The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


Newspapers, Periodicals, and Serials

Advent Herald. Millerite periodical, successor to Signs of the Times, beginning February, 1844. Boston: Joshua V. Himes. PFF4 1270.4

The Advent Message to the Daughters of Zion. Boston: Joshua V. Himes, 1844. See pp. 688, 707. PFF4 1270.5

The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. Seventh-day Adventist church paper. Published at various places, but for most of its life at Battle Creek, Michigan, and Washington, D.C. PFF4 1270.6

The Advent Shield and Review. Millerite quarterly. Boston: Joshua V. Himes, 1844, 1845. PFF4 1270.7

Albany Evening Journal, Aug. 9, 11, 12, 1842. See p. 659. PFF4 1270.8

The American Millenarian and Prophetic Review. Edited by Isaac Labagh. New York, 1842-1844. See pp. 327-329. PFF4 1270.9

American Protestant Vindicator, Feb. 22, 1837; Jan. 25, 1843. Also called Protestant Vindicator. See pp. 279, 280. PFF4 1270.10

American Traveller, Nov. 2, 1844. Boston. See p. 857. PFF4 1270.11

The Apostolic Advocate, May, 1834. See p. 287. PFF4 1270.12

Bache, A. D. “Meteoric Observations Made on and About the 13th of November, 1834,” The American Journal of Science, January, 1835 (vol. 27, no. 2), pp. 335-340. See p. 1216. PFF4 1270.13

___. “Replies to a Circular,” The American Journal of Science, July, 1835 (vol. 28, no. 2), pp. 305-309. See p. 1216. PFF4 1270.14

Bainton, Roland H. “The Left Wing of the Reformation,” The Journal of Religion, April, 1941 (vol. 21, no. 2), pp. 124-134. See p. 16. PFF4 1270.15

Begg, James A. Letter to editor, The Sabbath Recorder, May 1, 1845. See pp. 938, 940. PFF4 1270.16

“Ben Meir and the Origin of the Jewish Calendar,” Jewish Quarterly Review, October, 1897. See p. 797. PFF4 1270.17

Bible Examiner, March, 1880. See pp. 805, 807. PFF4 1270.18

Bible Society Record, May, 1941 (vol. 86, no. 5), p. 88. See p. 164. PFF4 1270.19

Boston Daily Times, March 13, 14, April 3, 1838. See pp. 515, 517. PFF4 1270.20

Boston Post, Nov. 12, 1844. See p. 857. PFF4 1270.21

Bush, George. “Prophetic Designations of Time. To Professor Stuart. Letter VII,” The Hierophant, April, 1843 (vol. 1, no. 11), p. 243. See p. 864. PFF4 1270.22

The Christian Advocate, Nov. 7, 1878. See p. 1185. PFF4 1270.23

Christian Herald and Journal, 1839, 1840. See pp. 633, 700-702. PFF4 1270.24

The Christian Intelligencer, Nov. 7, 1878. See p. 1185. PFF4 1270.25

The Christian Messenger and Reformer, 1843. See p. 716. PFF4 1270.26

Christian Observer (Boston), 1802, 1804, 1808, 1810. See pp. 142, 143. PFF4 1270.27

Christian Palladium, March 15, 1841; March 1, 15, 1843; April 15, 1843. See pp. 703, 704. PFF4 1270.28

Cincinnati Commercial, Aug. 23, 1844. See p. 688. PFF4 1271.1

Cleveland Herald, 1844. See pp. 543, 544. PFF4 1271.2

Congressional Globe, Dec. 18, 1837. See p. 324. PFF4 1271.3

Crosier, O. R. L. “The Law of Moses,” The Day-Star, Extra, Feb. 7, 1846. See pp. 899, 900, 1155, 1228-1234. PFF4 1271.4

The Day-Star, January 24, 1846. See pp. 899, 982. PFF4 1271.5

Denza, Padre, “Meteoric Showers of November 27-28, 1872, “The American Journal of Science, February, 1873 (vol. 105, no. 26), pp. 126-128. See p. 1212. PFF4 1271.6

The Downfall of Babylon, or, The Triumph of Truth Over Popery. New York, 1834-1837. See p. 277. PFF4 1271.7

