persons were engaged in doing this, although not nearly all gave their entire time to canvassing. Beside the good accomplished to others, they obtained a good support for themselves and a rich experience. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.1

The field in Canada is opening up as never before. Our brethren there are meeting with excellent success in the canvassing work. A goodly number have embraced the truth in Canada by means of the “Bible Readings.” And “Great Controversy” Vol. 4. There is an urgent demand for our publications in the French language. Something should be done to help the hundreds of thousands of French speaking people of Canada. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.2

Expressive of the need in this respect, the Conference at Fitch Bay, P. Q., passed the following resolution:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.3

WHEREAS, We have in Canada a population of nearly two million French speaking people, the majority of the inhabitants in the Province of Quebec being French; therefore, - GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.4

Resolved, That we hereby petition the General Conference to provide publications treating upon our faith, especially “Bible Readings,” and such other books as can be used in the canvassing work, adapted to the wants of the French speaking people both Protestant and Catholic. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.5

The Sunday movement is coming to the front in Canada. Sunday laws are already quite strict; yet petitions are being circulated asking parliament for more rigid Sunday laws, in the following manner:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.6

To the Honorable the Senate of Canada; and the Honorable the House of Commons, Parliament assembled:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.7

WHEREAS, The due observance of the Lord’s day as a day of rest is essential to the best physical, intellectual, moral and social welfare of man; and, GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.8

WHEREAS, The sacredness of the day is in many ways imperiled in our land, and not a few of our fellow-citizens are already deprived of its inestimable blessings; GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.9

We, the undersigned, adult residents of the dominion of Canada, do hereby petition your Honorable House to enact such laws as will secure the better observance of the Lord’s day in the dominion, in all matters pertaining to general railway traffic, the management of the postal service, and the management of the railways and canals belonging to the dominion; as well as all other matters over which the parliament has control; and we humbly beg to press upon your consideration that the proper observance of the Lord’s day is in the highest sense necessary to the promotion of peace, order and good government in a free, Christian land. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.10

And your petitioners will ever pray. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.11

A striking similarity is seen in this petition presented to the parliament of Canada and the one urged upon the United States Congress at its last session. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.12

I especially call the attention of the committee on “Sunday prosecution” to this movement in Canada, and hope they may be able to recommend some plan of work to meet the issue in Canada more effectively than we are now doing. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.13

The friends of the cause in Canada hailed with joy the advent of the publishing work in Canada, which was established in Toronto the past year. Yet more should be done to help that great field. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.14

We are glad to report that the truth is being planted in Washington, D. C. A good, growing church has been organized there the past year. Six members of the Seventh-day Adventist church at Washington are connected with some of the government departments, and many more in that city are deeply interested. A tent meeting is now in progress in Washington, only a few blocks from the Capitol, with a good interest to hear the last message of truth. Thus the truth, which must go before kings and the great of the earth, is making its way into the high places of this nation, for which we praise God. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.15

Every Conference in the East needs more laborers. In response to a circular letter I sent to the presidents of the nine Conferences in the East, in which I asked: “Have you more help in your Conference than you need?” The answer came from all, “No; we need more laborers.” And some of these Conferences plead for trained, efficient help. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.16

With gratitude to God for the blessings of the year that is past, and not forgetful of what the General Conference has done for us in the past, with faith in the triumph of the closing work of grace, we ask this General Conference to do what it can to furnish faithful laborers to fill the openings before us in this the most important field in America. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.17

The Educational Secretary, Bro. W. W. Prescott, presented an interesting report which has not been furnished for publication, but will appear as soon as it can be obtained. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 33.18

The Committee on education then submitted the following partial report:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.1

It being known to the committee that the General Conference Committee have recommended the preparation of a course of reading for all our people and have appointed a committee to recommend such a course; and it being further known to them that this committee is not ready to report at this session of the Conference, we recommend; GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.2

That said committee be requested to report to the General Conference Committee at as early a date as practicable, and that their report be immediately acted upon so that if possible the course may begin with Jan. 1, 1890. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.3

The Educational Secretary having been requested by the General Conference Committee to suggest a plan for the organization of church schools among our people, and the matter having been called to the attention of this committee by him we recommend;- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.4

