General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1





1. In the divine Providence we have been made the recipients of great light from the Lord respecting the truths which relate to these last days and the closing work of the gospel. Yea, we are called to be instrumentalities that God would use in carrying the last message to all the world. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.1

2. This work was begun under very adverse circumstances. Great poverty and bitter opposition confronted the early pioneers, and had it not been for their earnest faith and devotion, which made them willing to endure hardships and practice extreme self-denial, while exercising implicit faith in God, this work would have failed utterly, instead of growing as it has from a small beginning to its present large dimensions. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.2

3. The movement which has given rise to this people, is based on the fulfillment of prophecy, and from the very beginning we have believed that this generation will not pass away till the Lord comes in glory, and takes his own to himself. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.3

4. In the years that have passed since the first proclamation of the third angel’s message we have had everything to confirm us in our first position. We have seen, and are seeing, with astonishment and wonder, the exact fulfillment of prophecies relating to developments in our own government. The persecutions of the keepers of the true Sabbath, which the prophecy predicted, are established facts of frequent occurrence, and the leaders in this movement evince a growing determination to push their efforts to the bitter end. The article by Elder Allen Moon, which appears in the second reading of this series, will give some idea of the far-reaching plans that are being set on foot, and the complete organization effected by the National Reformers to accomplish their ends. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.4

5. The present status of the Eastern Question is a marked token that the end is near, and the great day of the Lord only put off till the sealing work is completed. This subject is presented in an article by Elder A. T. Jones. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.5

6. Never before was the way so fully open for the truth to be carried everywhere. There are those even among the benighted heathen who are praying for light. Truly the fields are white. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.6

7. Many of our dear people, while they are formally members of the church and hold to the doctrines of Seventh-day Adventists, do not enjoy that living connection with Christ which brings divine power into the daily life. Some may be counted among the foolish virgins. They have lamps (a profession), but want the oil (the grace of God) in their vessels. This fact should lead to earnest pleading with God, that we as a people and as individuals may be endued with power from on high. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.7

8. The growth of the work calls for a corresponding increase in the funds which are used to carry it forward; but, sad to say, this has not been the case. The resources of the General Conference have, on the contrary, diminished. The Lord has done his part in opening the way for the truth to go with power, but many have lacked the earnest consecration which places the wants of God’s cause foremost, and gives to other considerations a secondary place. GCB April 1, 1896, page 688.8