Search for: CS 209
1 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 209 (Ellen Gould White)
Chapter 42—The Peril of Covetousness
2 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 209.1 (Ellen Gould White)
Many of the people of God are stupefied by the spirit of the world, and are denying their faith by their works. They cultivate a love for money, for houses and …
3 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 209.2 (Ellen Gould White)
They forget that He said also, “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven;” that in so doing they are working for their own interest. The treasure laid up in heaven …
4 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 209 (Ellen Gould White)
Christ's Victory
5 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 209.3 (Ellen Gould White)
In the wilderness, Christ met the great leading temptations that would assail man. There, singlehanded, He encountered the wily, subtle foe, and overcame him …
6 To Be Like Jesus, p. 200.5 (Ellen Gould White)
… Stewardship, 209, 210 .
7 Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide, p. 40.2 (Ellen G. White Estate)
The deceitfulness and futility of self-love can never compare with the openness and advantages of love centered in Jesus Christ. Please read CS 209-216 or CSA 133-136. (Always read each chapter before answering the questions.)
8 Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide, p. 40.7 (Ellen G. White Estate)
_______________________ for whom Christ died.” CS 209:1 or CSA 133:1
9 Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide, p. 40.8 (Ellen G. White Estate)
2. List the three great temptations Satan used against Jesus: CS 209:3 or CSA 133:3 A. B. C.
10 Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide, p. 57.1 (Ellen G. White Estate)
22. That man might not lose the blessed results of benevolence, our Redeemer formed the plan of enlisting man as a coworker. True False CS 346:2 or CSA 209:2
11 Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide, p. 57.3 (Ellen G. White Estate)
24. What is God’s “standing promise” to those who carry out His plan in systematic benevolence in gifts and offerings? CS 347:5 or CSA 209:4
12 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Care, Cares.32
Care, Cares, accumulation of, that violates Christ’s injunction CS 209
13 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Christ (events of earthly life of).53
… -30; CS 144, 209-10; CT 27; DA 114-31, 416, 746; EW 155-8; FE 176; GC 50, 501, 554, 559, 666; GW 341; MH 181, 333; MYP 52, 58; PK 701; PP 679; SD 24, 141, 156, 159; 4aSG 150; 1SM 94-5, 223, 227-8, 252-6, 267 …
14 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Christ.5188
… , 186; CS 209; DA 116-8, 122-3; MH 333; MM 264; SD 141; 1SM 95, 267-81, 408; 3T 161, 372, 380, 486, 561; 4T 29, 32-3, 44, 293, 576; 5T 510; Te 19-20, 82, 108-9, 265, 267, 276
15 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Christ.5200
Christ, on presumption CS 209; DA 125-6; GC 501; 1SM 282; 3T 482-3; 4T 44, 576
16 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Christ.5218
Christ, on love of world CS 209; 4T 44, 576; 5T 481; Te 276
17 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Christ.5227
Christ, three leading temptations presented in CS 209; 3T 372; Te 276, 285
18 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Honor, Honors.71
Honor, Honors, Satan uses, to allure and deceive CS 209-10, 214
19 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), House, Houses.72
House, Houses, love for, warning against cultivation of CS 209
20 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Land, Lands.52
Land, Lands, love for, warning against cultivating CS 209