1. That in any case where it may seem to be desirable to establish a church school the president of the Conference, the senior elder and the senior deacon of the church be a committee to bring the matter before the church and to arrange for the election of a permanent school committee. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.5

2. That such schools should not be held in the audience rooms of churches, but in vestries or separate rooms secured for the purpose. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.6

3. That as far as possible teachers be employed to conduct these schools, who have had the advantages of training in one of our own schools, especially in the study of the Bible. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.7

4. That the expense of maintaining the school should be provided for wholly by the church where the school is held, by tuition and donations expressly for this purpose. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.8

WHEREAS, The object to be gained in our Conference and Church schools is the moral and spiritual, as well as the intellectual culture of the student; and, GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.9

WHEREAS, “Students’ Homes,” boarding houses, have been established for the purpose of surrounding them with the moral atmosphere of a Christian home, and, GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.10

WHEREAS, The plan of “farming out” either schools or boarding halls to those who propose to conduct them for what they can make from them, opens the way for temptation by lowering the standard to please students and secure patronage; therefore, GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.11

RESOLVED, That it is the sense of this Conference that the original object of the school and “Home” should be constantly kept in view, and the “farming out” plan be discouraged. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.12

Upon motion of J. O. Corliss, the consideration of the items of this report was made the special order for Wednesday at 11:30 A. M. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.13

The Committee on resolutions then presented the following partial report:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.14

WHEREAS, A goodly number of delegates are permitted to come together in this twenty-eighth annual session of the General Conference, from many fields of labor, and it becomes us, first of all, to render a tribute of praise to God for his favor and loving-kindness manifested toward us; therefore - GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.15

Resolved, That we acknowledge, with gratitude of heart, his prospering hand in our work the past year, as manifested in the success which has attended the preached word, in the multiplication of believers, in the strengthening of the ministry in numbers and efficiency, in the wide circulation of our printed literature, especially by means of the canvasser, in the prominence given to the cause of Sabbath reform through the efforts now being made in State legislatures, and the national Congress, to pass laws which will bring about a fulfillment of Revelation 13:14-17, in the enlarged work of our tract societies, in the marked interest attending our camp-meetings, in the prosperity of our educational institutions, in the success of our missions, both at home and abroad, and the enlargement of the field by the organization of two new Conferences. For all these mercies we thank and praise his great and holy name; and we will endeavor to show our thankfulness by renewed consecration to his service. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 34.16

Resolved, That section 1 of Art. II of the Constitution be amended by adding after the word “treasurer,” the following words, namely, “the trustees of the General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists.” GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.1

WHEREAS, The Lord of the harvest has suffered to fall at his post one of the pioneers in the cause of the third angel’s message, and a prominent and efficient laborer, Elder J. H. Waggoner, who died in Basel, Switzerland, April 17, 1889, in the midst of some of his most important labors; therefore - GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.2

Resolved, That while we deplore the loss of our esteemed fellow-laborer, and shall miss the able products of his pen in behalf of the truth, we can only bow in submission to the divine will which has removed him from us. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.3

Resolved, That we tender to his family our sincere sympathy in their sore bereavement. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.4

It was voted that this report be laid on the table, to be considered as unfinished business at the next meeting. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.5

Elder J. O. Corliss then moved, GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.6

That all resolutions, and reports of committees after their first reading shall, without discussion, be placed upon file, and at a subsequent meeting shall be read the second time, and shall then be open for amendment, discussion, and final action. When immediate action is necessary, these rules may be suspended by a two-thirds’ vote of the Conference. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.7

Elder Farnsworth thought that this would unnecessarily tie up the Conference. Elder A. T. Jones thought that this was an eminently proper motion, since all matters appear in the BULLETIN, and can then be given more attention. On motion of Geo. B. Starr, the motion was laid on the table. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.8

The Committee on Credentials and Licenses then presented a partial report, upon which no action was taken. The meeting then adjourned. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.9

(The following should have appeared in the proceedings of the General Conference published in yesterday’s BULLETIN, but was inadvertently omitted.) GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.10

“It is hereby recommended to invite a joint meeting, at the earliest possible convenience, of the General Conference Committee, the Judiciary Committee, and the Michigan delegates to this body, to confer together on the propriety of transferring the Battle Creek church, from the jurisdiction of the Michigan Conference, to that of the General Conference.” GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.11

