Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


Deceived Men Oppose God's Law

Satan is so deceiving men that many believe they are doing right in opposing the law of Jehovah. The enemy of God has led them to look upon His righteous law as an arbitrary requirement. All who unite on the side of righteousness in the conflict of good against evil will come into decided conflict with satanic forces; but this should not discourage the servant of God. 1NL 60.3

The Lord declares, “My Spirit shall strengthen every right principle in its opposition to evil. I will give power to every soul who will work on the side of righteousness and truth. I have a work for all to do who love Me, and who will hold aloft the banner of truth. And heavenly angels will be near to aid every human agency that is sanctified through the truth. All who preserve strict loyalty to God will do a righteous work in the earth in saving perishing souls.” 1NL 60.4