General Conference Bulletin, vol. 2


Third Meeting


The third meeting of the stockholders of the Publishing Association was held, pursuant to adjournment, at 9 A. M., March 12, 1897, W. C. Sisley presiding. Prayer was offered by W. W. Prescott. The minutes of the former meeting were read and accepted. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.21

Upon roll-call it was ascertained that 1250 shares were represented in person, and 7924 shares were represented by proxy. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.22

The nominating committees were then called upon to place their reports upon blackboards before the audience. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.23

Committee No. 1 presented the following for directors: W. C. Sisley, J. H. Morrison, G. C. Tenney, C. D. Rhodes, J. N. Nelson, O. A. Olsen, W. O. Palmer. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.24

Committee No. 2 presented: W. C. Sisley, J. H. Morrison, G. C. Tenney, C. D. Rhodes, U. Smith, O. A. Olsen, S. H. Lane. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.25

Committee No. 3 presented: W. C. Sisley, G. W. Amadon, U. Smith, C. D. Rhodes, D. H. Kress, J. H. Morrison, G. C. Tenney. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.26

It being ascertained that W. O. Palmer was not eligible to office, on account of not having been a member of the association a full year, the name of S. H. Lane was substituted by the committee. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.27

The Chair then inquired as to the length of time the meeting desired to take for the consideration of the reports before proceeding to vote. It was moved to take a recess of twenty minutes. This motion was lost. A motion to proceed at once to ballot was also lost. It was then voted to take a recess until 9:50. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.28

Upon the reopening of the meeting, W. H. Edwards moved that the present chairman retain the chair during the election of directors. Carried. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.29

The meeting then proceeded to ballot for directors. W. H. Edwards, J. I. Gibson, and W. C. Gage were appointed tellers. GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.30

During the work of counting the ballots, the meeting took a recess of fifteen minutes. The result of the election was then declared by W. C. Gage, as follows:— GCB January 1, 1897, page 60.31

W. C. Sisley,8980
U. Smith,8859
C. D. Rhodes,9390
O. A. Olsen,6377
H. W. Kellogg,6003
G. C. Tenney,6817
J. H. Morrison,8115

The persons above named were declared elected as directors of the association. GCB January 1, 1897, page 61.1

The meeting then adjourned sine die. GCB January 1, 1897, page 61.2

W. C. SISLEY, Chairman.
G. C. TENNEY, Sec.