General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




The readings have been set for certain days, one each day. Further than this, the churches and companies will need to meet and arrange a time that will suit the greatest number; for it is desired that the week of prayer shall be observed by all our people. There is need that as far as possible our work, business, and worldly cares should be laid aside, that a sufficient amount of time may be given to meditation and prayer, for reading the Bible, and attending the meetings. In order to secure success we need the cooperation of every one. GCB October 1, 1899, page 104.2

Elder Irwin’s introductory article may be read on Sabbath, December 16, or his two articles read on Sabbath, December 23. Time should be given the brethren to reflect on what is read, and opportunity should be given them to express themselves in social meetings. A meeting should never be permitted to drag, or be held too long, thus wearying the people. GCB October 1, 1899, page 104.3