General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3


October 27, 1889



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FRIDAY morning October 25, the delegates assembled in Conference, at the usual hour, and were led in prayer by Elder J. H. Durland. After the reading of the minutes, the report of the Home Mission Secretary, Elder Geo. B. Starr, was called for and given as follows:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 87.1


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The tabulated report of city missions this year, while it presents some items of encouragement, also presents some facts which we think should receive earnest consideration by this body. The following is a summary of the report, compared with that of last year:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 87.2

Number of cities reporting +2213
Number of workers reported13174
Visits made43,02129,939
Families visited10,3536,178
Readings given12,03710,001
Total attendance16,39916,759
Amount of sales$7,674.40$3,389.58
Number of new Sabbath-keepers258194
Amount paid for rent$4,454.47$2,939.65
Received on board3,687.713,472.66
Tithe paid4,997.205,977.25
Cash donations1,023.932,303.26
+ Four cities failed to report.

It will be seen by this comparison that the number of cities where work is being conducted, including the four who failed to report, is five less than last year. The number of workers has increased nearly one half. The number of new families visited about one fourth, while the number of readings given is five-sixths as great as last year. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 87.3

The amount of sales has decreased over one half, while the cash donations have nearly doubled. The number of converts is sixty four less than last year. This, compared with the number of laborers, we think, is a favorable showing. The amount paid for rent is reduced about one half, while the receipts for board are nearly the same as last year. The tithe receipts have increased one thousand dollars in those cities reporting, over the total of last year. This, doubtless, is far from a correct view of the facts, as it must be that some considerable tithe from those cities where work has been discontinued, is paid into the various State treasuries, which would considerably swell this amount if reported to us. The actual amount of expenditures we are unable to give; but from those cities reporting, we judge it to be very much less than last year. Some cities have succeeded in quite balancing their accounts; others averaging from $200.00 to $800.00 expense. The Chicago Bible School had a balance June 30 of $150 above expenditures. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 87.4

The Conference is aware that considerable depression has been caused in this branch of the work, owing to the large outlay of means in establishing it, resulting largely perhaps from inexperience, but in part from the actual increase in expense attendant upon living in a large city. No doubt this particular line of work was pushed too rapidly at the first, and not sufficient care was taken in the selecting of workers; but we would call your attention to the encouraging fact that about forty of the largest cities in the world have been entered, and in a good number of these, churches have been organized, which, in most cases, are the strongest churches in the conferences, numerically, financially, and in some instances spiritually. While this work has cost a considerable sum of money, we can doubtless unite in rejoicing that it has accomplished what it has, and we would not wish it to be still in waiting for us to take up. We have learned valuable lessons in the experience, and ought to move forward more intelligently. But let us move forward. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 87.5


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MISSIONS.Av. work- Hours study.Hours work for missionVisits made.New famil’s visited
a Burlington, Vt1901751159
Indianapolis, Ind45063,4561,204240
Los Angeles, Cal57931,9052,722396
Oakland, Cal126,0006,76410,2233,950
Philadelphia, Pa4..............888......
St. Louis, Mo42,0061,9661,606......
c Grand Rapids, Mich.725185219615
Cleveland, O.6..............1,734......
London, Eng.4..............3,456917
d Pittsburg, Pa2..............89.....
Washington, D. C.5..............2,567......
e East Saginaw, Mich.1426,3618,0642,722651
Readings given.Total attendance at allOther read’gs att’d.Meetings attended.Sermons preached.No. of subscriptions.
Periodicals.Bound b’ks.
Pages books or tracts not including ships or distributors.No. period’ls not incl’ing ships or distributors.
MISSIONS.Ships or distributors. Ships mark s, distributors, d.Amount of sales.
Pages sold.Pages given.Periodicals given.No. suppl’dNo. new vessels vist’d.
Burlington, Vt...........................$ 16.75
Chicago, Ill...........................423.71
Indianapolis, Ind........................... 131.55
Los Angeles, Cal...................19....71.55
Oakland, Cal31,16442,39033,742....159390.68
Philadelphia, Pa.......................13177.72
St. Louis, Mo......2,0001,700........16.15
Grand Rapids, Mich.82......3........4.70
Cleveland, O...........................592.70
London, Eng...........................95.20
Pittsburg, Pa....................................
Washington, D. C............................1,501.87
East Saginaw, Mich............................67.00
Totals31,246 44,39035,44519172$3,389.58
Donations rec’d for Missions.Car fare.No. of new Sabbath keepers.Rent of buildings.Amount received on board.Tithe paid by both converts and worker
Cash.Provisions, Estimated value.
$ 12.00$11.00$ ...........$ .....$ .......$ ........
74.30......41.2060 2455.00...................
...............25......350.00 3575.00601.00