Essex Register (Salem, Mass.), Nov. 18, 1833. See pp. 1214, 1218. PFF4 1271.8

The Evangelist, Nov. 8, 1834. See p. 602. PFF4 1271.9

Fisher, Willard J. “The Ancient Leonids,” The Telescope, October, 1934. See pp. 295, 1211, 1212, 1214, 1216. PFF4 1271.10

Fulton, William. “James A. Begg. A Memorial Discourse” (originally prefixed to Summary of Doctrines Taught in Christian Meeting-House, 90 Norfolk Street, Laurieston, Glasgow, by the late James A. Begg), reprinted in The Sabbath Recorder, May 13, 20, 1869 (vol. 25, nos. 20, 21), pp. 77, 85. See p. 937. PFF4 1271.11

Garrison, Winfred E. “Characteristics of American Organized Religion,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, March, 1948 (vol. 256), pp. 14-24. See pp. 24, 26. PFF4 1271.12

General Conference Daily Bulletin (Seventh-day Adventist). A special paper published, generally daily, during a session of the General Conference, giving proceedings, addresses, etc. Sometimes the word Daily is not used in the title. Issued first in 1887. PFF4 1271.13

The Herald of Gospel Liberty, Sept. 1, 15, 1808. See pp. 144-150. PFF4 1271.14

Hildreth, S. P., letter in The American Journal of Science, July, 1834 (vol. 26, no. 1), p. 88. See p. 1214. PFF4 1271.15

Horn, S. H., and L. H. Wood, “The Fifth Century Jewish Calendar at Elephantine,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, January, 1954. See p. 793. PFF4 1271.16

The Independent, Aug. 23, 1915. See p. 981. The Liberator, May 20, 1842. See p. 551. PFF4 1271.17

The Literalist. Philadelphia: Orrin Rogers, 1840-1842. See pp. 325, 326. PFF4 1271.18

The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, February, 1867. See p. 1216. PFF4 1271.19

London Times, Nov. 15, 1866. See p. 1216. PFF4 1271.20

Maclear, G. W. H. “Meteoric Shower of November 13 and 14,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Jan. 11, 1867. See p. 1216. PFF4 1271.21

M’Corkle, Samuel M. “Everlasting Gospel,” in Millennial Harbinger, 1833. PFF4 1271.22

Maine Inquirer (Bath), July 26, 1843. See p. 777. PFF4 1271.23

Mallery, Garrick. “Picture-Writing of the American Indians,” Tenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute (1888-1889). See p. 295. PFF4 1271.24

Micklewright, J. H. A. Notes and Queries, Oct. 15, 1946. See p. 908. PFF4 1271.25

The Midnight Cry. Millerite periodical published in New York, 1842-1844. PFF4 1271.26

The Millennial Harbinger. Bethany, Va.: Alexander Campbell. PFF4 1271.27

Millman, Peter M. “The Falling of the Stars,” The Telescope, May-June, 1940 (vol. 7, no. 3), pp. 57-59. See pp. 295, 1210, 1211, 1217. PFF4 1271.28

The Missionary (Protestant Episcopal), Dec. 30, 1837. See p. 324. PFF4 1272.1

Monthly Miscellany of Religion and Letters, May, 1840. See p. 750. PFF4 1272.2

Mooney, James. “Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians,” in 17th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Smithsonian Institute. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898. See p. 295. PFF4 1272.3

Moorhouse, Clifford P. “Origins of the Episcopal Church Press From Colonial Days to 1940,” Historical Magazine for the Protestant Episcopal Church, September, 1942 (vol. 11, no. 3), p. 206. See p. 140. PFF4 1272.4

The Moral Reformer and Teacher of the Human Constitution, 1835, 1836. Boston: Light and Stearns. See p. 442. PFF4 1272.5

Morning Star (Dover, N.H.), Oct. 12, 1842. See p. 361. PFF4 1272.6

The Morning Star, and City Watchman. Boston, 1827-1829. See p. 151. PFF4 1272.7

The Morning Watch. Millerite periodical, successor to Midnight Cry. PFF4 1272.8

Morris, T. A. “Camp Meetings,” Western Christian Advocate, Aug. 15, 1834, pp. 62, 63. See p. 44. PFF4 1272.9