THE work of this Conference has thus far been done with more dispatch and less friction than that of any previous Conference. The results of the careful planning by the committee are very apparent. Best of all, the Spirit of the Lord is present, binding the delegates together. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.12


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AT 3 o’clock P. M. a meeting of the association was called, vice-president C. Eldridge being in the chair. After singing, Elder R. M. Kilgore offered prayer, and the association proceeded to organize by calling for the amount of stock represented. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was waived, and the president then proceeded to read the following statement of the work done during the year, and of suggestions for action:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.13

This has been a prosperous year for the Association, all departments being run to their fullest capacity, employing a larger number of hands than in any previous year. The Board of Trustees have carried out the will of the Stock Holders, as expressed by the resolutions at its last annual meeting, to the best of their ability. A branch office was established in Toronto last January, and is now in a flourishing condition, as will be shown by the report to be presented by its manager. An office in Chicago was opened in May, and serves well the purpose for which it was intended. The branch office in Atlanta, opened in September, will facilitate the book business throughout the South, and will be a source of encouragement to all the workers in that field. In reference to Resolution 4, as shown in the Year Book for 1889, the Board of Trustees decided to invite the Pacific Press to establish a branch office in London. The Pacific Press accepted the invitation, and now has a well-equipped office in the metropolis of the world. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.14

The increasing business of the past year has necessitated considerable outlay in the way of improvements. A large Cottrell press has been added to the list, and also an electric lighting plant with a dynamo running three hundred incandescent lamps, with which the whole institution is lighted at a nominal expense. Improvements have also been added to the west building, which gives additional room for books, which was much needed, and also provides rooms for the General Conference and International Tract Society and National Religious Liberty Association. The actual need of a safe depository for the books and records of the institution necessitated the building of a vault, and consequently the enlarging of the Counting Room. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.15

This year’s business has been no boom, but the result of a steady, increasing business, built up largely by the systematic canvassing work. There are no reasons why, with a wise policy, the publishing interest should not continue to increase from year to year, and thus meet the expectations of our brethren, and fulfill the mission for which they were established. As our work enlarges, we find difficulty in supplying our canvassers with books promptly, especially so in the north west and south-west. I would therefore suggest for your consideration the advisability of establishing two more branch houses, located at good distributing points in the north-west and in the south-west. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.16

The importance of the publishing work demands your most earnest attention at this time. You should make a most thorough study of the existing relations between the Association and the denomination, and lay such plans as will best advance the general work. Localisms must be placed in the background, the general interest brought to the front, broader plans, consistent with a world-wide message should be developed, whereby the publishing house may become a most powerful auxiliary to the great work. I now leave the matter with you, believing that God will direct in planning for his work. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.17

The chairman stated that his suggestion for the establishment of two new branch offices did not contemplate the drawing of strength from the main office, as these offices will simply be distributing points. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.18

The following report from the Toronto office was then read by the manager, G. W. Morse:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.19


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The establishment of the Toronto, Canada, branch office was undertaken the last of January of the present year, and the same was opened for business early in February. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.20

The purpose was, generally, to supply to all portions of the Dominion of Canada the same facilities for securing our denominational publications as are enjoyed by residents of the States; and especially to carry forward the sale of our subscription books in that territory. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.21

Under the supervision of the Canada Tract and Missionary Society, the canvassing work had already been taken hold of to a limited extent in the Province of Quebec; and in the Province of Ontario one canvasser had been engaged for a portion of the time since last December. Something had also been done in the Maritime Provinces. Two canvassers were sent from Michigan to Toronto to start the work there simultaneously with the establishment of the office. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.22

“Bible Readings for the Home Circle,” was the book that attention was chiefly given to, although some of the canvassers worked for a portion of the time upon “Great Controversy” and “Thoughts.” GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.23

When the establishment of the office in Canada was undertaken, it was proposed to ship books from the States to that field, to supply the demands, the supposition being that in shipping from the main house to its branch, importation could be made at manufacturer’s cost prices; or in other words, that those prices would be the basis of computing duties. It was soon ascertained that such was not the case, but that with trade books, tracts and pamphlets, the basis of computing duties must be the wholesale prices, and with books sold by subscription the basis must be 50 per cent. of the retail prices. This necessitated a change of base; and accordingly a contract, upon favorable and satisfactory terms, was made with a large and influential publishing house in Toronto, to manufacture an edition of Bible Readings, the Review and Herald supplying the electrotype plates and the paper. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 35.24

