Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


Working Together

You are God's husbandry, God's building. You are to be laborers together with Him. Will you not remember that word “together”? Keeping it ever in mind sanctifies the soul. You come far short of appreciating the advantages that are for those who are called and chosen. Will you not walk worthy of the high honor that God will place upon you if you are faithful? You must walk humbly before Him. Put away all abruptness of speech and action.... 1NL 108.4

Work in unity. Press together. Let each one stand in his place. Speak the truth plainly, but in love. Keep the standard of truth uplifted. 1NL 108.5

May God help you to heed these words.—Letter 266, 1903. 1NL 108.6