a Six months’ report. Mission now discontinued. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 88.1

b The report of labor is for about three months, owing to interruptions in building, and absence of superintendent and workers in other parts of the State. All other items are for a full year. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 88.2

c Three months’ report. Mission now discontinued. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 88.3

d Three months’ report. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 88.4

e Nine months’ report. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 88.5

That this work could have been done only by Bible-work, we think is easy of demonstration. For example: in a city in Pennsylvania, two camp-meetings and five tent efforts were conducted during a period of two years, resulting only in eight or ten persons embracing the truth. In the same length of time and at less expense, more than twice this number were brought out through Bible work. The same is true of cities in other States. We think we may learn from this that our other methods of labor were not adapted to the large cities, and that God in his providence led his people into this method of labor, in order that they might move forward with the word of God in hand into these strongholds of the enemy. Upon this point we quote from an article by Sister White in the Review and Herald, Vol. 62, No. 49, page 769, entitled: GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.1


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“We are able to achieve vastly more than we have done, if we will call to our aid all whom we can get to enlist in the army. Some will prove worthless; but while finding this out, we must keep at work. One worthy, God-fearing worker will repay all our efforts, care, and expense. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.2

“The plan of holding Bible-readings was a heaven-born idea. There are many, both men and women, who can engage in this branch of missionary labor. Workers may be thus developed who will become mighty men of God. By this means the word of God has been given to thousands; and the workers will be brought into personal contact with people of all nations and tongues. The Bible is brought into families, and its sacred truths come home to the conscience. Men are entreated to read, examine, and judge for themselves, and they must abide the responsibility of receiving or rejecting the divine enlightenment. God will not permit this precious work for him to go unrewarded. He will crown with success every humble effort made in his name.” GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.3

If this line of work is from God, and many large cities and countries are yet to be entered, we would inquire if it does not become us to still encourage proper persons to prepare for this line of work, and in a judicious way plan to assist them in their education? or shall all the sacrificing of the missionaries’ time and means, be left upon themselves, and if they do not respond to the advice and prayers of the church, is the church then to feel itself relieved? Upon this point we would refer to Testimony No. 32, page 147, for a reply. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.4

“Our churches are called upon to take hold of this work with far greater earnestness than has yet been manifested. Every church should make special provision for the training of its missionaries, thus aiding the fulfillment of the great command: ‘Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’ GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.5

“If the churches everywhere should be advised literally to follow this counsel, by raising a fund, and by selecting from its members those most worthy and promising, and sending them forth supported by its prayers and its money, might this not be a solution to this question? and would not the church thereby be more intimately connected with the missionary work? That persons so selected may make valuable laborers, we could cite many proofs. We will here, however, offer but one or two:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.6

In one of the largest and most important cities in this country, a church of between forty and fifty in membership has been organized, much to the rejoicing of us all. Out of this number of persons over thirty are the result of Bible work. The tithe of this church is nearly 1,200.00 dollars in nine months. In another city, one of the readers of a lady worker donated nearly one thousand dollars to the cause, before he was one year old in the truth. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.7

The best talent should be selected, - persons of education and good address, those who are qualified to teach. Such will reach their own class; for water no more truly seeks its level than does the human mind. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.8

We believe that those among us who are now teaching in common schools, would be better qualified by a few years’ experience in this line of work either to teach in our own denominational schools, or, if they should not always continue in the Bible-work, to enter upon the duties of life. We hope that the matter of increasing the number of efficient laborers in this branch, will receive special attention in all parts of the country this winter. They will soon be needed both in this and in foreign countries. A seeming indifference in our churches to this line of work, has deterred many from entering upon it, who otherwise might now be engaged in it, and has also had a tendency to discourage some valuable laborers already in the work. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.9

We would also call special attention to the importance of immediate steps being taken to prepare companies to enter heathen lands, to open the work, as teachers, Bible-workers, nurses, and canvassers. Other denominations are far in advance of us in these lines. The heathen are anxious to acquire a knowledge of the English language, and while learning it from a faithful missionary, they might at the same time be learning the principles of truth. Other denominations are establishing schools for the education of native nurses, Bible-workers, and colporterism; and why should not we? A little effort in this line would go far to remove prejudices from the minds of many, and give us a standing among those engaged in missionary work, who compose the best material in those churches. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.10

