Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-96]


Present no Bribes or Flattering Inducements

It is required in those who labor in the cause that the heart be enlisted in the enterprise, that they may give their services not merely for wages, not for honor, but for the glory of God, the salvation of lost man. If it is evident that the heart of man is not enlisted, present no bribe, offer no flattering inducement, to obtain the service of any physician; offer that which is reasonable, that which corresponds with the principles the Lord has unfolded in the establishment of our institutions and no more. 1MR 92.1

Satan who claims to be the prince of this world, represents himself as very rich, and he can outbid you, and the larger you make your bribe, the larger he will make his. The world is Satan's agent to do his work. You will know whether or not a man is a Christian, for actions speak louder than words or profession. The spirit that characterizes the action represents the man, and the work will be in accordance with the mold he gives it. God will have it made manifest by test and trial who will stand connected with Christ in the end in the great plan of salvation. We are to act as reformers in every branch of our work; for then Christ works with us. 1MR 92.2