Search for: GC 381.1

1 The Great Controversy, p. 381.1 (Ellen Gould White)

In Revelation 14 the first angel is followed by a second proclaiming: “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the …

3 The Great Controversy -- Study Guide, p. 42.7 (Ellen G. White Estate)

7. How is the term “Babylon” as used in the book of Revelation, shown to be a Symbol of an unfaithful church? and what Scriptures identify this church with Rome? 381:1-382:3 [ 434:3-436:2 ]

4 EGW Complete Scripture Index, Revelation 14:1

… 285.2; GC 311.3; GC 352.3; GC 355.1; GC 379.1; GC 381.1; GC 382.3; GC 389.2; GC 425.1; GC 431.3; GC 435.2; GC 437.1; GC 453.3; GC 603.2; GC 648.3; GC88 311.2; GC88 352.3; GC88 355.1 …

5 EGW Complete Scripture Index, Revelation 14:8

… 285.3; GC 381.1; GC 389.3; GC 390.2; GC 536.3; GC 603.2; GC88 380.3; GC88 389.3; GC88 390.2; GC88 536.3; GC88 603.2; GrH_c 15.5; HF 236.3; HF 241.3; HF 331.1; HS 204.2; LDE 123.2 …

6 EGW Complete Scripture Index, Revelation 17:1

11LtMs, Ms 32, 1896, par. 36; 14LtMs, Lt 232, 1899, par. 20; 1EGWLM 142.1; 1EGWLM 244.1; 1EGWLM 950.38; 4SP 233.1; 7BC 983; 7BC 983.3; GC 381.1; GC 382.2; GC 439.3; GC88 380.3; GC88 382.2; GC88 439.3; HF 236.3; MMM 420.19

7 Bible Handbook, p. 56.5 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

• Genesis 11:7, 9, margin. Babylon means confusion. The Great Controversy, 381 .

9 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 154 (Walter Edwin Read)

… Controversy, 381 A city on a hill Matthew 5:14 The Acts of the Apostles, 12 A candlestick Revelation 1:20 The Acts of the Apostles, 585 A fountain of life Ezekiel …