The Central Bible-School has been completed at a total cost of $25,497.26. About one half of this amount has been donated. Upon the balance, we pay 6 per cent interest. The total amount of interest paid annually is $825.00. This is $225.00 more than we paid rent for a house of twelve rooms. We now have thirty-eight rooms, including the chapel. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 89.11

In harmony with the recommendation of this Conference (see Year Book 1889, page 55, Art. 4), the Illinois Conference began a course of instruction October 1, with a corps of three teachers and arrangements perfected for a series of lectures upon the eye, ear, and vocal organs by Dr. Harper (whose time is given gratuitously). The attendance from outside the State of Illinois, was two, both being from Indiana. The attendance from Illinois also is small, - three persons, - owing to the fact that for several years we have been educating every available person, until our supply is about exhausted. Most of these are now at work in other fields. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.1

We think the Conference can see that unless the situation is speedily changed, the Illinois Conference will not be justified in supporting persons at this point, to devote any considerable time to the work of teaching. We would call the attention of the Conference to the possibilities to be attained in the weekly missionary meetings if properly conducted, in giving the church intelligent information upon fields, and awakening the missionary spirit and increasing donations. The committee on home missionary work will doubtless make some definite accommodations upon this point. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.2

We would also encourage the organization of Childrens’ Missionary Meetings, to early cultivate the missionary spirit in their hearts. “The Gospel in all Lands” and the “Little Missionary” will prove valuable aids in both of these meetings. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.3

We feel certain that a large number of persons should be in training in these lines at the present time, that they may be in readiness to respond to the call of this Conference to assist in the work in the various fields. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.4

The Judiciary Committee then submitted the following:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.5

We concur in the recommendation of the council held at Nashville, Tennessee, that the proposed division of the States of Tennessee and Kentucky is a wise and proper action, and recommend it for adoption. We think that the division line beginning at the northeast corner of Hardin County, Kentucky, on the Ohio River, taking a southerly direction along the boundaries of Hardin, Hart and Barren counties thence along the west base of the Cumberland Mountains to the south boundary line of Tennessee, makes a just division of the territory; and that “Tennessee River Conference” for the western and “Cumberland Mission” for the eastern part of this territory are appropriate names for the same. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.6

We would recommend that the Committee on distribution of labor consider the wants of the Cumberland field. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.7

The committee also presented the following:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.8

In harmony with the recommendation of the President in his opening address, your committee would recommend that the territory covered by the General Conference in this country be divided into six districts, as follows:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.9

District No. 1, composed of the local conferences of Maine, Vermont, New England, New York, Atlantic, Pennsylvania, the two Virginias, the Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.10

District No. 2, composed of the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and the Carolinas. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.11

District No. 3, composed of the States by Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and the Province of Ontario. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.12

District No. 4, composed of the States of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, the Dakotas, with Manitoba and the British possessions lying north of these States. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.13

District No. 5, composed of the Conferences of Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Texas, Arkansas, and the Indian Territory. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.14

District No. 6, composed of the Conferences of Upper Columbia, North Pacific, California, the State of Montana, and that part of the British possessions lying north of this division. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.15

The Committee on Home Missions presented the following report:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.16

WHEREAS, There is an apparent need for a book written in an attractive style, profusely illustrated and handsomely bound, for use among the colored people of the South, therefore, GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.17

We recommend that the General Conference secure the preparation of such a book at the earliest possible date: and further, we recommend that this book contain as nearly as possible a synopsis of the Bible doctrines especially applicable at this time. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.18

We advise that the blanks for City Mission reports be simplified, and that only such items be retained or added as pertain especially to city work; and further, GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.19

We recommend that Elder Geo. B. Starr, M. L. Huntley, and L. C. Chadwick be appointed a committee to make such changes, and to prepare copy for the printers. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.20

We would recommend that a resolution be adopted by this Conference, that especial attention be given in the various States to seeking out intelligent ladies, and encouraging such to gain an experience in the Bible work, and as secretaries in the missionary work. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.21

It seems to us that the word “mission,” as connected with our city work, does not properly represent us in the minds of the people; and we recommend that its use be discontinued. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.22

The finance Committee then presented the following report:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.23

The finance Committee, after carefully considering the question of how our foreign missions are to be supported, adopted the following resolutions for presentation to this body:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.24

WHEREAS, The plan of first-day offerings for the support of foreign missions is a Scriptural one, and therefore cannot be improved upon, and whereas, all has not been realized from this plan that was hoped for, therefore, GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.25

