General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




“The Boulder Sanitarium should be mentioned as among the first which will probably require the organization of a separate corporation for its legal holding and management, thus putting the institution on its own footing and relieving the General Conference from looking after the details in connection with its operation. This sanitarium is already in operation, and the outlook is encouraging. The net earnings for the month of August were $1074.38; for the month of September, $500.19. It is the design to make the institution first-class in every respect. We look forward to no distant day when it will command a liberal patronage, and be instrumental in the hands of God in accomplishing much good in behalf of afflicted humanity. GCB July 1, 1896, page 708.2

“It may be proper here to state that it was first designed to put into the institution only $12,000; later the amount was increased to $15,000. But the work grew so rapidly in connection with the enterprise, that the Association considered it proper to put between $50,000 and $60,000 into it. If successful, as the many friends of the institution have faith that it will be, it will be possible for a large share of the money advanced to be returned to the General Conference for the extension of the work in other fields.” GCB July 1, 1896, page 708.3

The President’s address was listened to by all present with the closest attention. After its conclusion the regular business of the Association was entered upon. GCB July 1, 1896, page 708.4