Search for: Jehova*

1961 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 69.5 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… which Jehovah was recognized and revered as king. His kingship was very definitely and gratefully accepted by His loyal people in olden times. Isaiah declared …

1962 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 70.3 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… which Jehovah, the invisible King, revealed His will, made known His laws, selected His administrators, and raised up godly men to be His messengers, who were …

1963 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 71.3 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… for Jehovah that Israel rose in revolt. Samuel, it will be recalled, came into the world by divine providence. Said his pious, God-fearing mother, “For this child …

1964 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 71.6 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… acknowledged Jehovah as their king,—when the laws and the government which He had established were regarded as superior to those of all other nations.” Patriarchs …

1965 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 72.3 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… with Jehovah, their King, could be broken, the estrangement and separation of the human race would be complete. Satan would then gain his original purpose …

1966 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 72.4 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… rejected Jehovah as king. They put a mere man in His place. They rejected the prophetic gift by spurning its messages. But the break—the separation of Israel …

1967 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy

… of Jehovah. It was Samuel who had taught them to love and obey God; but now that he was dead, the people felt that they were left to the mercies of a king who was joined …

1968 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy

… to Jehovah, Samuel is not unworthy to be placed by the side of the older lawgiver. The record of his life is not marred by any act or word which would appear unworthy …

1969 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 81.3 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… known Jehovah’s purpose to allow serious developments to take place in the kingdom. His departure from the ways of the Lord had brought great harm to the …

1971 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 91.6 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… of Jehovah, and they appeared to be accomplishing their wicked purpose. With the king and queen entirely committed to idolatry, with temples and altars on …

1972 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 94.2 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… or Jehovah. All that Elijah commanded was faithfully performed by Ahab. Elijah stood alone before the eight hundred fifty prophets of Baal.

1973 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 94.3 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… or Jehovah. So he directed Baal’s prophets to place their sacrifice on the altar, and call upon their god, in the presence of all the people, to demonstrate by …

1974 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 95.1 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… God, Jehovah, to a great test in the eyes of the people. Having placed his sacrifice on “the altar of the Lord,” he had twelve barrels of water poured upon the sacrifice …

1975 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 95.3 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… upon Jehovah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. The people have witnessed the fanatical, unreasonable frenzy of the prophets of Baal. In contrast they …

1976 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 95.5 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

The tremendous contrast between the true God of Israel and the false God of the pagans had been clearly revealed. On the one hand stood the lone prophet of Jehovah, and on the other the eight hundred fifty prophets of Baal; and the great test had

1977 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 106.3 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… with Jehovah, and turn them into debased heathenism like all the other nations of earth.

1978 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 108.2 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… for Jehovah—of heathenism for the gospel of salvation—seemed so certain to Ahab and Jezebel that they treated Elijah’s first warning with the utmost contempt …

1979 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 114.4 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… of Jehovah upon the house of Ahab. He slew the king of Israel, and usurped the throne. He then hastened to Jezreel, where the heathen consort of Ahab lived. At the …