Search for: GC 578

1 The Great Controversy, p. 578.1 (Ellen Gould White)

The churches of Africa held the Sabbath as it was held by the papal church before her complete apostasy. While they kept the seventh day in obedience to the …

2 The Great Controversy, p. 578.2 (Ellen Gould White)

These records of the past clearly reveal the enmity of Rome toward the true Sabbath and its defenders, and the means which she employs to honor the institution …

3 The Great Controversy, p. 578.3 (Ellen Gould White)

The prophecy of Revelation 13 declares that the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns shall cause “the earth and them which dwell therein” to …

4 Last Day Events, p. 129.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… Controversy, 578, 579, 592 (1911) .

5 The Faith I Live By, p. 329.5 (Ellen Gould White)

God's Word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape the snare. The Great Controversy, 578, 579, 581 .

8 My Journey to Life, Step 15—The Great Controversy, p. 15.8 (Ellen G. White Estate)

Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 589.2, 3 — 590.1; 578.3 — 579.1; 678.3

9 The Great Controversy -- Study Guide, p. 57.6 (Ellen G. White Estate)

6. Are the possession of talents and culture to be despised by the humble Christian? How may they be used by Satan as a snare to others? What example is given of the danger of perverting these powers? 509:2, 3 [ 578:2, 3 ]

10 The Great Controversy -- Study Guide, p. 66.11 (Ellen G. White Estate)

11. What scriptures foretell the revival of world-wide Sunday laws and of persecution? 578:2-579:1 [ 652:2-653:1 ]

11 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Africa.6

Africa, Sunday observance enforced by papacy in GC 578

12 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Beast, prophetic, Beasts, prophetic.12

Beast, prophetic, Beasts, prophetic, USA represented by GC 440-1, 445, 578-9; SR 381-2

13 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Beast, prophetic, Beasts, prophetic.18

Beast, prophetic, Beasts, prophetic, papacy represented by GC 439, 443, 445, 578; SR 381-2

14 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Church History of Ethiopia.2

Church History of Ethiopia, Church History of Ethiopia, by Michael Geddes, quoted GC 578

15 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Geddes, Michael.2

Geddes, Michael, Geddes, Michael, quoted GC 578

16 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Mark of beast.29

Mark of beast, USA will enforce Sunday observance as GC 578-9; SR 382-3

17 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Protestant, Protestants.5

Protestant, Protestants, collaboration of, with Roman Catholics against people who reject their dogmas GC 574, 578, 580-1, 607; 5T 449

18 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Protestant, Protestants.21

Protestant, Protestants, Sunday observance by 4BC 1172; FE 288; GC 54, 447-8, 578, 581; SR 330; 5T 449

19 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Roman Catholic, Roman Catholics.14

Roman Catholic, Roman Catholics, Ethiopia banished GC 578

20 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Roman Catholic, Roman Catholics.29

Roman Catholic, Roman Catholics, to exalt Sunday GC 578