Search for: TDG 45.1

1 This Day With God, p. 45.1 (Ellen Gould White)

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 .

2 EGW Complete Scripture Index, Ephesians 5:20

12LtMs, Ms 81, 1897, par. 4; 13LtMs, Ms 159, 1898, par. 13; 14LtMs, Ms 1, 1899, par. 13; 14LtMs, Ms 33, 1899, par. 14; 16LtMs, Lt 111, 1901, par. 3; 17LtMs, Ms 161, 1902, par. 2; 18MR 121.2; 23LtMs, Lt 132, 1908, par. 3; TDG 45.1; TDG 335.1