General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3


November 22, 1889



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WHEN number sixteen of the present volume of the BULLETIN was issued, it was supposed that that would close the volume. But upon due consideration it was decided that a comprehensive index for the volume, was very desirable, and as some important decisions had been reached by the several Executive Boards since the adjournment of Conference, it was thought best to publish the whole in another issue of the BULLETIN. This will explain the appearance of another paper after so long an interval, and when it was supposed that the volume was already complete. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.1


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THE first meeting of the newly elected General Conference Committee, was held Nov. 9, 1889. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.2

The appointment of a committee on building a missionary ship was considered. On motion, the following named persons were appointed on that committee: C. H. Jones, C. Eldridge, J. I. Tay. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.3

Moved, to order 1000 sets of the BULLETIN printed, and that another number be added, containing a record of the decisions of the several committees and executive boards, and also an index. Carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.4

Voted, that we recommend Brother Paul E. Gros to labor for a time in Pennsylvania, and that we instruct the Secretary to confer with Brother Chadwick, and Elder Raymond in reference to Brother Gros’s work in that field. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.5

The condition of the South Lancaster Academy was considered. On motion, Elder Underwood was requested to confer with Brother A. R. Henry in reference to plans for helping the Academy, and report at the next meeting. Adjourned. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.6


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Moved and carried, that Elder D. T. Fero make Idaho his field of labor, but that he be recommended to first attend the ministers’ Bible-school, if he can consistently do so. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.7

Voted, that C. H. Jones, E. W. Farnsworth and E. H. Gates be a committee to consult with Dr. Kellogg about the appointment of Elder J. D. Pegg for field secretary of the temperance work. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.8

The Committee appointed to consult with C. Eldridge on the appointment of district canvassing agents, reported, recommending the following-named persons to act as said agents:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.9

DistrictNo.1,E. E. Miles.
    “  “2,A. F. Harrison.
    “  “3,J. E. Froom, assisted by F. E. Belden.
    “  “4,F. L. Mead.
    “  “5,W. R. Smith.
    “  “6,S. N. Curtiss.

Voted, that the matter of publishing a paper in New England be referred to a committee for consideration. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.10

The Chair appointed as that committee, Elders W. C. White, A. T. Robinson and E. W. Farnsworth. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.11

Voted, that the President and Corresponding Secretary each be authorized to employ a competent stenographer. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.12

Voted, to authorize Prof. Prescott to employ a competent man, at the expense of the General Conference, to assist him in his book-keeping, correspondence, etc. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 157.13

The following report of the trustees of the Central Bible-school of Chicago, was presented, and adopted:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.1

We, your Committee to present plans for the Central Bible-school, hereby submit the following report:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.2

1. We find that the Illinois Conference has completed a suitable building for a training school for Home and Foreign Missionaries, in harmony with the recommendation of the General Conference, supported by the Testimonies; and that the Illinois Conference officers wish to furnish the building free of charge for the above work, with the request that the General Conference provide the necessary instructors for the school. We therefore recommend that the General Conference pay the salaries of Elder G. B. Starr and wife, Miss M. L. Huntley, and such other persons as the Board of Managers, appointed by the General Conference, may from time to time employ for this general work. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.3

We recommend that a six-months’ course of instruction be held at Chicago, beginning January 1, 1890, for the accommodation of representatives from the various States, and that the General Conference Committee make the announcement for this course in the Advent Review; that the price of board and room (to be paid by the individuals or States from which they come) be $50,00 for the entire term of six months; the Illinois Conference upon their part, in consideration of the value of the services of these persons the last three months of their stay, to pay the street-car fare for actual Bible-work during the entire time. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.4

R. M. KILGORE,]Committee.
A. O. TAIT,]

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All members of the Committee present, except Elder Haskell. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.5

On motion, it was voted, that Elders H. W. Cottrell, J. D. Rice and Bro. Archibald be a supervising board for the work in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.6

The committee appointed to provide West Virginia with a T. & M. secretary, reported, recommending that Brother and Sister Buck, of Michigan, go to Arkansas; she to take the position of secretary of the tract society, and he to engage in canvassing work; and that Brother and Sister Bowen, of Pennsylvania, go to West Virginia; she to act as secretary of the tract society, and he to engage in canvassing. This was amended by requesting the Secretary to correspond with the parties in reference to those fields. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.7

