General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




The number of meetings to be held in each place must necessarily depend upon the situation and the circumstances of our brethren. Where a minister is present to take the lead, we would advise that arrangements be made for as many services as can consistently be held. But there should be at least one each day, when the address prepared for the occasion should be read, the meeting being held at a time when the largest number can be present. GCB December 1895, page 643.9

The following is suggested as a program for the meeting where but one is held daily: (1) Opening hymn; (2) A brief statement of the purpose of the meeting by the elder or leader: (3) A season of prayer, in which a number take part, offering short and earnest petitions for God’s guidance and help: (4) Reading of the article for the day; (5) After the reading is over, it would be well to give opportunity for a short social meeting. GCB December 1895, page 643.10

Where more than one meeting is held daily, it may be well to divide the article, using a part at one meeting and the remainder at the other. Open and close the services promptly, and make them both interesting and profitable. GCB December 1895, page 643.11

The program for the week of prayer should be so arranged that the children and youth can be benefited thereby. They need the blessing of God as well as the older ones. GCB December 1895, page 643.12