Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 25 (1910 - 1915)


Ms 4, 1915

Interview/Comments to C. C. Crisler


Sunday forenoon, March 7, 1915, March 7, 1915

Portions of this manuscript are published in LS 443-444.

Words spoken by Sister White during an interview with C. C. Crisler, Sunday forenoon, March 7, 1915

My courage is grounded in my Saviour. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 1

I want that peace that abounds in Christ Jesus. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 2

My work is nearly ended. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 3

Looking over the past, I do not feel the least mite of despondency or discouragement in any way. I feel so grateful that the Lord has withheld me from despair and discouragement, and that I can still hold the banner. I am very grateful that it is so. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 4

I know Him whom I love and in whom my soul trusteth. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 5

(As regards death:) I feel, the sooner the better; all the time that is how I feel—the sooner the better. I have not a discouraging thought, nor sadness; yet I did hope I should be able once more to speak to the people; but that is the Lord's business, not mine. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 6

I have no desire to plaster on any additions to what I have. (Uncertain as to whether this refers to books or to Christian experience.) 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 7

I have light and faith and hope and courage and joy in the Lord, and that is enough. I do not hunger after more of the same kind, because the Lord understands what I can bear, and He gives me grace to bear up under the discouragements that I have had to bear sometimes, and I feel thankful for that. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 8

I have nothing to complain of; but I do thank the Lord for all His goodness and all His mercy and all His love. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 9

(Pointing to and handling some of her books:) I appreciate these books as I never did before. I appreciate them. They are truth, and they are righteousness, and they are an everlasting testimony that God is true. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 10

I have nothing to complain of. Let the Lord take His way and do His work with me so that I am refined and purified; and that is all I desire. I know my work is done; it is no kind of use to talk anything else. I shall rejoice, when my time comes, that I am permitted to lie down to rest in peace. I have no kind of desire that my life should be prolonged. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 11

(Sister White united in prayer, as follows:) 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 12

Heavenly Father, I come to Thee, weak, like a broken reed, yet by the Holy Spirit's vindication of righteousness and truth that shall prevail. I thank Thee, Lord, I thank Thee, and I will not draw away from anything that Thou wouldst give me to bear. Let Thy light, let thy joy and grace, be upon me in my last hours, that I may glorify Thee, is my great desire; and this is all that I shall ask of Thee. Amen. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 13

(Following the prayer:) 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 14

I did not know how it would be in the last, the very last, on account of the affliction. But I find that I can lean my whole weight on the promises of God; and I do not at all doubt or question His wisdom in any way, that He has provided for me to be carried through; and I will rejoice just as long as I have tongue and voice. 25LtMs, Ms 4, 1915, par. 15