Lt 322, 1905
Lt 322, 1905
Belden, Brother and Sister [S. T.]
“Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California
November 26, 1905
This letter is published in entirety in PC 5-7. +Note
Dear Brother and Sister Belden,—
The past night I have slept better than I have for years. I have no pain. My mind is clear, and I can do much work if I have a chance. I am now seventy-eight years old. I am grateful to my heavenly Father that I am able to do my writing. My appetite is excellent. We have been favored with Brother and Sister King to be our helpers. Both are very useful workers. Sister King is my cook, and the food comes on to the table in an appetizing shape for my workers. This is what we need: simple food prepared in a simple, wholesome, and relishable manner. We have no butter and no meat on our table. We do not think fried potatoes are healthful, for there is more or less grease or butter used in preparing them. Good baked or boiled potatoes served up with cream and a sprinkling of salt are the most healthful. The remnants of Irish and sweet potatoes are prepared with a little cream and salt and rebaked, and not fried; they are excellent. I have had a good appetite and relish my food and am perfectly satisfied with the portion which I select, which I know does not injure my digestive organs. Others can eat food which I cannot, such as lentils and beans. We are favored with the services of Brother and Sister King; they are a blessing to us, and we are thankful for their help. Sister Nelson was highly prized as our housekeeper and cook, and we would have kept her if she would have remained. She wished to perfect her education as a nurse, which position she will fill and do good service. This was understood when she came to us. We were troubled at the thought of her leaving us, as she had done good service and was an excellent caretaker both indoors and out-of-doors. We thought it would be difficult to supply her place, but it would not be doing Sister Nelson justice to keep her here when she desired a change and we considered that she ought to have it. So I let her go. I am glad and thankful that we secured Sister King, as the matron of our home, and her husband to be a caretaker outside the home and inside when needed. They served one year at Healdsburg College and gave good satisfaction. So we are doing well notwithstanding our fears. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 1
I am grateful to my heavenly Father for the preservation of my health, for the close application to prepare a repetition of the experiences we have had in the past, as we have prepared testimonies in regard to our first labors and the matter is in print. We have a large amount of matter which the Lord has given me, which light and instruction should not be hid under a bushel or under a bed. The warnings and the messages that the Lord has graciously given me to correct the errors that would come in, and to set things in order, the people should have, for the enemy will continue to work to bring in false theories and to mingle with the truth strange suppositions. These appear as light to those who receive them, but they are deceptive theories that will be brought in as tares sown among the wheat. The Lord has for the last fifty years been instructing me that when the seducing theories would arise, they were not to be received, and I must do as did Moses and Joshua: Repeat the errors of the past and the gracious working out of the Lord’s will. I praise His holy name. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 2
The sadness of my heart is beyond expression because I must show directly to all the medical missionaries that they are not fulfilling their calling. The Lord has been speaking to Dr. Kellogg through His word, but he would not understand that word. He would not change his course of action, and for the last thirty years especially, my message has been given to him, which message he has in strongest assertions professed to believe. But when the plain reproofs came to him through the messenger God has chosen, just prior to the time of the Conference at South Lancaster, he decidedly stated that I was no longer his friend because I stated that facts as they had been presented to me by the Lord. But he had set his mind upon a course of action that the Lord would not sustain him in pursuing. His mistakes were presented before him; likewise the dangers growing out of these mistakes. Our ministers were tempted. They must be on guard, and not in any way be seduced from the straight line of the work God had given them to do, but stand like men. Be strong, yea, be strong. Then the Doctor became set and determined, and for a time he had been losing the balance of his mind. He went to Europe and we urged him to come to Australia; to throw off care for a time and have nothing to do to weary and depress his mind. But although he received the message sent him, he did not accept the invitation. At that time his financial outlook was anything but favorable. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 3
Warnings had been given me for twenty years that Doctor Kellogg was embracing too much. He could not have a well-balanced mind, and he lost patience and brotherly kindness if interrupted in carrying out his purposes and intentions. The Lord sent him warnings that he was endangering himself. Warnings had come to him that unless he guarded his mind, he would become overwrought and make mistakes in speech and mistakes in selecting his men to be his helpers, and he would not take kindly to any one that questioned his course. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 4
Dr. Kellogg had been represented to me as chosen for a physician. My husband and myself united in taking three promising young men from their humble labors and placing in the hands of each one thousand dollars to obtain an education in medical lines. This had been the selection that the Lord put into the mind of my husband. The Lord had given light and preference to these three youth, and they were to give themselves to the work of physicians. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 5
Urgent invitations are sent me to visit Washington, to attend an important meeting. Several are urging my presence. I would gladly attend these meetings, but a great work is before me, and I must keep at this work; for it is of great importance. This work is the bringing out of the warnings that have been given me for Dr. Kellogg. As he will present anything and everything possible to make of no effect the testimonies that the Lord has given me, I must do my part to meet the situation just now. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 6
I thought I would take this matter up before, but light came that Dr. Kellogg, united with his associates, was doing a special work. Their plans were being laid, and I was to allow them to make the first move; for then there would be a necessity to “Meet it,” and I would be saved from much blame. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 7
After this light came, I said to my son, “I will heed this warning. I can see the force of it.” 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 8
In the visions of the night, I was in an assembly of physicians, and I saw the work that was being planned. Then I said to my son, “I must get everything in readiness; for soon we shall see the necessity of having the armor on, ready for action. In that meeting many things were said which I can and must meet. I must work now.” And we did work. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 9
Letters copied from my diary were sent to Elders Daniells and Irwin, and they were prepared for the issue. You will see by the copies enclosed what took place in Battle Creek. I need not go over the same ground. 20LtMs, Lt 322, 1905, par. 10