General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




SINCE the last issue of the BULLETIN but few recommendations have been made by the Foreign Mission Board up to the time of the spring council, which has just closed. During this council, a number of changes were suggested, but these cannot be stated at this time, because arrangements have not yet been sufficiently completed to enable us to announce with certainty the carrying out of the same. The following is a partial list of the recommendations which have been made:— GCB January 1, 1896, page 653.8

1. That Professor W. W. Prescott be requested to go from Australia to South Africa, remaining in the latter field until near the close of the present year; in the meantime visiting Zambesia, if thought best, and then, if consistent with the needs of the work in South Africa, return in time for the next General Conference. GCB January 1, 1896, page 653.9

2. That several medical missionaries be sent to India to connect in labor with Elder D. A. Robinson. GCB January 1, 1896, page 653.10

3. That permission be given to William Lenker to return from India at his own expense. GCB January 1, 1896, page 653.11

4. That A. L. Lingle and wife and a physician go to Honolulu as medical missionaries. GCB January 1, 1896, page 653.12

5. That a teacher be sent to Honolulu to engage in the work. GCB January 1, 1896, page 653.13

6. That Elder S. N. Haskell go from South Africa to Australia to attend the general meetings in that field, and to remain as long as the interests of the work may seem to demand. GCB January 1, 1896, page 653.14

7. That Elder C. A. Hall, of Kansas, go to South Africa to labor. GCB January 1, 1896, page 654.1

8. That Herbert Dexter and wife, of California, go to the Society Islands to labor. GCB January 1, 1896, page 654.2

9. That the officers of the Battle Creek church be requested to furnish one or more families, of not more than four in each family, to go as self-supporting missionaries on the next trip of the “Pitcairn.” GCB January 1, 1896, page 654.3

10. That the Superintendent of Dist. No. 8, be asked to recommend to the Foreign Mission Board a German teacher, and a German minister for the work in Brazil. GCB January 1, 1896, page 654.4

11. That Doctor Swayzey and wife be accepted as medical missionaries for Mexico. GCB January 1, 1896, page 654.5

12. That Elder D. A. Robinson be given permission to make translations of tracts and leaflets into the Bengali. GCB January 1, 1896, page 654.6

13. That Elder J. E. Graham be appointed Superintendent of the Polynesian field with power to make such changes in laborers, and in otherwise directing the work, as may seem warranted by the circumstances, it being understood that he shall counsel with the Foreign Mission Board, and with the “Pitcairn” Committee on the Pacific Coast, as far as possible, with reference to such changes. GCB January 1, 1896, page 654.7

Foreign Mission Secretary.