Voted, that Elder H. W. Miller have his choice of two Bible-workers, for Ohio. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.8

Moved, that we approve the plan of taking English workers for three months, giving them their board for their labor, according to the plan now adopted by Elder D. A. Robinson. Carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.9

Moved, that the London mission make the office of the Pacific Press its place of deposit. Carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.10

Voted, that D. T. Jones, W. C. White, and J. O. Corliss be a committee to publish the readings for the week of prayer. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.11

Voted, that Eld. J. W. Scoles be requested to hold a series of meetings in Tennessee, to continue until otherwise directed by the General Conference Committee. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.12

On motion, the Chair was authorized to appoint a committee of five to carry out the recommendation of the General Conference in reference to preparing a book for the colored people. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.13

The Chair named as this committee: D. T. Jones, R. M. Kilgore, W. C. White, F. E. Belden, C. Eldridge. Adjourned sine die. O. A. OLSEN, Pres. DAN. T. JONES, Sec. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.14


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THIS committee of twenty-one, consisting of O. A. Olsen, W. C. White, U. Smith, A. R. Henry, C. Eldridge, L. Dyo Chambers, C. H. Jones, H. W. Decker, R. A. Underwood, M. J. Church, E. W. Farnsworth, E. H. Gates, D. T. Jones, R. M. Kilgore, A. T. Robinson, Allen Moon, J. H. Morrison, S. H. Lane, F. E. Belden, L. C. Chadwick, and A. O. Tait, has held six meetings, the following being a summary of the business transacted at these meetings:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.15

The chair appointed the following committee on nomination of officers for permanent organization:- A. T. Robinson, E. H. Gates, M. J. Church. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.16

Officers elected:- President, D. T. Jones; Vice-President, O. A. Olsen; Recording Secretary, F. E. Belden; Assistant Secretary, C. H. Jones; Corresponding Secretary, L. C. Chadwick; Treasurer, A. R. Henry. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.17

A committee to consider what permanent committees are necessary to take charge of the different branches of the publishing work for the coming year, was appointed, consisting of W. C. White, C. Eldridge, C. H. Jones, L. Dyo Chambers, R. A. Underwood. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.18

In harmony with the report of this committee the plan adopted for carrying on the work during the year was as follows:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.19

1. That a committee of three be appointed on foreign publications whose duty it shall be (a) to assume control of the American editions of all works translated and published by our mission houses; (b) to take charge of the publication of all new books or periodicals that may be issued in this country in any of the foreign languages; (c) to negotiate with the trustees of the Review and Herald office for the purchase of all foreign publications now owned by them. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.20

2. That a Committee of three be appointed on juvenile publications, whose duty it shall be (a) to establish and conduct a child’s paper; (b) to issue a monthly library for our young people; (c) to issue or purchase such additional juvenile books, periodicals, leaflets, etc., as are, or may seem to be needed. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 158.21

3. That a Committee of five be appointed on books and periodicals, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the publication of such books, periodicals, and other literary matter as is not claimed by any publishing house, and that manifestly belongs to the denomination. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.1

4. These committees shall take no action involving large expense or important changes without first submitting their plans to an advisory board, consisting of the president, vice-president and secretary of the large committee, who, in case of doubt or disagreement, shall submit the question to the entire board. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.2

5. These committees shall also render quarterly reports to the president of the board of trustees, giving a brief statement of the work done during the quarter, and what is desired or contemplated in the near future. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.3

The committee to attend to carrying out the first recommendation consisted of W. C. White, C. Eldridge, O. A. Olsen. The committee on recommendation two - C. H. Jones, W. C. White, R. A. Underwood. Committee for recommendation three - C. Eldridge, L. C. Chadwick, A. R. Henry, C. H. Jones, D. T. Jones. These standing committees were nominated by a committee appointed by the Chair, consisting of O. A. Olsen, R. M. Kilgore, and R. A. Underwood. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.4

The Committee on Constitution and By-laws consists of the following named persons:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.5

D. T. Jones, C. H. Jones, A. R. Henry, L. Dyo Chambers, and W. C. White. DAN. T. JONES, President. F. E. BELDEN, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.6


