Ms 50, 1905
Ms 50, 1905
Making Up the One-Hundred-Thousand-Dollar Fund
“Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California
February 15, 1905
Portions of this manuscript are published in CD 281. +Note
Dear Brethren and Sisters,—
I feel somewhat disappointed in regard to the falling off of the gifts that are being made toward the work in Washington. Is it well that the offerings you sent in toward making up the one-hundred-thousand-dollar fund should become smaller and smaller? The showing should be decidedly different. My brethren and sisters, do not allow your gifts for the work in Washington to dwindle down to small amounts. We thank you for the small amounts. But there are those who can make larger gifts. The occasion demands a better showing. Our reputation is at stake. Do not become weary in well-doing. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 1
Now is the time for a deep, earnest effort to be made in Washington, the capital of our nation. We must exalt the truth. We must magnify the eternal law of Jehovah. Let this matter now become a matter of the first interest. Let ministers realize the importance of the situation. Let every church in every place feel called upon to help. Let all feel that the work in Washington belongs to them, and let them do their utmost toward its advancement. Come to the front, my brethren and sisters, with your gifts and offerings. Awake to the responsibilities resting upon you. We plead with the Lord to work upon minds and to lead those who have means to realize that now is their time to help in a most important crisis. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 2
The work must be established in Washington. We have purchased land in Takoma Park, not for the purpose of building up commercial enterprises, but for the purpose of establishing institutions in which workers may be prepared to go out into the harvest field. A sanitarium must be established there. The ground is all ready for the building. Who will now bring their hundreds, or larger sums, for the help of this enterprise? And let not those who can afford to give but little withhold the smaller sums. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 3
Our sanitariums are one of the most successful means of reaching all classes of people. Christ is no longer in this world in person, to go through our cities and towns and villages healing the sick. He has commissioned us to carry forward the medical missionary work that He began; and in this work we are to do our very best. Institutions for the care of the sick are to be established where those who are suffering from disease may be placed under the care of God-fearing medical missionaries and be treated without drugs. To these institutions there will come those who have brought disease upon themselves by improper habits of eating and drinking; and a simple, wholesome, palatable diet is to be provided. There is to be no starvation diet. Wholesome articles of food are to be combined in such a way as to make appetizing dishes. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 4
Our sanitariums are the right hand of the gospel, opening doors whereby suffering humanity may be reached with the glad tidings of health through Christ. In these institutions the suffering sick may be taught to commit their cases to the great Physician who will co-operate with their earnest efforts to regain health, bringing to them healing of soul as well as healing of body. But they have a part to act in discarding every article that would mar the delicate working of God’s machinery. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 5
There is most precious missionary work to be done in our sanitariums. In them Christ and the angels work to relieve the suffering cause by bodily disease. And the work is by no means to stop there. The prayers offered for the sick, and the opening of the Scriptures to them, give them a knowledge of the great Medical Missionary. Their attention is called to Him as the One who can heal all disease. They learn about the great gift of eternal life, which the Lord Jesus is longing to bestow on those who receive Him. They learn how to prepare for the mansions that Christ has gone to prepare for those that love Him. “If I go away,” He said, “I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.” [John 14:3.] In the Word of God there are gracious promises from which those who are suffering, whether in body or in mind, may receive comfort and hope and encouragement. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 6
The effort to provide institutions for the proper care of the sick originated with the Lord. He has instructed His people that these institutions should be established. With them are to be connected intelligent, God-fearing physicians who know how to treat the sick from the standpoint of medical missionary work. These physicians are to be earnest and active, serving the Lord with their God-given capabilities. They are to remember that they are working in the place and under the oversight of the great Physician. They stand as guardians of the beings that Christ has purchased with His own blood, and it is therefore essential that they be governed by high, noble principles, carrying out the will of the divine Medical Missionary who is ever watching over the sick and suffering. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 7
He who is set as a guardian of the health of the body should understand by experience that the soothing power of the grace of Christ in the heart brings health and peace and fulness of joy. Then to those who come to him for treatment he can impart in words the health-giving power of God’s own truth. No physician is fit for medical missionary work until he has gained a knowledge of Him who came to save perishing, sin-sick souls. If Christ is his teacher, if he has an experimental knowledge of the truth, he can hold up the Saviour before the sick and dying. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 8
The sick note carefully the looks and words and acts of their physician; and as the Christian physician kneels beside the bedside of the sufferer, asking the great Physician to take case in His own hands, an impression will be made upon the mind of the sick one that may result in the saving of his soul. And even though his physical strength may be very low, and he may seem to be in his last hours, the hope inspired in his heart by the knowledge that Christ is his Saviour may bring him back to life and health. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 9
A sanitarium building is to be erected at Takoma Park, that this work may be carried forward. Will not those who have means feel it a privilege to give something toward this work, that the needed fund may soon be raised? The Lord will certainly bless those who will cheerfully return to Him His own. Doors that were once fast closed are now open for the entrance of our workers. I call upon our people, while the way is open, to do earnest work, to rally round the standard, to answer the call that has been made for the completion of the one-hundred-thousand-dollar fund. Come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Send in your offerings. This work is the Lord’s, and He calls upon those who have means to place it in the treasury for the advancement of this work. Send in your offerings for the buildings to be erected at Takoma Park. We are praying that the money buried in lands and houses may now be called in because it is the Lord’s money, and He needs it. It is to our honor to send in large and small sums; and when the next General Conference shall assemble, we can say that the fund needed has been raised. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 10
We call upon those who have invested money in worldly interests to withdraw it and place it in the Lord’s cause where it is now greatly needed. Show your gratitude to God by the liberality of your offerings. Thus you may give evidence that you appreciate the mercies of the gospel. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 11
To the workers in Washington, I would say, We have faith, my brethren and sisters, that if you walk humbly with God, you will see of His salvation. It is the desire of my heart that you shall know the power of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He understands the situation of those who are not commandment keepers. Let there be fasting and prayer. Let self be humbled. Let the heart be cleansed from all impurity. Confess your sins, and plead with God day and night for the victory. 20LtMs, Ms 50, 1905, par. 12