General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THE new departure in the educational work undertaken at the Battle Creek College at the beginning of the present year in the organization of a school for Christian workers, has thus far proved to be highly successful. About sixty young men and women of excellent ability, of mature years, and apparently possessed of the spirit of genuine consecration, have entered this department of the school with the purpose of preparing themselves for the most effective service in the Master’s cause. GCB October 1895, page 568.4

This course includes a portion of those subjects which have heretofore been taught only in the Sanitarium Training School for Nurses, such as, The Use of Simple Remedies, Healthful Cookery, Physical Culture, Bible Hygiene, Physiology and General Hygiene, Christian Help Work, etc. The course for the two years is so arranged that one of the natural sciences is studied each term, thus giving an opportunity for the study of six distinct branches of science, giving a good general view of the whole world of nature, and thus enlarging the mental grasp of the student, opening up to him new fields of knowledge, a rich storehouse of ennobling ideas, telling illustrations, and elevated thought. It is only by the study of the works of God that we may attain even those glimpses of his character which are within the comprehension of the finite mind. GCB October 1895, page 568.5

This course is one in which young people of mature age ought to be especially interested. It undertakes in the short course of one or two years, to give a preparation for practical missionary work of a most valuable sort, and to prepare workers to represent every branch of the third angel’s message. GCB October 1895, page 568.6

Students may enter this course advantageously at the beginning of any term, as each term’s work is, for the most part, made complete in itself. The following is a complete schedule for the two years’ course:— GCB October 1895, page 568.7


No Authorcode

Bible - History.Bible - Prophecy.Bible - Gospels.
English Grammar.English Grammar.English Composition.
General History.General History.General History.
Anatomy, Physiology,Anatomy, Physiology,Sanitary Science.


Bible - Missions.Bible - Biography.Bible - Methods.
Public Speaking.English Literature.English Literature.
General History.Political Science.Chemistry.
Zoology.Elementary Astronomy.Christian Help Work,
Bible Hygiene.Aid to Injured, SimpleAims and Methods.

The undersigned knows of no opportunity so favorable as that offered by this course for a rapid preparation for earnest, practical work in general missionary lines. J. H. KELLOGG, M.D. GCB October 1895, page 568.8