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THE first meeting was held Nov. 7, 1889, at 10:30, A. M. President L. C. Chadwick in the chair. Members present, L. C. Chadwick, O. A. Olsen, W. C. White, D. T. Jones, C. Eldridge, D. A. Robinson, W. C. Sisley and A. T. Robinson. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.7

The question of sending out the foreign correspondence of the society from Chicago was discussed by W. C. White, W. C. Sisley, C. Eldridge and others. Moved, by W. C. White and seconded by W. C. Sisley, that we take immediate steps to establish an office in Chicago. Carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.8

Moved and seconded, that the foreign corresponding secretary be placed in charge of the Chicago office. Carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.9

Voted that Sister Addie S. Bowen accompany Sister Huntley to Chicago, to assist her in her work. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.10

Voted, that the chairman be instructed to confer with Sisters Huntley and Bowen with reference to their work in Chicago. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.11

Moved and carried, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three, himself being one, to prepare plans for future work, and present the same at the next meeting. W. C. White and D. A. Robinson were appointed to constitute said committee. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.12


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Prayer was offered by A. T. Robinson. The committee appointed at the previous meeting, reported that they were unable to submit any definite plans, on account of the lack of knowledge as to the relation the society was expected to sustain to, and the part it was expected to take in the circulation of Religious Liberty literature. On motion, it was voted to invite the Executive Committees of the General Conference, and the National Religious Liberty Association to participate with the International Tract Society in a joint meeting. The following members of these committees responded to the invitation, and were present: General Conference Committee: O. A. Olsen, W. C. White, Dan T. Jones, R. M. Kilgore, E. H. Gates, R. A. Underwood. National Religious Liberty Association Committee: C. Eldridge, D. T. Jones, W. H. McKee, A. T. Jones, W. A. Colcord and A. F. Ballenger. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.13

The question as to whether the circulation of petitions and National Religious Liberty literature should be carried on by the tract societies, or the first-mentioned Association, was discussed at length by Eldridge, White, Underwood, A. T. Jones, and McKee. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.14

On motion, the Chair was authorized to appoint a committee of five, himself being chairman, with two members of the International Tract Society Board, and two from the National Religious Liberty Executive Committee, to present plans of work at the next joint meeting of these several committees. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.15

C. Eldridge, W. C. White, W. H. McKee and D. A. Robinson were appointed as said committee. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.16


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This was a joint meeting of the General Conference Committee, the National Religious Liberty Association Committee, and the International Tract Society Board. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.17

Prayer was offered by R. M. Kilgore. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.18

The committee appointed at the last meeting, presented a report which was amended and adopted as follows:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.19

We recommend the National Religious Liberty Association to make the International Tract Society an agent for the circulation of its literature. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 159.20

We recommend, that the publishers furnish the literature at 55 per cent. discount, and ask the State tract societies to furnish the same to canvassers at 50 per cent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.1

The question of preparing tracts on practical subjects for general circulation was presented for consideration by the Chairman. W. C. White explained that the matter had been referred to the book committee last year, but that they had taken no action in regard to it. The Chairman was empowered to appoint a committee of three to suggest subjects upon which the International Tract Society might desire to have tracts written, and to secure their publication. Dan. T. Jones, D. A. Robinson, and W. C. Sisley were subsequently announced as said committee. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.2

Moved and carried, that we proceed to the election of a publishing committee of five to secure the translation of foreign works. L. C. Chadwick, W. C. White, L. R. Conradi, D. A. Robinson and Wm. Saunders were elected to constitute said committee. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.3

Voted, that L. C. Chadwick, T. A. Kilgore, and C. Eldridge be a committee on supplying ships with publications during the year, providing the expenditure for this purpose does not exceed $2,000.00. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.4

Voted, that the expenditure of the balance of the $1,000.00, in publications, provided for in resolution 4, on page 86 of the Year Book of 1889, be referred to the publishing committee of this society. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.5


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Prayer by D. T. Jones. W. C. White introduced a plan for dividing the territory for foreign correspondence between the secretaries at Battle Creek and Chicago. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.6

Voted, that Mrs. F. H. Sisley superintend the work of the general office, under the direction of the President; that she have oversight of the correspondence and the mail, and the direction of the clerks. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.7

Voted, to invite Mrs. E. W. Farnsworth to connect with the work at Battle Creek, and assist as she may be able. Adjourned. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.8


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Prayer by D. A. Robinson. On motion of D. T. Jones, the treasurer was authorized to procure the necessary books for keeping his accounts. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.9

