General Conference Bulletin, vol. 2




ONE matter considered by the Committee was the question of the subtreasury. While it is a good plan to have these collectors in the different missions, the same as a conference treasurer, yet it is quite difficult to keep accounts straight with the central office if funds are to be disbursed to the laborers. In order to avoid this difficulty, it was voted that the subtreasurers report and remit quarterly to the General Conference Treasurer, and that no laborer should be paid except on a written order from the President of the General Conference. GCB July 1, 1897, page 87.12

This principle applies to the State conference laborers. The laborers are not the tithe collectors for the conference. The tithes should be paid to the ones regularly appointed for that purpose. In large churches tithe collectors are appointed, who go from house to house to gather up the tithe, and then turn it over to the church treasurer. In other churches the members pay directly to the church treasurer. In this way every member and church or company receive due credit for tithes paid. GCB July 1, 1897, page 87.13