Search for: Jehova*

23782 The American Sentinel 10 September 19, 1895, page 289 paragraph 21

… of Jehovah. Satan was the first one who set up his will in opposition to that of the Creator. The papacy, actuated by the same spirit of self, has done likewise …

23783 The American Sentinel 10 December 12, 1895, page 386 paragraph 3

… God, Jehovah? or Baal? We quote from the narrative given in the eighteenth chapter of 1 Kings:—

23784 The American Sentinel 10 December 12, 1895, page 386 paragraph 6

… whether Jehovah or Baal was the true God. But that was not the final end of the controversy. A like controversy is agitating the religious world to-day; the same …

23785 The American Sentinel 10 December 12, 1895, page 386 paragraph 8

… of Jehovah must be “in spirit and in truth .” The Saviour said, “In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” John 4:24. Matthew 15:9 .

23786 The American Sentinel 10 December 12, 1895, page 386 paragraph 12

… between Jehovah and Baal. For Sunday observance, while professedly a tribute to Christ, is in reality a tribute to that god in whose worship Sunday observance …

23787 The American Sentinel 11 January 23, 1896, page 27 paragraph 7

… of Jehovah,—the memorial of his creative power, which is also the power by which he redeems the sinner.

23788 The American Sentinel 11 April 23, 1896, page 129 paragraph 2

All gods were then regarded as national deities, and while the gods of Rome were held to be superior to all others, even to Jehovah, Rome permitted conquered nations to maintain their accustomed worship; hence Judaism was tolerated.

23789 The American Sentinel 11 June 4, 1896, page 178 paragraph 10

… the Jehovah as a memorial of the finished creation. Sunday was the sign, rather of the continual activity of the sun, and was by the pagans contrasted with the …

23790 The American Sentinel 11 June 4, 1896, page 178 paragraph 11

… to Jehovah instead of to the sun, as did the pagans. For instance, Justin Martyr, in his apology for the Christians, addressed to the Emperor of Rome, said: “Upon …

23791 The American Sentinel 11 July 16, 1896, page 218 paragraph 13

… of Jehovah had not only rendered a great service to the country, but had proved himself a man of valor. It was seen that righteousness is not cowardice, and that …

23792 The American Sentinel 12 February 25, 1897, page 113 paragraph 6

THERE are many people who do not know that Jehovah is God. There are many who say that they do not know whether there is any God at all. Yet all can know that Jehovah is God.

23793 The American Sentinel 12 February 25, 1897, page 113 paragraph 7

All that any one needs to do to know that Jehovah is God, is merely to employ the means which He has established that He may be known. “Hallow my Sabbaths and the shall be a sign between me and you that ye may know that I am the Lord your God.”

23794 The American Sentinel 12 February 25, 1897, page 113 paragraph 8

… that Jehovah is God. And if any one will not take enough interest in the matter to do so simple a thing as that, he is certainly without excuse.

23795 The American Sentinel 12 June 10, 1897, page 353 paragraph 11

… of Jehovah. The work of Moses, of the seventy elders, of the rulers and judges, was simply to enforce the laws that God had given. They had no authority to legislate …

23796 The American Sentinel 12 June 17, 1897, page 370 paragraph 4

… acknowledged Jehovah as their King—when the laws and government which he established were regarded as superior to those of all other nations.” And such will …

23797 The American Sentinel 12 September 16, 1897, page 572 paragraph 7

… of Jehovah in the creation of man? To what heights is man, in the unfolding of that purpose, to attain in the eternal ages?

23798 The American Sentinel 12 September 23, 1897, page 577 paragraph 8

“THE powers that be are ordained of God;” but this fact does not set the fiat of civil government above the commandment of Jehovah.

23799 The American Sentinel 12 September 23, 1897, page 581 paragraph 5

… of Jehovah. But this he cannot do unless he keeps it holy, as God has specified. Otherwise he will see nothing of God in the Sabbath, and it will be to him but as any …

23800 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 145 paragraph 10

… of Jehovah covers completely the whole subject of the duty and privilege of every individual with respect to a weekly day of rest. That law is still in force …