General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1






ON another page of this paper you will find a notice of a book from the pen of Mrs. E. G. White, entitled, “Christ our Saviour.” The low prices at which this book can be furnished will place it within the reach of all; we believe that it will be found to be one of the best “helps” for canvassers that has yet been produced. The fact that it is entirely new, and the matter beautifully and profusely illustrated with original designs, together with the recognized ability of the author, will at once commend the book to all. We think Seventh-day Adventists will be interested in selling it by the thousand to their friends and neighbors. GCB October 1895, page 592.18

The usual terms will be given to tract societies and agents. Do not forget to read the announcement of the book on another page of this paper, and send in your order at once for a sample copy, and then sell as many of them as possible. Order through the State tract societies, as usual. GCB October 1895, page 592.19



“The Fundamental Principles of Health Reform” is the title of a new tract that has just been gotten out by the International Tract Society and the Good Health Pub. Co. conjointly. The tract briefly states the history of the health reform work in connection with the Seventh-day Adventists; it tells of the duty of every Christian to recognize the fact that the laws of health are the laws of God. It tells of the importance of pure air, of what may be gained by simplicity and plainness in food, how to have pure water; it tells about healthful dress, about proper exercise, of proper rest and recreation, cleanliness, and the results of the use of stimulants. GCB October 1895, page 592.20

We especially desire that every Seventh-day Adventist will secure and read a copy of this tract. It contains 32 pages and retails at 4 cents per copy. The usual discounts will be given in quantities. Let every librarian order a supply without delay, from the State Secretary. This tract is the first number of a “Health Reform Library” that will be issued quarterly, and it is designed through this channel to specially help our own people in the important work of health reform. A. O. TAIT. GCB October 1895, page 592.21



THOSE of our brethren and sisters who were connected with the work fifteen, twenty, or twenty-five years ago will remember that a great deal was said upon the subject of health and temperance, much more, probably, than is being said at the present time. In those times it was thought that one who made use of unwholesome articles of diet, could not be considered a representative Seventh-day Adventist. But is there as strong a sentiment upon that question among us to-day as there was twenty years ago? To be sure our health work has made wonderful strides, but is there not a possibility that even our principles on health and temperance, for which we have sacrificed much in order to bring them before the people, are now being entertained more highly by the people of the world than they are by us? GCB October 1895, page 593.1

In those times our denomination took a deep interest in the circulation of our health and temperance literature, but at present, while our other denominational tracts are selling by the tens and hundreds of thousands, there is comparatively little demand for our health and temperance literature. Is not this wrong? and should we not take a different course in these matters? While circulating our general literature, should we not take as deep an interest in circulating our health literature as we do in any other class of our publications? We have a fine line of health and temperance tracts and pamphlets, as well as books. GCB October 1895, page 593.2

If you do not have a full catalogue of our health and temperance publications, send to your state secretary, and he will be glad to supply you with the same. We certainly think that our people should take a deeper interest in the circulation of this class of literature than has been taken during the past few years, and we believe that when the importance of the matter is presented they will be ready to do it. A. O. TAIT. GCB October 1895, page 593.3

A NEW WORK NOW IN PRESS. Ready for Shipment about Dec. 20, ‘95. GCB October 1895, page 593.4