Voted, that the furnishing of the Chicago office be referred to sister Huntley, with such assistance as she can procure in Chicago. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.10

The Chairman called for the report of the committee appointed by the Executive Board one year ago, in regard to the disposal of the stock of the trans-Atlantic guide book. The chairman of the committee, C. Eldridge, reported that the committee not done much, but had concluded that it would not be advisable for the society to expend any more money on the book. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.11

Voted, to invite the secretaries to participate in the deliberations of the board. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.12

Mrs. F. H. Sisley raised the question of how far the society should go in the free distribution of reading matter to schools. It was discussed freely, and, on motion of W. C. White, it was - GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.13

Voted, that L. C. Chadwick, D. T. Jones, and Mrs. F. H. Sisley constitute a committee on the free distribution of reading-matter to public schools and libraries in America. It was discussed, but not voted, that the amount of such free distribution should not exceed $100.00 per quarter. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.14

Moved, by D. A. Robinson, that this society pay the cost price of 100 copies of Present Truth, to be furnished free to the South African mission. Carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.15

Voted, that D. T. Jones, D. A. Robinson, and W. C. White be a committee, to suggest a plan for the organization of Foreign Mission Literary Societies. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.16

Moved, and supported, that we carry out the resolution of the society which provides for the enlargement of the “Home Missionary” to 16 pp., and the increase of the price to 25 cents. While this motion was being discussed, the committee having under advisement the matter of issuing a canvassers’ journal, offered a report bearing on the question under consideration, which was, to recommend that four pages of the Home Missionary be devoted to the interests of the canvassing work, in charge of an editorial committee of three; and that the society accept the offer of the Review & Herald to furnish the Home Missionary free to all regular canvassers during the coming year, paying the regular subscription price therefor. After considerable discussion the motion to enlarge the paper carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.17

Voted, to adopt the report of the Committee on Canvassers’ journal. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 160.18


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Members present, L. C. Chadwick, O. A. Olsen, W. C. White, D. T. Jones, C. Eldridge, D. A. Robinson, W. C. Sisley, and A. T. Robinson. Present by invitation, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, M. L. Huntley, F. H. Sisley, and C. E. L. Jones. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.1

Prayer was offered by Elder O. A. Olsen. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.2

L. C. Chadwick and D. T. Jones were chosen as managing editors of the Home Missionary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.3

Voted, that the managing editors be authorized to appoint an editor for each department of the paper. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.4

Moved and supported, that Sister Carrie Mills be employed in the general office. Carried. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.5


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Members present, L. C. Chadwick, W. C. White, D. A. Robinson, W. C. Sisley and C. Eldridge, M. L. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.6

Huntley, F. H. Sisley and C. E. L. Jones were present by invitation. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.7

Prayer by W. C. White. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.8

Sister Huntley raised the query if it would not be for the best interest of the Chicago branch of the society to have some territory assigned it in the home field. C. H. Jones came in at this time, and was invited to participate in the deliberations of the meeting. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.9

W. C. White raised the question as to whether “The Home Hand-Book,” “Man the Masterpiece,” and “Ladies’ Guide” should be handled by the tract societies as health books. L. C. Chadwick stated that these three books were the personal property of Dr. Kellogg, and that the doctor had informed him that he wished to handle them himself. The tract societies, he thought, had no claim on them. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.10

Moved and carried, that the matter of procuring type writers for the international office be left to the Chairman, C. Eldridge and W. C. White. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.11

Sister Huntley spoke of the correspondence that was begun last year with the State secretaries, or those appointed by them, to receive instruction in the various lines of work, but which had been broken off by her sickness. It was recommended that the matter be left until the January meeting of the board. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.12

It was suggested that the Illinois society might be glad of some assistance and counsel; also that she should spend some time in making herself familiar with the workings of the Bible school. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.13

The question was raised as to what steps should be taken to dispose of the unsalable stock on hand. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.14

Voted, that the President take such steps as he thinks best to dispose of any surplus stock of publications. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.15

The Chairman raised the question of how much authority the President and Vice-president shall have in the matters of business. It was recommended that they should have authority to decide all ordinary business matters incident to the affairs of the Office. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.16

The question was asked if the children’s department of the Home Missionary should be continued the coming year. It was the opinion of those who expressed themselves, that it should be discontinued after the next number. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.17

