General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




It was not possible for the subcommittee who had this matter in hand, to examine in detail all the reports that had been received by the Secretary. GCB July 1, 1896, page 709.16

The members of the committee devoted a good deal of the time and attention to the work committed to them, and presented reports and recommendations with respect to the following:— GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.1

Echo Pub. Co., Ltd., Melbourne, Australia. — The balance-sheet for the year ending June 30, 1896, showed a net gain of $1304.55. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.2

The Imprimerie Polyglotte, Basle, Switzerland. — The net gain for the year ending June 30, 1896, was $1592.63. The report from this publishing house shows that, notwithstanding the many difficulties encountered by the office there, the last year was the most prosperous on record. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.3

Skandinaviske Forlags-og Trykkeriforening, Christiania, Norway. — The balance-sheet from this office showed a loss for the last fiscal year of $2414.05. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.4

Toronto Office. — No balance-sheet was furnished from this office, but data at hand shows that for the nine months ending Oct. 1, 1896, that there has been a slight loss on the running of the business. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.5

International Tract Society, Ltd. London, England. — Their record shows a profit for the last fiscal year of $105. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.6

The Nebraska Sanitarium. — The balance-sheet for the last twelve months shows a net gain of $3526.93. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.7

Portland Sanitarium. — No balance-sheet was received. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.8

Rural Health Retreat. — Their report shows a deficit for the seven months ending August 1, of $1626.54. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.9

The Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. — The report from this institution was of a satisfactory character, the balance-sheet showing a net gain for the twelve months ending June 30, 1896, of $934.73. From a letter received a few days ago from Dr. Riley, the superintendent, it appears that the institution is well patronized, and that there are only one or two vacant seats in the dining-room. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.10

Honolulu Sanitarium. — The medical missionary work at this place has opened up very encouragingly, and Dr. P. S. Kellogg reports that the prospects are excellent. When his last letter was written, he had more patients than he could properly care for, and sent an urgent appeal for two additional nurses, who have since been sent to him. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.11

Guadalajara, Mexico. — The report from the sanitarium at Guadalajara, Mexico, showed that there was a net gain on the running of the institution, for the last fiscal year, of $183.46. Elder D. T. Jones reported that a special act in favor of the sanitarium at Guadalajara had been passed by the legislature of the state of Jalisco, granting certain valuable privileges to the institution. It appears that these privileges will be withdrawn Sept. 30, 1898, unless the sanitarium is completed at that date. A resolution was adopted by the Association, urging the necessity of sending money to Elder Jones, to complete the building as rapidly as possible. GCB July 1, 1896, page 710.12