Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


For Peoples of Primitive Backgrounds

While the Introductory Spirit of Prophecy Library will serve the larger part of the world field, it is recognized that there are groups of people of primitive backgrounds whose situation is such that it would not be possible to publish and distribute a large library among the laity. These peoples have not been overlooked in the plans which have been laid for the issuance of an Introductory Spirit of Prophecy Library. It is planned that books of such a size with a content of such a character as to meet the needs of these peoples of primitive backgrounds shall also be issued. EGWMR 78.19

Almost continuously, in the office of the Ellen G. White Publications, work having a bearing on the overseas issuance of the E. G. White books is in progress. The frequent appearance of a Spirit of prophecy volume in a new language brings satisfaction to the Trustees as marking the outworking of plans for the ever widening distribution of the precious writings in their custody. EGWMR 78.20