The matter of the present system of reporting was considered. After remarks by several, it was voted that this question be referred to the committee on revision of constitution, with the suggestions that had been made in regard to it. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.18

Voted, that the President, Vice-President and C. Eldridge be a standing committee for the employment of help. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.19

Voted, that the moneys of the society be paid out by the order of the President or Vice-President, counter-signed by the Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.20

The President and Vice-President appointed the following persons as editors for the four departments of the Home Missionary:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.21

For Home Department, Miss M. L. Huntley; for Health and Temperance Department, Mrs. D. T. Jones; for Foreign Mission Department, W. C. White; for Religious Liberty Department, A. F. Ballenger. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.22

Voted, That the work of supplying publications to those who are interested and willing to receive them, as the result of foreign correspondence, be pushed forward as rapidly as the secretaries deem advisable; the amount of the same not to exceed $500.00 per quarter. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.23

Voted, that D. T. Jones, W. C. White, C. Eldridge, M. L. Huntley, and F. H. Sisley be a committee to make the division of the territory for the work of the foreign and home corresponding secretaries. Adjourned. L. C. CHADWICK, President. A. T. ROBINSON, Sec’y pro tem. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.24


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AT the sixth session of the annual meeting of the National Religious Liberty Association, held on the evening of Nov. 5, the wording of the second article of the Declaration of Principles was changed so as to read, “We believe in temperance, and regard the liquor traffic as a curse to society.” The Association then adjourned. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.25

At a subsequent meeting of the Executive Committee, the following State officers were appointed:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.26

Michigan - I. D. Van Horn, Vice-President; D. H. Lamson, Secretary; W. A. Colcord, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.27

Missouri - Wm. Evans, Vice-President; R. S. Donnell, Secretary; Wm. Covert, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.28

California - C. H. Jones, Vice-President; W. M. Healey, Secretary; W. N. Glenn, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.29

Nevada and Utah - J. H. Cook, Vice-President; George Derrick, Secretary and Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.30

Arizona - D. C. Hunter, Vice-President and Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.31

Ohio - H. W. Miller, Vice-President; E. T. Russell, Secretary; H. M. Mitchell, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.32

Atlantic Conference - J. E. Robinson, Vice-President; D. E. Lindsey, Secretary; T. A. Kilgore, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.33

New England - A. T. Robinson, Vice-President; G. E. Fifield, Secretary; A. L. Wright, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.34

Maine - J. B. Goodrich, Vice-President; R. S. Webber, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.35

New York - S. H. Lane, Vice-President; A. E. Place, Secretary; F. M. Wilcox, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.36

Vermont - T. H. Purdon, Vice-President; H. W. Pierce, Secretary; J. E. Kimball, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.37

South Dakota - W. B. White, Vice-President; N. W. Kauble, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 161.38

Minnesota - Allen Moon, Vice-President; R. C. Porter, Secretary; C. C. Lewis, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.1

Louisiana - B. F. Purdham, Vice-President and Secretary; P. T. Steward, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.2

Texas - W. S. Hyatt, Vice-President; W. A. McCutchen, Secretary; R. R. Roberson, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.3

North Carolina - J. W. Bagby, Vice-President; N. B. England, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.4

Arkansas - J. G. Wood, Vice-President; D. Nettleton, Secretary; G. W. Copley, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.5

Kansas - C. A. Hall, Vice-President; C. McReynolds, Secretary; L. Dyo Chambers, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.6

Illinois - A. O. Tait, Vice-President; W. C. Wales, Secretary; G. B. Starr, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.7

Indiana - F. D. Starr, Vice-President; J. M. Rees, Secretary; W. A. Young, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.8

Pennsylvania - J. W. Raymond, Vice-President; L. A. Wing, Secretary; M. D. Matteson, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.9

Virginia—R. D. Hottel, Vice-President; A. C. Neff, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.10

West Virginia - W. J. Stone, Vice-President; G. T. Wilson, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.11

Iowa - J. H. Morrison, Vice-President; J. S. Washburn, Secretary; W. E. Cornell, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.12

Nebraska - L. A. Hoopes, Vice-President; T. H. Gibbs, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.13

North Dakota - C. W. Flaiz, Vice-President. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.14

