General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




Great care should be exercised in choosing persons to read the matter prepared for the different meetings. They should be appointed a sufficient length of time beforehand to give them opportunity to make careful and prayerful preparation for their duties. While it is necessary for them to be good readers, in the common acceptance of the term, it is also necessary that they should be in condition spiritually to enter into the full meaning of the thoughts designed to be conveyed in the readings. They cannot do this unless they have the spiritual experience represented in the readings themselves. It would be impossible for them to do their work effectively, without tenderness of heart and a keen appreciation of the importance of the occasion. GCB December 1895, page 643.14

Where there are several persons in a church who are good readers, it may be well to divide the work, assigning to each certain articles to read. But whether one or more do the reading, it should be done slowly and distinctly and with proper emphasis. It may often be well for the reader to repeat some of the important passages, so that the hearers may get the thought fully before them. GCB December 1895, page 643.15