General Conference Bulletin, vol. 2




THE nineteenth meeting of the General Conference convened at 3:30 P. M., March 7, 1897, O.A. Olsen in the Chair. Prayer was offered by N. P. Nelson. Minutes of the eighteenth meeting were approved. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.7

The report of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses, which had been offered in the eighteenth meeting, was called up, and it was moved by Victor Thompson, That the report be adopted, each name being considered separately. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.8

The report was unanimously adopted as follows:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.9

The Committee on Credentials and Licenses would respectfully submit the following report:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.10

For Credentials.—O. A. Olsen, S. N. Haskel, J. N. Loughborough W. C. White, W. W. Prescott, A. J. Breed, R. C. Porter, G. A. Irwin, J. H. Morrison, H. P. Holser, Geo. I. Butler, M. H. Brown, J. T. Boetteher. A. C. Bourdeau, B. J. Cady. J. M. Cole, G. W. Colcord, J. M. Erickson, G. E. Fifield, J. H. Durland, W. H. Falconer, C. M. Gardner, J. E. Graham. Francis Hope, Frank J. Hutchins, A. J. Haysmer, A. T. Jones, D. T. Jones, R. M. Kilgore, C. N. Martin, Allen Moon, H. Nicola, R. A. Underwood, W. J. Stone, N. W. Allee, Rodney S. Owen M. M. Olsen, S. Osborn, J. R. Palmer, D. A. Robinson, A. J. Read, F. I. Richardson, U. Smith, D. T. Shireman, B. S. Shaw, W. A. Spicer, Smith Sharp, H. Shultz, A. O. Tait, G. C. Tenney, E. J. Waggoner, Mrs. E. G. White, F. H. Westphal, H. S. Washburn, R. S. Weber, F. M. Wilcox, J. M. Willoughby, J. C. Foster, M. C. Wilcox, G. W. Caviness, E. J. Hibbard, G. E. Langdon, C. M. Kinny, I. E. Kimball, L. Mc Coy, G. B. Tripp, C. C., Lewis, N. W. Kauble, L. A. Hoopes, L. T. Nicola, C. P. Bollman, E. W. Webster, Jean Vuilleumier, Wm. Woodford, H. F. Graf, Isaac Morrison, G. H. Baber, D. U. Hale, S. J. Hersum, E. Hilliard, Wm. Hutchinson, E. Van Deusen, J. A. Brunson, E. B. Miller, J. D. Rice, Grant Adkins, J. O. Johnston, A. F. Ballenger, B. F. Purdham, W. C. Grainger, F. W. Spies, H. W. Miller, w. t. Drummond, C. A. Hall, O. S. Ferren, E. H. Gates, H. J. Farman, O. Johnson, L. Johnson, M. Larson, James Morrow, M. D. Mattson, J. W. Collie, I. H. Evans, V. H. Lucas, C. B. Hughes. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.11

For Ordination and Credentials.—A. Barry, J. E. White, J. E. Evans, F. L. Mead. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.12

For Ministerial Licenses—W. H. Mc Knee, J. E. Caldwell, P. Giddings, W. T. Bland, David Funk, Ellery Robinson, W. H. Auderson, Z. Sherrig. C. E. Sturdevant, M. C. Sturdevant, E. S. Butz, C. D. M. Williams, M. W. Lewis, J. H. Neall, Miguel Placenia, W. S. Swayze, B. F. Richards, W. W. Eastman, E. L. Sanford, J. R. Buster, T. H. Okahira, F. E. Braucht, W. E. Haskell, H. F. Ketring, E. H. Huntley, Geo. W. Wells. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.13