Oregon - John Fulton, Vice-President; W. W. Sharp, Secretary; for Northern Oregon, Isaac Morrison, Secretary; for Southern Oregon, A. W. Wyman, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.15

Colorado - E. H. Gates, Vice-President; J. D. Pegg, Secretary; Smith Sharp, Secretary for Southern Colorado and New Mexico; Dr. H. Stearns, Press Agent. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.16

The Secretary was directed to correspond with other sections with a view to the appointment of officers in the States unprovided for. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.17

At a joint meeting of committees from the Association and the International Tract Society a resolution was passed making the International Society the Agent of the Association for the distribution of Religious Liberty Literature. C. ELDRIDGE, President. W. H. McKEE, Secretary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.18


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THREE meetings of the Executive Committee of the International Sabbath-school Association were held after the adjournment of Conference. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.19

To provide for the carrying on of the work in different sections of the field, division superintendents were appointed, observing the same division of territory as given by the General Conference. These are as follows:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.20

For District No. 1, Atlantic, A. E. Place, Superintendent, O. O. Farnsworth, Assistant; District No. 2, Southern, R. M. Kilgore, Superintendent, with authority to select an assistant who shall devote his principal energies to Sabbath-school work; District No. 3, Lake, A. O. Tait, Superintendent, J. H. Durland, Assistant; District No. 4, Northwest, M. H. Brown, Superintendent; District No. 5, Southwest, E. H. Gates, Superintendent, L. J. Rousseau, Assistant; District No. 6, Pacific Coast, R. S. Owen, Superintendent, W. W. Sharp, Assistant. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.21

It was voted, that the president and secretaries constitute a committee to arrange for the publication of a teachers’ quarterly in the French, German, and Scandinavian languages; also to arrange for such assistance for the secretaries as shall secure better reports from the foreign associations. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.22

The following committees were appointed on the examination of lessons:- GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.23

For English lessons - C. Eldridge, E. W. Farnsworth, Uriah Smith, A. T. Jones, E. B. Miller, F. E. Belden, J. Q. A. Haughey, J. E. White, Fannie Bolton, Jessie F. Waggoner, Winnie E. Loughborough. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.24

For Danish lessons - Fred. Jensen, J. C. Ottosen, M. M. Olsen. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.25

For Swedish lessons - A. Swedberg, E. Johnson, A. Vermellin. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.26

For German lessons - T. Valentiner, J. D. Cress, J. Vuillieumier. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.27

For French lessons - J. Vuillieumier, Mrs. E. H. Whitney, Marie Roth. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.28

It was voted that the Worker be published monthly, commencing with Volume 6; that it contain 16 pp., same size as before, but without cover; to be furnished for 50 cents a year. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.29

Voted, that Mrs. C. H. Jones and Mrs. Jessie F. Waggoner be editors of the Worker. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.30

Voted, that Elder R. S. Owen be requested to prepare a special camp-meeting lesson for 1890 for the Senior Division; that samples be sent to the several State officers, and lessons be furnished on their order. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.31

Voted, that we recommend to have the lesson pamphlets published quarterly, without cover, and to be sold at 5 cents each. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.32

Voted, that Mrs. Jessie F. Waggoner be requested to write the camp-meeting lesson for 1890 for the Primary Division. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.33

Voted, that Elder R. S. Owen be requested to prepare the camp-meeting lesson for 1890 for the Intermediate Division. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.34

A committee of three was appointed to consider the advisability of publishing tent-meeting lessons for children, and to prepare such lessons if deemed necessary. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.35

The President, Vice-President, and Corresponding Secretary were constituted a committee for the preparation of a new book for the use of those conducting children’s meetings. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.36

Elders A. E. Place, R. S. Owen, and J. H. Durland were constituted a committee to take into consideration the preparation of a series of 14 lesson outlines to be used in the meetings held for the youth at our camp-meetings. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.37

It was recommended that the donations for the last six months of 1890 go to open up the work in South America. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.38


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Elder O. A. Olsen, 3, 95. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.39

Elder J. H. Durland; subject - “Mission Work in Europe,” 51. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.40

P. W. B. Wessels; subject - “The South African Mission Field,” 55. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.41

Elder J. O. Corliss; subject - “Missionary Work in the Pacific Islands,” 69. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.42

Dr. E. J. Waggoner; subject - “Why We Oppose Religious Legislation,” 79. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.43

