General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




The question of certain text-books for use in our schools received some attention, and Elder A. T. Jones was requested to prepare something on the line of Bible history, and Professor G. H. Bell was requested to prepare for publication a series of language books suitable for use in our schools. GCB January 1, 1896, page 649.1

That instead of conducting Bible schools as formerly, it be recommended that, in the future, efforts be put forth by our several schools and colleges to make special provision to meet the needs of the class of workers heretofore accommodated by our Bible schools. GCB January 1, 1896, page 649.2

That Elder G. A. Irwin, Elder O. A. Olsen and S. M. Jacobs act as a board of managers for the Oakwood Industrial School at Huntsville, Ala., the last-named to act as business manager of the school. GCB January 1, 1896, page 649.3

The Seventh-day Adventist educational society having recommended that a committee be appointed by the General Conference Committee to take into consideration the improvement of our educational work, and the best methods for the improvement of the workers, and to report at the next annual session of the society, it was recommended that the following-named persons be appointed to act on said committee: Professor W. W. Prescott, Elder O. A. Olsen, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, Elder W. C. White, Elder R. C. Porter, Elder H. P. Holser, the President of the Battle Creek College, the President of Union College, the President of Walla Walla College, the President of Healdsburg College, and the Principal of the Keene Industrial School. GCB January 1, 1896, page 649.4