Upon the basis of importing books, the business of the branch office could not be made self-supporting; but there was, nevertheless, a fair margin for the office supplying the books. Upon the basis of manufacturing books at Toronto, for the trade in Canada, a fair living profit is realized. A complete set of plates for “Bible Readings,” was imported at an expense of $544.02. The first edition contracted for was 5,000 copies. That has been completed, and a second edition of 10,000 copies is now being printed, upon a somewhat more favorable contract than the first. In this connection it is proper to state that thus far we find the firm that is doing our work, to be strictly honorable, accommodating, and very pleasant gentlemen to deal with. They have a very completely equipped institution, and take pride in producing for us books of superior merit, as regards mechanical execution. It is also somewhat to the advantage of the sale of the books to have them made in the Dominion. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.1

The canvassing work in the Maritime Provinces has been under the supervision of the Maine Tract and Missionary Society, and ten canvassers have been employed there. The work in the Province of Quebec has been carried forward by the Canada Tract and Missionary Society, which covers that territory, and twelve canvassers have been employed. The Minnesota Society has charge of Manitoba, and has two canvassers in that field. The work in Ontario has been under the direct supervision of the office; and twenty-seven canvassers have been employed, making a total of fifty-one canvassers who have labored for periods of time varying from two weeks to eight months each. As near as can be ascertained, the average time employed in the work, per canvasser, thus far, is about three months, and the average commissions $45 per month. In age, the canvassers have varied from boys of 15 years to men of 70, and with very few exceptions, they were persons of no previous experience, in the canvassing work. The opportunities afforded thus far for training canvassers in Canada, have been very meagre. A few ladies have been employed, with equally good success as the gentlemen canvassers. With the exception of nineteen young men from Battle Creek College, who spent their vacation canvassing in Ontario, those who have engaged in the work, have come from the various avocations. With very few exceptions, residents of Canada who have engaged in canvassing, design continuing in the work as much as circumstances will permit. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.2

The sales for the first eight months of business are as follows: Total number of copies of Bible Readings, 5,280; total pages of same, 3,120,000; total number of pages of all other publications, 129,509; grand total, 3,249,509 pages; retail value of all publications sold, $14,026.68. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.3

Financially, it is gratifying to be able to state that the business is now on a paying basis. As has been before suggested, a loss is sustained in handling all books, tracts and pamphlets that are imported, excepting such as are sold at retail. But most of our trade in those has been with the T. and M. societies. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.4

[The financial statement of the office was then read, showing a net gain of $336.92 for the first eight months of business.] GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.5

Expenses have necessarily been large in starting the business - larger than it is expected they will be hereafter. The only source of revenue, worthy of mention, has been the sale of books that have been made at Toronto; and up to the date of this report only about 3,000 copies of those have been sold. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.6

I have traveled somewhat extensively throughout the Province of Ontario, Mrs. Morse having charge of the business during my absence. From observations made, together with the reports of canvassers who have labored in that Province, I am fully satisfied that it is a very favorable field for the canvassing work. Some quite remarkable results have already been realized. My brother, F. W. Morse, has recently had a class of seven in training at Florence, a number of whom embraced the faith the past season under the labors of Elder Durland. They have commenced work, and are meeting with flattering success. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.7

I have also visited the Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, and made somewhat extensive observations; from which, and the reports of canvassers, I am very favorably impressed with those fields as territory for the sale of our books. While at the Maine camp-meeting, I had the pleasure of meeting a goodly number of our brethren and sisters from the Maritime Provinces; and at Fitch Bay, P. Q. camp-meeting, I met most of our people who reside in that province. I feel sure that with proper organization and requisite opportunities for training, many excellent workers will be found among them; indeed, a number of very successful canvassers have already been secured from their ranks. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.8

With regard to the future, I am firmly impressed that the interests of the canvassing work in the Maritime Provinces will be best promoted by the organization of a T. and M. Society to embrace that territory. With such an organization, properly officered and supplied with a suitable general agent, I fully believe very encouraging results may be secured. I sincerely hope that the necessary steps will be taken during the present session of General Conference to secure such organization of that territory. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 36.9