Prof. W. W. Prescott; subject - “The Education of Laborers for Home and Foreign Missions,” 112. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.44

C. Eldridge; subject - “Past, Present, and Future of the Canvassing Work,” 119. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.45

Elder U. Smith; subject - History and Future work of Seventh-day Adventists, 99. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.46


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Address of President, 31. Committees, appointment of, 93. Committee on nominations, report of, 131. Committee on resolutions, report of, 111. Committee on revision of constitution, 131. Reports from different fields, 31. Representation, 31. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.47


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Appointment of committees, 38. Arkansas T. & M. Society, Sec. appointed for, 158. Remarks of Secretary, 37. Remarks of Elder Olsen, 53. Report of committee on resolutions, 108. Report of nominating committee, 108. Treasurer’s report, 38. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.48


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Address of President, 31. By-Laws, adoption of, 141. Book committee, 123. Book for Colored People, Com. appointed to prepare, 158. Central Bible School, trustees report of, 158. Committees, standing, appointment of, 8. Committee for next Year Book, appointment of, 139. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.49

Committee on church order and government, report of, 91, 108. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.50

Committee on consolidation of Pub. interests, appointment of, 96, 98; organization of Board, 158; Sub-Com’s appointed, 158, 159. Committee on credentials and licenses, report of, 140, 154. Committee on credentials of delegates, report of, 23. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.51

Committee on distribution of labor, reports of, 130, 150, 151, 154. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.52

Committee on education, reports of, 34, 67, 125, 130, 132, 139, 150, 151. Committee on foreign missions, report of, 154. Committee on home missions, report of, 90, 97. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.53

Committee on nominations, reports of, 123, 140, 150, 154, 155. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.54

Committee on program for Christmas exercises, report of, 140, 154. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.55

Committee on program for week of prayer, report of, 111, 130, 132. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.56

Committee on resolutions, reports of, 34, 91, 129, 132, 150, 151. Committee on Sunday prosecutions, report of, 108. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.57


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Committee on tent-making, report of, 140, 154. Committee to prepare Bible-readings, appointment of, 155. Communication from Eld. J. G. Matteson, 96. Conferences, admission of, 23, 59. Constitution, amendment of, 23, 139. Delegates, roll of, 2. Delegates received, 14, 22, 31. District Canvassing Agents, appointment of, 157. Finance committee, reports of, 90, 97, 107, 139, 154. General canvassing agent, report of, 122. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.58

General Conference association, report of, 110; trustees, - 123, 140. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.59

General Conference districts, announcement of those in charge, 155. General Conference officers, election of, 140. General Conference, program of, 1. German work in the United States, report of, 125. Idaho, labor of D. T. Fero in, 157. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.60

Judiciary committee, reports of, 44, 59, 75, 90, 91, 96, 97. Labor Bureau, 140. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.61

Manner of acting upon resolutions and reports of committees, 34, 44. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.62

New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, supervising board appointed for, 158. New England, Com. on Pub. of paper, appointment of, 157. Pennsylvania, labor of Paul E. Gros in, 157. Recording secretary, report of, 92. Recommendation on expedition of business, 96. Report from Australia, by Elder G. C. Tenney, 47. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.63

Report from Central European field, by Elder H. P. Holser, 59. Report from Elder Conradi, 64. Report from the British field, by Elder D. A. Robinson, 65. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.64

Report from the Scandinavian field, by Elder Lewis Johnson, 50. Report from New Zealand, by Elder A. G. Daniells, 46. Report from West Indies, 123. Report of educational secretary, 39. Report of Elder R. A. Underwood, 32. Report of Elder E. W. Farnsworth, 24. Report of Elder J. N. Loughborough, 24. Report of John Vuillieumier, 63. Remarks of John Vuillieumier, 43. Remarks of Elder A. T. Jones, 44. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.65

Reports of committee on consolidation of publishing interests, 139, 142, 119, 154. Report of the Secretary of the Press Committee, 75. Report of the Home Mission Secretary, 87. Report of Special Committee on Sunday Prosecutions, 130. Resolution concerning the N. R. L. Association, 67. Rules of government, 8. Ship Committee, appointment of, 157. Tennessee, labor of J. W. Scoles in, 158. Time of holding sessions, 155. Translation of readings for the week of prayer, 130. Treasurer’s report, 31. Sanitarium Training School, recommendation concerning, 139. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.66

