Search for: 5T 328
1 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 328.1 (Ellen Gould White)
The Bible gives explicit directions concerning the important work of educating children: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the …
2 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 328.2 (Ellen Gould White)
The Lord commanded Israel not to make marriages with the idolatrous nations around them. “Thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt …
3 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 328.3 (Ellen Gould White)
Here are positive directions that reach down to our time. God is speaking to us in these last days, and He will be understood and obeyed. God spoke to Israel through …
4 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Child, Children.1702
Child, Children, Bible gives explicit directions re importance of 5T 328
5 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Marriage, Marriages.161
Marriage, Marriages, God expressly forbade PP 369; 4aSG 100; 1T 218; 4T 508; 5T 328
6 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Marriage, Marriages.171
Marriage, Marriages, Israelites were forbidden to enter PK 619-20; SR 146-7; 4T 508; 5T 328
7 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Marriage, Marriages.201
Marriage, Marriages, God forbids FE 500; PK 53; 4T 508; 5T 328
8 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Scripture, Scriptures.1519
Scripture, Scriptures, explicit directions given by, re importance of educating children 5T 328
9 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Unbeliever, Unbelievers.78
Unbeliever, Unbelievers, forbidden by God Ev 617; FE 500; PP 175; 5T 328
15 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Scripture Index), Deuteronomy 6:4-9
MM 123; 5T 328; TM 140-1
16 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Scripture Index), Deuteronomy 7:2-4
PP 369; 2SM 121-2, 124; 4aSG 100; 4T 508; 5T 328, 363
17 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Scripture Index), Deuteronomy 7:6-9
2SM 122; 1T 283; 2T 109; 5T 328
18 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Scripture Index), Joshua 1:8
CC 116.1; PK 465; 3SM 359.4; 5T 328-9