General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




IN connection with the Council held at this place, February 20 to March 22, the General Conference Committee held thirty meetings. The following-named members were in attendance: Elders O. A. Olsen, J. N. Loughborough, A. J. Breed, J. H. Morrison, G. A. Irwin, J. H. Durland, R. C. Porter, and H. P. Holser. The proceedings covered a wide range, including the interests of our evangelistic work throughout the entire field, also the special interests of our several institutions, — educational, publishing, sanitarium, etc. The work is making rapid progress. Most careful planning and counsel are necessary. The recent meetings were doubtless the most important ever held by a General Conference Committee of the Seventh-day Adventists. A feature of the meetings worthy of special mention was the devotional element entering into them. A most solemn sense of the responsibility resting upon the Committee seemed to pervade the hearts of all the members. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.8

While it would give us pleasure to publish, at this time, a full account of the proceedings, it would be useless to do so, in consequence of the incomplete condition of arrangements affecting much of the business transacted; especially does this apply with reference to recommendations touching changes of fields of labor; for it must be seen that the General Conference Committee does not act arbitrarily in such matters, but moving in the fear of God, makes recommendations, leaving the completion of arrangements to be made by correspondence, the interests of all being fully consulted. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.9

The following recommendations we deem of general interest, and are sufficiently developed to warrant their publication:— GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.10