Resolved, That for the purpose of bringing this matter to the attention of all our people each first day of the week the coming year, and thus leading them to form the habit of systematic giving; a series of fifty-two brief Scripture readings, interspersed with items of interest, relating to our foreign missions, be prepared by a committee of five, who shall be appointed by the chair, and that a small pamphlet containing these readings be furnished free to all families who adopt the plan of first-day offerings, with suggestions that these readings be made the topic at the hour of family devotion on each first-day morning. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 90.26

Resolved, That these readings begin with January 5, and that they be prepared and sent to State T. & M. Secretaries in season to be distributed as early as during the week of prayer. Per order of the Committee, A. T. ROBINSON, Secretary. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.1

The Committee on Sunday Prosecutions presented a report. It was voted that proofs of this report be presented to the delegates for more mature deliberation, before being published in the BULLETIN. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.2

Elder Underwood then presented the following - GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.3


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Your Committee on Church Order and Government, would respectfully submit the following report:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.4

Realizing the urgent necessity that something should be done more thoroughly to instruct our people generally with the sacredness of the church as the institution of God, and of membership in it, and of the relationship of members one to another; also a better understanding of the duties of the officers of the church, and of the relationship that should exist between the members and the officers, - GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.5

We recommend, That the chair appoint a committee of five who shall severally prepare a series of Bible-readings on the following points:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.6

1. The church as the body of Christ, and the proper relation that should exist between the members and the head. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.7

2. The qualifications of church officers, together with their duties, their care for the flock, and proper administration of the ordinances. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.8

3. The relationship of the members to each other, and the duty they owe to those they have placed in official responsibility. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.9

4. Reverence and proper decorum in the house of worship. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.10

These readings to be accompanied by such notes and extracts from the testimonies as may be suggested by the texts used. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.11

And further, in view of the great importance of this subject, and the necessity that exists for such instruction, GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.12

We recommend, That these readings be submitted at as early a date as possible to the Conference Committee, who shall prepare, or have prepared, from the same, a series of Bible readings on the above subjects, for publication in the most convenient form for circulation, at the earliest possible date. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.13

And, further, to meet difficult questions that often arise, we recommend that a question box be prepared at this conference for questions on this subject; and that such questions as said committee think suitable should be included in such readings, with proper answers thereto. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.14

Elder Corliss then called up the report upon the missionary ship, found on page 59 of the BULLETIN. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.15

On motion of Elder W. C. White the second section was referred to the committee for further consideration. On motion of Elder A. T. Jones the first section was amended by inserting the words “or buy” after the words “for service.” The portion of the report that had not been referred, was then adopted. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.16

In accordance with the rules, these reports were laid over till the next meeting. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.17

The Committee on Resolutions then presented the following:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.18

WHEREAS, Our beloved brother J. E. Swift has fallen in death in the midst of a career of activity and usefulness in the cause of God; therefore, GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.19

Resolved, That while we mourn his untimely departure, we recognize the fact that God doeth all things well, and that in love and kindness he giveth his beloved sleep. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.20

Resolved, That we hereby tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved companion and relatives of our brother; and while human sympathy is powerless, we commend them to Him in whose love there is healing, who doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men, but who causes all things to work together for good to them that love him. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.21

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Conference, and that a copy of the same be furnished to Sister Swift. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.22

On motion of Elder Corliss, the rules were suspended, to allow immediate action on this resolution. Brief remarks were made by Elders O. A. Olsen, M. H. Brown, and R. A. Underwood. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.23

Elder Olsen said: I had only a passing acquaintance with the subject of this resolution, but have looked upon him as a very consecrated worker in the cause. As he was elected a delegate to this body, it will be highly fitting that this house adjourn to day in season to follow his remains to the grave, on the arrival of the train bearing him hither. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.24

Elder M. H. Brown gave a brief sketch of Elder Swift’s life. He said he, having been acquainted with him from the first, could say that he was a man of most excellent spirit. He was at first very diffident, but upon being urged into the field he became an earnest worker, and a beloved fellow-servant. When he was transferred from New York to Ohio, we felt that we had sustained a great loss. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.25

