General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THIS is a 16-page weekly journal, designed especially for missionary work. Its columns are full of bright, interesting matter that cannot fail to make the paper attractive to readers of all classes. It gives subjects relating to the present truth a candid hearing, and furnishes food for thought to all careful thinkers. GCB January 1, 1896, page 685.4

Among the special departments in which its contents are arranged are the following: The Outlook, which deals with developments in religious lines of vital interest at the present day. The department of Home and Health has articles adapted to all ages, including much practical instruction in the principles of healthful living. Mission Fields always contains a rare fund of information in regard to the work of the gospel in different parts of the world. The Question Corner contains replies to questions as to meaning of different Bible texts difficult to understand. The International Sabbath-school lessons are presented in a lucid and practical manner, calculated to be of invaluable service to all students. The aim of the editors is to bring out the real pith of the Scripture teachings. GCB January 1, 1896, page 685.5

These are only a few of the many things of interest and value that the paper brings its readers week by week. For subscriptions or sample copies, address Signs of the Times, Oakland, Cal. GCB January 1, 1896, page 685.6

Single copy, one year (50 numbers)$1.00
To foreign countries in postal union ($1.50)6s

The Title of our last Publication is GCB January 1, 1896, page 685.7