For Missionary Credentials—Mrs. E. W. Webster, A. B. Stauffer, Luey Post, May Taylor, E. W. Snyder, C. A. Nowlen, T. H. Davis, Lillian S. Pierce, A. L. Lingle, Mrs. A. L. Lingle, A. L. Simonton, Olive Olds, E. W. Carey, Mrs. A. M. Swayze, F. W. Halladay, Mrs. Isaac Morrison, Annie Hemming, Hattie Andre, Mrs. Ida Hilliard, Mrs. A. F. Harrison, Mrs. J. M. Cole, Mary Wilson, O. G. Place, Mrs. O. G. Place, Samantha E. Whitcis,, J. R. Mc Coy, Anna Agee, Jacob Duerkson, Anna Hammond, Frank C. Kelley, C. L. Kilgore, Lula Joseph, T. B. Buckner, Rachel E. Flowers, L. Brookings, D. W. Reavis, Earnest D. Haskell, Ida Simmons, A. La Rue, Mrs. A. Shireman, Mrs. F. J. Hutchins, Mrs. A. J. Read, Mrs. B. J. Cady. H. H. Brand, E. M. Morrison, A. S. Carmichael, John Mc Carthy, Estella Snyder. Mrs. H. H. Brand, Mrs. J. D. Rice, Miss M. M. Osborn, Margaret M. Kessler, F. W. Bishop, Mettie Sharp, W. H. Thurston, Georgia A. Burrus, A. F. Harrison, R. B. Craig, L. Dyo Chambers, J. Christiansen, O. Oppegard, G. F. Parmele, F. W. Morse, C. F. Dart, W. L. Killen, Tillie Olds, E. C. Haskell, Mrs. E. H. Huntley, Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Mrs. G. B. Tripp. Mrs. H. F. Ketring, P. S. Kellogg. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.14

There are a few other names of persons, the circumstances surrounding whom the committee did not fully understand at the time, which have been referred to the General Conference Committee. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.15

W. C. White called attention to the matter of granting credentials and licenses to laborers in Union Conferences, and suggested that it would be for the interests of the cause to transfer the granting of such papers to the Union Conferences, as fast as they are organized. The final portion of the report of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses, which was supposed to cover this matter, was then read, as follows:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.16

Moved and carried, That all cases in the European field to be considered for credentials and licenses, he referred to the General Conference Committee until that field shall be fully organized into a conference, with authority to attend to such matters. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.17

This recommendation was unanimously adopted. GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.18

H. P. Holser offered the following resolution:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 65.19

Resolved. That all other cases of credentials, licenses, or missionary credentials, whether new names or instances of omission of laborers now in the field, be referred to the General Conference Committee for consideration, with power to act. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.1

This resolution was unanimously adopted. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.2

F. M. Wilcox next offered the following as a final report of the Committee on Plans and Resolutions:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.3

Resolved. That we call the attention of the Conference officers, laborers, and church officers to the important instruction given through the Testimonies of late, on the subject of tithes and urge upon all the necessity of more thoroughly instructing our people generally in the light given us. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.4

It was moved by C. H. Jones, and seconded by A. F. Ballenger, that this report be adopted. The motion prevailed. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.5

W. C. White offered the following resolution:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.6

Resolved, That the responsibility of granting credentials and licenses to persons working in fields, included in the eight districts, be referred to the Union Conferences as they may be organized. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.7

Moved by A. J. Howard, and seconded by George O. States, that the resolution be adopted. Carried. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.8

H. P. Holser raised the question as to whether it would be best to authorize the Mission Board to issue licenses and credentials to those whom it sent out in its employ; and moved that the Mission Board be so authorized. The motion unanimously prevailed. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.9

F. M. Wilcox offered the following partial report from the Committee on Distribution of Labor:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.10

Your Committee on Distribution of Labor would respectfully suggest the following:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.11

1. That Miss Birdie Watson, of Kansas, go to Manitoba to engage in Bible work. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.12

2. That we concur in the request of the Colorado delegation that Elder J. M. Rees, of Oklahoma, take the presidency of the Colorado Conference and Tract Society. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.13

3. That we concur in the judgment of the Oklahoma brethren that Elder E. T. Russell take the place made vacant by the removal of Elder J. M. Rees. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.14

4. That Professor C. B. Hughes and wife, of Keene, Texas, be asked to answer the call for teachers in Australia. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.15