Elder Underwood said in substance: This is to us a sad bereavement, coming as it does at a time when efficient laborers are so greatly needed. Bro. Swift was an efficient man, and his loss will be a heavy blow to Ohio. But while we lay to rest the weary worker, we hope the work will not stop. Elder Swift came to Ohio two years ago, and has since labored hard. He was beloved by all with whom he was associated. I was with him two weeks ago, when he spoke in reference to the future, that if he were to live, he hoped to live only for God, but if it was the will of God that he should rest, he felt perfectly resigned. While engaged in prayer for him, the house seemed lighted up with the presence of God. When called upon to lay down our work, may we be as well prepared as we believe was this dear brother. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.26

Following these remarks, the resolution was adopted by unanimous rising vote. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.27

The Recording Secretary of the Conference then presented the following statistical report:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 91.28


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(Report of D. T. Jones, Recording Secretary of the General Conference.) GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.1

1. ArkansasMay 21, 18881213271$ 702.00
2. AtlanticSept. 27, 188955151683.73
3. AustraliaSept. - 18883663627,468.00
4. CaliforniaFeb. 15, 1873178342,14335,032.90
5. CanadaAug. 16, 1880215141358.69
6. Central EuropeMay 26, 188464306932,139.64
7. ColoradoSept. 26, 188371103164,445.15
8. DakotaSept. 16, 188055236866,575.09
9. DenmarkMay 30, 18803110265859.16
10.IllinoisJune 9, 187173318318,800.68
11.IndianaSept. 20, 187295491,1483,776.33
12.IowaSept. 20, 1863139791,76014,718.82
13.KansasSept. 10, 18751013642,18310,780.26
14.KentuckyMay 20, 18762..575350.00
(Now under Tennessee.)
15.MaineNov. 1, 186743244522,625.21
16.MichiganOct. 5, 186127291184,44331,955.46
17.MinnesotaOct. 4, 1862129661,91312,213.17
18.MissouriJune 2, 187677247733,455.98
19.NebraskaSept. 25, 187854366708,460.85
20.New EnglandAug. 24, 187176237369,759.77
21.New YorkOct. 25, 186284308264,834.58
22.New ZealandMay 27, 18892231751,403.00
23.No. PacificOct. 25, 187774266277,205.72
24.NorwayJune 10, 1887413301473.00
25.OhioFeb. 22, 186385471,0688,740.26
26.PennsylvaniaSept. 17, 187969429146,921.02
27.SwedenMarch 12, 18822312360929.23
28.Tennessee------ 18802291711,192.72
29.TexasNov. 18, 187826144252,001.84
30.Upper Colum------ 188057164384,509.66
31.VermontJune 12, 186352184731,845.18
32.VirginiaAug. 5, 18842..4118455.62
33.West VirginiaSept. 15, 18872..4125560.00
34.WisconsinJune 22, 1871118601,70910,209.02
                 Totals ........21816994327,742216,441.74
South African...............214802,798.36
South Atlantic...............1141411,014.36
North Carolina...............22480158.20
Nova Scotia...............1..331109.13

Following the statistical report, and some remarks on it, the Conference adjourned, to follow to their last resting place the remains of Elder J. E. Swift. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.2

At the tomb brief services were held consisting of a prayer by Elder O. A. Olsen, and singing by the choir, after which the delegates returned, in line, to the tabernacle, and were there dismissed with the benediction. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.3


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THE third meeting of this Association was called at 3 P. M., Friday, October 25. Prayer was offered by Elder J. O. Corliss. After the secretary’s report, the committee appointed to obtain information concerning the printing of lessons in foreign languages, rendered the following reports:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.4

Your Committee would submit the following recommendations:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.5

1. That the International S. S. Ex. Com. with the Gen. Conf. Ex. Com. appoint the following committees to examine the lessons for the ensuing year; viz: - A committee of eleven on the lessons in the English language, and eleven on lessons in foreign languages. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.6

The last named committees to be as follows;- Five for the Scandinavian, three for the German, and three for the French language. The Committee for the foreign languages shall also translate and adapt the lessons for their respective languages. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.7

2. That the lessons in English, Danish, Swedish, German, and French languages, be published in pamphlet form, for the schools. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.8

Brother P. W. B. Wessels called attention to the fact that no provision had been made for translating the lessons into the Dutch language, and made a strong plea for such provision, inasmuch as the Dutch form the principal portion of the body in South Africa, and have petitioned for lessons in their language. The report was returned to the committee for amendment. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.9

The committee to whom the resolution concerning the admission of the South African Association was referred, reported as follows:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.10

We, your committee appointed to take under consideration the resolution expressing regret that the South African S. S. Association failed to present a formal request for admission to the International Association, beg leave to submit the following:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.11

(1.) That we favor the adoption of the resolution. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.12

