Lt 195, 1905
Lt 195, 1905
Ballenger, E. S.
“Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California
July 9, 1905
Portions of this letter are published in CD 312, 323. +Note
Dear Brother Ballenger,—
I fear that sufficient fruit canned in glass will not be provided for use in the Paradise Valley Sanitarium. All fruit put up for use in the institution should be canned in glass. Let no fruit canned in tin be used; for there is danger in this. Many cases of sickness occur from the use of food canned in tin. Families occasionally learn to their sorrow that the contents of tin cans have brought death to several of their number who have eaten of fruit put up in this way. 20LtMs, Lt 195, 1905, par. 1
Provision should be made for obtaining a supply of dried sweet corn. Pumpkins can be dried and used to advantage during the winter in making pies. Apple sauce, put up in glass, is wholesome and palatable. Pears and cherries, if they can be obtained, make very nice sauce for winter use. 20LtMs, Lt 195, 1905, par. 2
In San Diego you are a little to one side of the large fruit centers, but you can make arrangements with those living near these centers to supply you with what is needed. 20LtMs, Lt 195, 1905, par. 3
I present these matters to you, knowing that they will not then be neglected. Please do what you can to see that provision is made for obtaining a sufficient supply of canned fruit for the use of the sanitarium. Do not let the season pass without seeing that this is done. Sick people need a liberal supply of fruit. A word to the wise is sufficient. Let a special interest be taken in obtaining a supply of fruit for winter use. Get the fruit wherever you can obtain it most cheaply. 20LtMs, Lt 195, 1905, par. 4
While I think of it, I will tell you that I believe you ought to plant some loganberries at the Paradise Valley Sanitarium. We have sold this season one hundred dollars’ worth. You now have plenty of water, and this would enable you to raise loganberries successfully. 20LtMs, Lt 195, 1905, par. 5