Special Committee on Sunday Prosecutions, appointment of, 125. Week of Prayer Readings, Pub. Com. appointed for, 158. W. Virginia, T. &. M. Society, Sec. appointed for, 158. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.67


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Committees, appointment of, 79. Committee on resolutions, report of, 128. Election of trustees, 131. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.68


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Remarks of president, 78. Representation, 78, 128. Treasurer’s report, 78. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.69


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Address of Mrs. Jessie F. Waggoner, entitled - “Small but Great,” 133. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.70

Atlantic Sabbath-school Association, admission of, 68; report from, 68. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.71

Auditing committee, report of, 69. Camp-Meeting Lessons for 1890, preparation of, 162. Committees appointed for the session, 23. Communication from Elder R. S. Owen, 21. Corresponding secretary, report of, 19. District Superintendents, appointment of, 162. Donations for last part of 1890, where bestowed, 162. Lessons, appointment of committees to examine, 162. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.72

New Zealand Sabbath-school Association, admission of, 68; report from, 68. Opening address by president, 15. Remarks of president, 133. Recording secretary, report of, 22. Report from Australia, 67. Ship, missionary, report concerning, 93, 127. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.73

Special committees, appointment of, 69; reports of, 92, 128. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.74

Teachers’ Quarterly in Foreign Languages, arrangement for, 162. Worker, published monthly, 162; editors, 162. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.75


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Address of president, 9. Annual report, 144, 145. Additional delegates received, 28. Atlantic Conference Tract Society, admission of, 29. Balance sheet and statement of, 146. Chicago, branch office, Com. to establish, 159. Circulation of Petitions, joint meeting to plan for, 159. Committees, appointment of, 12, 143. Committee on revision of constitution, appointment of, 143. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.76

Committee on preparation of abstract of proceedings to appear in the Home Missionary, appointment of, 151. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.77

Committee on Constitution and Work, report of, 132, 147, 151. Committee on New Books, report of, 142. Committee on Nominations, reports of, 109, 124, 132. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.78

Committee on Resolutions, reports of, 109, 124, 132, 133, 143, 147, 151. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.79

Distribution of N. R. L. Literature, recommendation of Com. concerning, 159, 160. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.80

Division of territory between Secretaries, appointment of Com. for, 161. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.81

Foreign Mission Literary Societies, plans of organization to be suggested for, 160. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.82


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Home Missionary, enlargement of, 160; editors of, 160, 161; discontinuance of childrens’ department, 161. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.83

Holding of next session, 151. Moneys paid out, how, 161. New publications needed, Com. to suggest, 160. Present Truth to S. Africa, provision for, 160. President and Vice-President, authority of, 161. Publications in public schools, Com. for distributing, 160. Publishing Committee appointed, 160. Remarks by delegates, 109, 110. Representation, 9. Report of Committee on Canvassers’ Journal, 151. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.84

Resolutions introduced by Elders D. A. Robinson and D. T. Jones, 124, 133, 143. Ship supplies, Com. appointed for, 160. Superintendent of general office, appointment of, 160. Trans-Atlantic Guide Book, disposal of, 160. Treasurer’s report, 29. Type writers, how procured, 161. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.85


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Article from Union Signal, 97. Committees, appointment of, 78 (see also p.127). Committee on By-Laws, report of, 148. Committee on Declaration of Principles, report of, 127. Committee on resolutions, report of, 97. Election of officers, 148. Report of secretary, 77. Representation, 77. Resolution concerning the appointment of local agents, 148. State officers, appointment of, 161, 162. President’s address, 77. Treasurer’s report, 78. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.86

Membership and financial strength of the General Conference, by sections, 152, 153. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.87


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Appointment of, and report of, committee on nominations, 79. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.88

Treasurer’s report, 79. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.89


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Annual report of president, 34. Annual report of Toronto branch, 35. Committees, appointment of, 37, 133. Committee on resolutions, report of, 112, 133. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.90

Committee on publication of canvassers’ journal, appointment of, 133; report of, 148. Election of trustees, 112. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.91

Recommendation of consolidation of publishing interests, 118. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.92

SABBATH services, 93. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.93

SUPERANNUATED ministers’ fund, 96, 149, 154. GCDB November 22, 1889, page 162.94