“Nachträgliche Beobachtung über die meteorische Erscheinung in der Nacht vom 12. auf den 13. November, 1832,” Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 1833 (vol. 39, no. 3), pp. 447-451. See p. 1214. PFF4 1272.10

The National Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), Dec. 16, 21, 1837. See p. 324. PFF4 1272.11

New Hampshire Gazette, May 31, 1803. See p. 1213. PFF4 1272.12

New Hampshire Statesman, Oct. 25, 1844. See p. 857. PFF4 1272.13

New York Herald Extra, November, 1842. See pp. 739-745. PFF4 1272.14

New York Journal of Commerce, Nov. 27, 1833. See pp. 1214, 1215. PFF4 1272.15

The New York Spectator, Nov. 2, 1844. See p. 857. PFF4 1272.16

New York Star, Nov. 26, 1833. See p. 297. PFF4 1272.17

New York Tribune, Oct. 12, 1841. See p. 606. PFF4 1272.18

New York Tribune Extra, March 2, 1842. See pp. 745-749. PFF4 1272.19

Newark Daily Advertiser, Nov. 4, 7, 17, 1842; March 2, 1844. See pp. 584, 661. PFF4 1272.20

Newton, H[ubert] A[nson]. “The Original Accounts of the Displays in Former Times of the November Star-Showers,” The American Journal of Science, May, 1864 (vol. 87, no. 111), pp. 377-389. See p. 1211. PFF4 1272.21

___. “On November Star Showers,” The American Journal of Science, July, 1864 (vol. 88, no. 112), pp. 53-61. PFF4 1272.22

___. “Shooting Stars in November, 1866,” The American Journal of Science,January, 1867 (vol. 93, no. 127), pp. 78-88. See p. 1216. PFF4 1272.23

___. “Shooting Stars on the Morning of November 14th, 1867,” The American Journal of Science, January, 1868 (vol. 95, no. 133), pp. 78-92. Seep. 1216. PFF4 1272.24

___. “Shooting Stars of November 14th, 1867,” The American Journal of Science, March, 1868 (vol. 95, no. 134), pp. 225-239. See p. 1216. PFF4 1272.25

___. “Observations Upon the Meteors of November 24th-27th, 1872,” The American Journal of Science, January, 1873 (vol. 105, no. 25), pp. 53-61. See p. 1212. PFF4 1272.26

Nichol, F. D. “The Growth of the Millerite Legend,” Church History, December, 1952, pp. 296-313. See p. 525. PFF4 1272.27

Niebuhr, Reinhold. “The Ecumenical Issue in the United States,” Theology To-day, January, 1946 (vol. 2, no. 4), pp. 525-536. See p. 85. PFF4 1272.28

Nottingham Review (England), May 17, 1844. See p. 716. PFF4 1272.29

The Old Countryman (New York), Nov. 20, 1833. See p. 297. PFF4 1272.30

Olmsted, Denison. “Observation on the Meteors of November 13th, 1833,” The American Journal of Science, January, 1834 (vol. 25, no, 2), pp. 363-411; July, 1834 (vol. 26, no. 1), pp. 132-174. See pp. 295, 300, 1215. PFF4 1273.1

The Pennsylvanian, Feb. 10, 1843. See p. 613. PFF4 1273.2

Philadelphia Public Ledger, Feb. 8, 1843. See p. 613. PFF4 1273.3

Portland Evening Advertiser, Nov. 14, 25, 26, 27, 1833. See pp. 297, 1215. PFF4 1273.4

Poznanski, Samuel. “Karaite Literary Opponents of Saadia Gaon,” Jewish Quar-terly Review, vol. 10, pp. 22-41. See p. 797. PFF4 1273.5

Present Truth, First periodical published by Seventh-day Adventists, 1849, 1850. PFF4 1273.6

The Protestant Banner (Philadelphia), July 15, Sept. 16, Dec. 1, 1842. See p. 281. PFF4 1273.7

