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1 The Great Controversy, p. 691.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… Middle Ages, vol. 1, pt. 2, ch. 2, pars. 49, 54-56. See also Index of Prohibited Books (Vatican Polyglot Press, 1930), pp. IX, X; Timothy Hurley, A Commentary on the Present Index …

2 The Retirement Years, p. 197.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… matters. Aged Bro. Tucker, who had lived in her home for 1 1/2 years, died there June 24. Met speaking appointments in Stanmore weekend of July 7-11, and returned …

3 God's Amazing Grace, p. 27.1 (Ellen Gould White)

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Psalm 2:8 .

4 Manuscript Releases, vol. 8 [Nos. 526-663], p. 339.4 (Ellen Gould White)

… . Their ages are 24, 22, 20 and 12. They are goodhearted girls and are trying to serve God. Their voices were never heard in prayer until after the Milton conference …

5 The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1, p. 67 (Ellen Gould White)

… [vol. 1] Oct. 21 Brother and Sister — See Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 204-209 75 Date Addressee/Title File Number Page Dec. 27 Testimony Regarding the Work …

6 The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1, p. 474.5 (Ellen Gould White)

… at age 21 in 1854 and who was the oldest daughter of Leonard and Elmira Hastings. Ellen White in her correspondence sometimes referred to her as “Arabella …

7 The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1, p. 582.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… ., Aug. 27, 1860 … aged thirty-five years.” See: Obituary: “Mary Jane Cranson,” Review, Sept. 18, 1860, p. 143.

8 The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1, p. 606.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… , at age 33. See: Obituary: “Thomas B. Mead,” Review, Aug. 27, 1861, p. 103. When J. N. Andrews left for Rochester six weeks earlier (see notes under Jan. 14 ), James White described …

9 The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1, p. 614.4 (Ellen Gould White)

… stated age, “26.” John P. Farnsworth was, in fact, 25 years old when the census was taken in June 1860. This discrepancy, however, is not serious, given the anomalies …

10 The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1, p. 686.5 (Ellen Gould White)

… at age 33, leaving his wife, Mary, with three children aged about 8, 6, and 4. In accordance with her husband's plans, Mary subsequently moved from Jackson County …

11 Messenger of the Lord, p. 386.7 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… of ages.” Henry Alford, The New Testament for English Readers (London: Rivingtons, 1863, vol. 1), pp. 23-27.

12 Understanding Ellen White, p. 107.1 (Dr. Merlin Burt)

… references: 1 Corinthians 12:9-11, 27, 28; Ephesians 4:8, 11-13; Romans 12:4-8; Acts 6:1-7; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 1 Peter 4:10, 11.

13 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 324.1 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… , 14-27; Moon, “Who Owns the Truth?” 52-54. Raymond, F. Cottrell, “The Literary Relationship Between The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, and The Life of Christ, by William …

14 Basic Rules of Interpretation-Internal and External, p. 1.7 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… of ages.” Henry Alford, The New Testament for English Readers (London: Rivingtons, 1863, vol. 1), pp. 23-27.

16 Antiquities of the Jews, p. 6.37 (Titus Flavius Josephus)

… all ages has shown, the Divine settlement by Moses had soon been laid aside under the kings, had not God, by keeping strictly to his laws, and severely executing …

17 Antiquities of the Jews, p. 6.80 (Titus Flavius Josephus)

… other age, and burnt it; only there was one son of Ahimelech, whose name was Abiathar, who escaped However, these things came to pass as God had foretold to Eli …

18 Antiquities of the Jews, p. 8.20 (Titus Flavius Josephus)

… , Amos 1:10, and the city was not of so great reputation as Sitlon for some ages: that it was attacked both by sea and land by Salmanasser, as Josephus informs us …

19 The Wars of The Jews, p. 7.12 (Titus Flavius Josephus)

… all ages. This, John, is an excellent example in such a time of danger, and I dare venture to promise that the Romans shall still forgive thee. And take notice that …

20 History of Protestantism, vol. 1, p. 52.2 (James Aitken Wylie)

… that age had little value, still Arnold had touched a chord in their hearts, to which they were able to respond. The pomp, profligacy, and power of Churchmen had …