Search for: RC 192.1

1 Reflecting Christ, p. 192.1 (Ellen Gould White)

[The king] made him [Joseph] lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions, to instruct his princes at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom. Psalm 105:21, 22, R.S.V.

2 EGW Complete Scripture Index, Psalm 105:21

2TT 477.3; 6T 219.3; Ed 53.1; LHU 63.1; PP 222.1; RC 192.1; SPCCSR 92.4

3 EGW Complete Scripture Index, Psalm 105:22

2TT 477.3; 6T 219.3; Ed 53.1; LHU 63.1; PP 222.1; RC 192.1; SPCCSR 92.4