5. That Elder D. C. Babcock of West Virginia, be requested to go to Virginia to take the place made vacant by Elder W. A. Mc Cutchen, whose removal is occasioned by ill health. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.16

6. That Elder G. B. Thompson be requested to go to West Virginia to take the place made vacant by the removal of Elder D. C. Rabcock. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.17

7. That H. J. Dirksen, of Wisconsin, be asked to go to Manitoba to engage in the German work. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.18

8. That Elder J. J. Graf, of Minnesota, be requested to labor among the Germans of Wisconsin. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.19

9. That we concur in the judgment of the Minnesota delegation for Elder C. W. Flaiz to take the place made vacant by the removal of Elder N. W. Allee. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.20

10. That Elder G. W. Anglebarger, of Colorado, be requested to labor in the New Mexico mission field. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.21

11.That Elder George O. States, of Colorado, be requested to make Arizona his field of labor. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.22

12. That Elder W. A. Alway, of Minnesota, be requested to make Utah his field of labor. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.23

13. That Elder C. P. Frederickson, of South Dakota, in harmony with the consent of the Colorado delegation, be requested to labor in Colorado, taking a place on the Conference Committee. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.24

14. That, in harmony with the consent of Colorado, Elder G. f. Watson, of the Dakota Conference, be recommended to labor in Colorado. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.25

15. That L. C. Sheafe, of Ohio, go to District No. 2, to labor as the district superintendent may direct. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.26

16. That Elder D. E. Scoles, of the Upper Columbia Conference, be asked to connect in labor with the Minnesota Conference. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.27

17. That Elder Frank Armitage and wife, of Nebraska, be requested to go to Matabeleland, Africa,to engage in missionary work. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.28

Moved by D. H. Oberholtzer, seconded by A. F. Harrison, that the report be adopted. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.29

Concerning recommendation No.7, H. Shultz remarked that the interests of the work among the Germans in Manitoba were such that it seemed necessary for some German laborer to go to that field, and that Brother Dirksen expressed a willingness to go. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.30

Regarding recommendations Nos. 2, 13, and 14, George O. States spoke, saying that he could speak in reference to the brethren in Colorado in welcoming any of the brethren who might be recommended to go to that field. GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.31

On recommendation No. 17, W. B. White said: “Brother Armitage has been blessed of God, and there are a good many to-day who are rejoicing in the truth as the result of the labor put forth there. The Nebraska Conference, I am sure, will greatly miss Brother and Sister Armitage; but we feel glad to realize that they can go to this needy field in Africa, and I know that the prayers of the brethren and sisters in Nebraska will go with them” GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.32

The Chairman made the following remarks: GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.33

“The Chair would take the liberty to say that, knowing what we do of the condition of matters in Matabeleland, it means considerable to send people from our midst to that field. Two or three days ago, at the close of one of our meetings, I saw Brother Armitage over in the hall, and it came to my mind to ask him if he had not a burden for the work in Matabeleland. He said, ‘I cannot deny but that I have. It has been on my mind a good while; and I want, if I should ever be changed from the Black Hills, that my next field shall be Matabeleland, Africa.’ And then his wife, my youngest sister, was consulted, and she expressed a willingness to go. But we had a little talk to-day, and I thought she hesitated some, and so I said, ‘We will not recommend you until you both feel perfectly free, and feel that it is the Lord’s call, and not ours.’ A short time afterward she came to me and said, ‘I have been loath to acknowledge it, but for a long time my soul has been drawn out for that field.’ So it is not a matter that has come up in a moment, or a conclusion that has been hastily reached. It is something that the Lord has impressed upon these minds long before this meeting.” GCB January 1, 1897, page 66.34

Moved by M. C. Wilcox, and seconded by A. J. Breed, that some numbers of the GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN be published in Battle Creek, to contain the report of the final meetings held in College View, and of those to be held in Battle Creek and the same also to contain a report of the sermons of Elder A. T. Jones; and the papers to be issued and sent out at an early date. The motion unanimously prevailed. GCB January 1, 1897, page 67.1

The Conference adjourned to 8 A. M., March 8. GCB January 1, 1897, page 67.2