Search for: AA 469
1 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 469 (Ellen Gould White)
Chapter 45—Written From Rome
2 The Acts of the Apostles
This chapter is based on the Epistles to the Colossians and the Philippians .
3 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 469.1 (Ellen Gould White)
The apostle Paul early in his Christian experience was given special opportunities to learn the will of God concerning the followers of Jesus. He was “caught …
4 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 469.2 (Ellen Gould White)
Paul could not tell all that he had seen in vision; for among his hearers were some who would have misapplied his words. But that which was revealed to him enabled …
5 Gospel Workers (1915 ed.)
… Apostles, 469-484, 519-523, 557-567. Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 522, 523 .
6 Acts of the Apostles -- Study Guide, p. 50.1 (Ellen G. White Estate)
1. Give Paul’s credentials as an inspired writer ( 469:1 ).
7 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Paul.123
Paul, given special opportunities to learn of God AA 469
8 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Paul.697
Paul, many visions and revelations given to, by God AA 469
9 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Paul.765
Paul, many things in vision that were not lawful for him to utter AA 469; 6BC 1106-7
10 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Paul.824
Paul, understanding of principles of gospel truth by, equal to that of chiefest apostles AA 469
11 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Vision, Visions.58
Vision, Visions, Paul could not tell all that he saw in AA 469
12 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Vision, Visions.66
Vision, Visions, Paul was given many AA 469
17 EGW Complete Scripture Index, 2Corinthians 12:1
1EGWLM 270.8; 6BC 1106; 6BC 1106.6; 6BC 1106.7; AA 469.1; TT 248.1; YRP 227.1
18 EGW Complete Scripture Index, 2Corinthians 12:2
1EGWLM 270.8; 6BC 1106.7; AA 469.1; GC 471.1; GC88 471.1; Mar 235.4; NL 15.1; RC 91.4; TR 24.1; YRP 227.1
19 EGW Complete Scripture Index, 2Corinthians 12:4
1888 897.1; 18LtMs, Ms 91, 1903, par. 38; 1EGWLM 270.8; 6BC 1106.7; 6BC 1107.4; 7LtMs, Ms 21, 1891, par. 28; 9MR 300.1; AA 469.1; GC 471.1; GC88 471.1; Mar 235.4; NL 15.1; RC 91.4; TR 24.1
20 EGW Complete Scripture Index, 2Corinthians 12:11
AA 469.1; MMM 366.14; TT 248.1