Search for: TM 46

1 Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 46.1 (Ellen Gould White)

The church of Christ on earth will be imperfect, but God does not destroy His church because of its imperfection. There have been and will be those who are filled …

3 Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 46.2 (Ellen Gould White)

Jesus knew that Judas was defective in character, but notwithstanding this, He accepted him as one of the disciples, and gave him the same opportunities and …

4 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church, Churches.1251

Church, Churches, God does not destroy, because of its imperfection TM 46

5 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church, Churches.1645

Church, Churches, misguided zeal of some persons who would attempt to purify TM 46

6 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church, Churches.1705

Church, Churches, one influence in, works to corrupt it TM 46

7 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church, Churches.1706

Church, Churches, works to purify it TM 46

8 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church, Churches.1833

Church, Churches, warning again spasmodic, zealous, and hasty action re TM 46

9 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church, Churches.1895

Church, Churches, Satan brings unconverted persons into TM 46

10 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church, Churches.2027

Church, Churches, two opposing influences continually exerted on members of TM 46

11 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church discipline.29

Church discipline, let there be no hasty action in FE 294; TM 46

12 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church fellowship.22

Church fellowship, hasty action in cutting off members from, let there be no TM 46

13 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church fellowship.32

Church fellowship, Satan brings unconverted persons into TM 46

14 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church member, Church members.300

Church member, Church members, let there be no hasty action in FE 294; TM 46

15 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church member, Church members.1034

Church member, Church members, two opposing influences continually exerted on TM 46

16 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Imperfection, Imperfections.6

Imperfection, Imperfections, God does not destroy His church because of its TM 46

17 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Influence, Influences.203

Influence, Influences, two opposing, continually exerted on church members TM 46

18 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Judas Iscariot.236

Judas Iscariot, why Christ admitted, as disciple DA 293-4; 4T 41-2, 486; TM 46-7

19 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), People of God.316

People of God, one influence works to corrupt, while another works to purify church TM 46

20 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Tare, Tares.20

Tare, Tares, uprooting, that does more harm than good to church TM 46