The resolution reads as follows:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.13

WHEREAS, We feel assured that it would be the desire of the South African S. S. Association to become a member of this Association, and it is only on account of their failing to make formal, application, that we are unable to admit them; therefore - GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.14

Resolved, That we express our regret that such is the case. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.15

(2.) Regarding the matter of admitting all such Associations we present the following:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.16

Resolved, That article I of the Constitution of the International Association be so amended as to read, - “and shall be composed of all the S. S. Associations as shall have been duly admitted as members; and such Sabbath-schools outside of regularly organized Associations that shall report quarterly to this Association: and any other S. S. Association, may, upon application through its officers become a member by vote of this body. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.17


The report was laid over until the next meeting. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 92.18

The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the resolutions presented at the last meeting (see BULLETIN, p.69). The first two resolutions were passed without discussion. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.1

When resolution three came up there was considerable discussion concerning it. Elder Farnsworth said that he did not know where three laborers were to come from, for the committee on distribution of labor was finding it hard work this year to get the laborers demanded in regular work. Elders Tait and Durland, and the president, spoke to the resolution. The latter said that he knew the scarcity of laborers, and yet he believed the help asked for in the resolution would be forthcoming. The resolution was carried unanimously. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.2

Elder Wakeham moved to amend the fourth resolution by providing for publication in our church papers of the questions contained in the Sabbath-school lessons without the answers. This motion did not receive a second. Brother Chadwick said he was in favor of the resolution as it stands. Elder Waggoner said that while the lessons had hitherto been published in the Signs, they were not designed for the Sabbath-schools at all. But as that paper is a pioneer sheet, the lessons were put out through it simply as Bible readings for the benefit of those who do not know the truth. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.3

Elders Tait and Porter spoke in favor of the resolution. Elder John thought the lessons ought to be published in full in at least one of our church papers, for the benefit of those whose minds were not so susceptible to the reception of truth. Elder White said that if he thought there was any great number of our people who were so dull as not to be able to comprehend the lessons without the answers attached, he would recommend that some measures be taken to drive them to the study of the Bible. This sentiment was indorsed by Elder Rees. The resolution was then carried. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.4

The fifth resolution was carried without debate. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.5

The sixth resolution called out remarks from L. C. Chadwick in its favor. Elder Loughborough gave his experience in California in the interest of the Worker, and said he indorsed the resolution. Elder Wakeham also spoke in its favor, after which the resolution was carried. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.6

Elder Waggoner then introduced the following resolution:- GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.7

WHEREAS, The General Conference has voted to build or buy a ship for missionary use in the Pacific Ocean and to have it ready for sea early in 1890; therefore, GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.8

Resolved, That we recommend that the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath-schools throughout the world pledge their missionary contributions during the whole of the year 1890 to the worthy object; and we urge that the State and local officers keep this object before the schools, so that their interest in the missionary work, and their liberality may be increased. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.9

Elder White took occasion to set forth the object of the Sabbath-school donations. “It is not the money,” he said, “that was uppermost, but to teach the children the importance of missionary work. The children should be taught to understand the sacredness of the work of God in all parts of the world. If this be the true object of the Sabbath-school donations then should their offerings be confined for one whole year to the work of the isolated dots in the Pacific Ocean? We ought to have a paper for the youth setting forth the needs of mission fields. Let us teach the children about missions. While the resolution was pending meeting adjourned. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.10

AFTER the adjournment of the Conference the following committees on Health and Temperance were announced:-
On Plans of Work - D. A. Robinson, A. O. Burrill, W. H. Wakeham.
On Constitution - W. H. Wakeham, A. T. Robinson, A. O. Burrill.
On Nominations - A. O. Burrill, R. S. Webber, W. J. Stone.
On Resolutions - J. N. Loughborough, H. W. Pierce, Geo. B. Starr.
GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.11

SABBATH evening Elder A. T. Jones gave a discourse based on Romans 6:6. The burden of his remarks was to show that Christ not only saves from sin, but also saves from sinning all who properly relate themselves to him. The discourse was full of good thoughts, worthy of being cherished till the latest day. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.12

Sabbath morning Elder U. Smith spoke, reviewing the work of this people from its infancy. The facts brought out were interesting to all present, and will be given in the BULLETIN as soon as provided. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.13

In the afternoon a discourse was given by Elder Farnsworth in memoriam of Elder J. E. Swift, from the words: “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.” The thoughts expressed were appropriate and consoling. GCDB October 27, 1889, page 93.14