The Protestant Vindicator (New York), 1834-1845. See pp. 278-280. PFF4 1273.8

Providence Journal, Feb. 5, 1886. See p. 529. PFF4 1273.9

Providence Daily Journal, Oct. 24, 1844. See p. 857. PFF4 1273.10

Prudden, Nehemiah. Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, November, 1813, pp.. 401-409. PFF4 1273.11

Quarterly Journal of Science (London), January, 1867. See p. 1216. PFF4 1273.12

Review and Herald. See The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. PFF4 1273.13

Richmond Examiner, April 30, 1803. See pp. 1212, 1213. PFF4 1273.14

The Sabbath Recorder. Seventh Day Baptist periodical. See pp. 937, 938, 943. PFF4 1273.15

S[anford], M[erritt]. Book review, “Stuart on Prophecy,” in The Universalist, Oct. 15, 1842 (vol. 4, no. 7), p. 52. See p. 869. PFF4 1273.16

“Scientific.Intelligence: III. Astronomy,” The American Journal of Science, February, 1873, pp. 150-154. See p. 1212. PFF4 1273.17

“Scientific Intelligence: TV. Astronomy,” The American Journal of Science, January, 1886, pp. 78, 79. See p. 1212. PFF4 1273.18

The Second Advent Harbinger (Bristol, England), 1844. See p. 715. PFF4 1273.19

The Second Advent of Christ (Cleveland, Ohio), 1843. See pp. 543, 544, 612, 613, 650, 669, 773. PFF4 1273.20

Shoemaker, Samuel M. “Recapturing the Lost Radiance,” The Christian Century, March 5, 1952. See p. 1018. PFF4 1273.21

Signs of the Times (Boston). Millerite periodical, 1840-1844. Succeeded by Advent Herald. PFF4 1273.22

Signs of the Times (California). Seventh-day Adventist periodical. PFF4 1273.23

Spirit of the XIX Century, March, 1843. See p. 868. PFF4 1273.24

Statistical Report of Seventh-day Adventists. Issued yearly by General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Washington, D.C. PFF4 1273.25

Stoney, G. Johnstone, and A. M. W. Downing. “Perturbation of the Leonids,” paper presented to the Royal Society, March 2, 1899, Nature, March 23, 1899, pp. 497, 498. See p. 1216. PFF4 1273.26

Sweet, William W. “The Protestant Churches,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and, Social Science,. March, 1948 (vol. 256), pp. 43-52. See p. 25. PFF4 1273.27

True Midnight Cry (Haverhill, Mass.), 1844. See pp. 799, 800, 819, 887n. PFF4 1273.28

Trumpet and Universalist Magazine (Boston), Feb. 26, March 26, 1842. See pp. 766, 775. PFF4 1273.29

Twining, Alexander C. “Investigations Respecting the Meteors of Nov. 13th, 1833,” The American Journal of Science, July, 1834 (vol. 26, no. 2), pp. 320-352. See p. 295. PFF4 1273.30

The Universalist (Hartford), 1840-1844. See pp. 754, 760. PFF4 1273.31

Voice of Truth. Millerite periodical published in Rochester, N.Y. See pp. 628, 650, 899, 900, 901, 903. PFF4 1274.1

[Ward, Henry Dana]. “The Falling Stars,” The New York Journal of Commerce (semi-weekly ed.), Nov. 14 [i.e. 16], 1833. See pp. 298, 299, 1213. PFF4 1274.2

Watchman of the Night and Millennial Morning (Philadelphia), 1833. See pp. 266-268. PFF4 1274.3

Watson, Fletcher G. “Meteors,” Scientific American, June, 1951, p. 27. See pp. 1210, 1212. PFF4 1274.4

White, Ellen G., in The Bible Echo, September 1, 1892, Supplement, p. 258. See p. 1015. PFF4 1274.5

Wolff, Joseph. Letter in Monthly Intelligence of the Proceedings of the London Society, December, 1830. See p. 324. PFF4 1274.6

The Witness, June 6, 1840. See p. 755. PFF4 1274.7

Yearbook of American Churches. 1952 ed. New York: National Council of the Church of Christ, 1952. See pp. 439, 1003. PFF4 1274.8

Yearbook of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, 1954. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association. PFF4 1274.9