General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THE preparatory course is carried on at the Sanitarium in connection with the Medical Missionary College. This course occupies from one to two years, according to the previous preparation of the student. It is exceedingly desirable that all who intend to enter upon a course of medical study should have the benefit of this preparatory course, as it gives them a knowledge of principles and a practical knowledge of many matters pertaining to the care of the sick which can be more readily and conveniently obtained before beginning the regular medical course than while engaged in the arduous work of the medical course proper, which necessarily occupies so large a part of the student’s time that comparatively little opportunity is left for practical work. The preparatory course also affords an opportunity for students to complete the necessary literary and scientific qualifications for entering the medical school, provided deficiencies are not too great. Bright students can easily carry on one study in college in connection with the work at the Sanitarium. GCB October 1895, page 567.1

An indefinite number of students cannot be received in any of these courses. The number of students that can be received at the beginning of the next term of the Medical Missionary College is limited to forty, hence not more than these can be received into the preparatory school with the expectation of entering the college next fall, though others can be received for the two years’ preparatory course to enter the Medical Missionary School one year from next fall. GCB October 1895, page 567.2

The medical college enterprise has proved a far greater success than even its most sanguine friends dared to expect. At the present time, this school not only affords an opportunity for a most thorough medical education, — really, all things considered, second to none in the United States, — but in addition, with the extended course of missionary instruction and practical missionary work, affords by far the best opportunity for missionary training at present offered to the young people of our denomination. GCB October 1895, page 567.3

Students who may desire to enter the Medical Missionary College in the fall, should, as soon as possible, enter upon the preparatory course at the Sanitarium. Those who cannot make arrangements to do so, may possibly carry on some preparatory work at home which will be of advantage to them. The undersigned will be glad to hear from all who have this work in view and will give further information to any who may desire it. GCB October 1895, page 567.4