The Province of Quebec is under a good condition of organization, and with continued efforts to advance, there is every reason to expect continued favorable results in that field. The more perfect organization of the work in other portions of the Dominion is desirable, and it is hoped may be secured as the cause advances. With regard to the Province of Ontario, perhaps no better arrangement can be made for the present than to have the work under the direct supervision of the office. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.1

We feel disposed to make a most earnest appeal in behalf of labors for Canada. That field has been too long neglected, owing, no doubt, to a wrong impression regarding it. It is doubtful if a more favorable field can be found for the promulgation of Present Truth. It is greatly to be hoped that the General Conference will exercise liberality to the greatest extent possible in considering the wants and prospects of that field, and thus co-operate with the publishing work. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.2

In this connection I wish to speak particularly with regard to the French speaking people of the Province of Quebec, and to urge the necessity of suitable publications to meet their condition. There are in that Province the largest body of people of that nationality on the Continent. Here is a great and promising field, with practically no provisions for supplying its needs. It seems to me that steps should be taken at once in this matter. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.3

All of which is prayerfully submitted. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.4

The following financial statement was read:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.5


No Authorcode

Real estate$56,000.00
Personal property63,016.53
Bills receivable11,586.67
National Park Bank4,429.69
City Bank940.30
The National Bank4,425.50
Merchants’ Bank475.19
Accounts received131,348.27
Cuts and engravings9,341.01
Fuel on hand540.00
Material and unfinished work52,413.64
Stock in sales room68,799.19
Office donations1,803.78

No Authorcode

Accounts payable$88,057.07
Bills payable95,211.91
Demand notes31,295.91
Donations and legacies14,934.33
Capital stock43,790.00
Net gain28,477.46

The Chair then appointed the following committees:-
Nominations - E. W. Farnsworth, J. B. Goodrich, H. W. Decker.
Resolutions - R. A. Underwood, F. E. Belden, F. D. Starr.
GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.6

The meeting then adjourned. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.7


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MONDAY evening, October 21, the first meeting of the fifteenth annual session of the Educational Society was opened, with acting President, Elder U. Smith, in the chair. Prayer was offered by Elder R. A. Underwood. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and accepted. The Chair then made some remarks, regretting the absence of the President, Elder George I. Butler, and called on the Secretary, Prof. W. W. Prescott, who in response said in substance as follows:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.8

About seventy-five more are in attendance at the College now, than ever before at the same time of year. I would recommend a longer course of instruction for young persons than for those who are older; for the reason that those not old enough to work in some department of the cause can be engaged in no better way than in getting an education. Those who are expecting to soon be translated to heaven, ought to be doing all they can for their mental, as well as spiritual development. The College now offers four courses of study, and no one can complete any one of these without spending two years in Bible study. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.9

In the College home, the idea has been in view to combine home influence with College life. The atmosphere of the home and family is the one kept most prominent. This is helped forward by all sharing in the home duties. Each student has a fixed duty, at a fixed time, and thus every ten students do ten hours’ work each day. The work is done so systematically, that for four years the time of a meal has been known but once to vary five minutes from the program. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.10

The Treasurer’s report was then read as follows:- GCDB October 22, 1889, page 37.11


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No Authorcode

Personal accounts$ 1,550 58
Real estate        (inventory)93,975 47
Philosophical ap.      “982 90
Library                “1,325 00
Museum                 “455 36
Personal property      “702 00
Ice                    “65 00
Provisions             “403 10
Furnishing             “6,214 71
S. H. fuel             “30 26
West C. H. fuel        “76 80
Dressmaking            “43 50
College fuel           “144 74
Printing department    “4,380 46
Tent department        “186 00
Carpenter dept.    (inventory)$177 30
Book stand             “1,057 21
Bills received         “952 51
Cooking school         “181 94
Laundry stock          “81 70
Cash on hand167 97
Bills payable$17,159 56
REVIEW & HERALD25,598 10
Net worth70,096 88
$113,154 54$113,154 54

The following committees were then appointed:-
Nominations - A. T. Robinson, I. D. Van Horn, J. N. Loughborough.
Resolutions - R. M. Kilgore, W. C. Sisley, L. C. Chadwick.
GCDB October 22, 1889, page 38.1

The meeting then adjourned. GCDB October 22, 1889, page 38.2