Search for: Jehova*

1921 The Review and Herald March 25, 1915, paragraph 12

… of Jehovah. They learned to see in their Maker love, and mercy, and tender compassion. And in the dark days that were to come in the history of Judah, when only a …

1922 The Review and Herald March 25, 1915, paragraph 16

… Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with Joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day shall …

1923 The Review and Herald April 1, 1915, paragraph 9

… to Jehovah. Tender were the pleadings of the prophets; and as they stood before the people, earnestly exhorting to repentance and reformation, their words …

1924 The Review and Herald April 1, 1915, paragraph 16

… of Jehovah to those who were in danger of falling into habits of formalism, and of forgetting to show mercy. When Christ himself, during his earthly ministry …

1925 The Review and Herald April 8, 1915, paragraph 10

… to Jehovah, steadfastly refusing to be led into idolatry. It was to these that Isaiah and Micah and their associates looked in hope as they surveyed the ruin …

1926 The Review and Herald April 8, 1915, paragraph 15

… Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:1-4 .

1927 The Review and Herald April 22, 1915, paragraph 10

… to Jehovah, had wonderful encouragement offered them in the prophetic portions of Scripture. The solemn warnings against idolatry, spoken through Moses …

1928 The Review and Herald May 6, 1915, paragraph 3

… in Jehovah as their Supreme Ruler. And, like David, he could now plead: “Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry; for my soul is full of troubles …

1929 The Review and Herald May 6, 1915, paragraph 9

… of Jehovah, and vowed to spend his remaining days in willing service to the King of kings. His grateful recognition of God's compassionate dealing with him …

1930 The Review and Herald May 13, 1915, paragraph 9

… in Jehovah could he hope to triumph over the powers of darkness that were plotting his ruin and the utter destruction of his people.

1931 The Review and Herald May 20, 1915, paragraph 1

… of Jehovah to deliver, Hezekiah inspired the people of Judah to resist with unfailing courage the advancing hosts of Assyria, when it seemed as if nothing …

1933 The Review and Herald May 27, 1915, paragraph 13

… of Jehovah was at stake: he alone could bring deliverance.

1934 The Review and Herald June 3, 1915, paragraph 8

… of Jehovah was vindicated in the eyes of the surrounding nations. In Jerusalem the hearts of the people were filled with holy joy. Their earnest entreaties …

1935 The Review and Herald June 17, 1915, Art. A, paragraph 3

… thee,” Jehovah declared, “and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee …

1936 The Review and Herald June 17, 1915, Art. A, paragraph 6

… acknowledge Jehovah's power. “Go serve the Lord,” he urged Moses and Aaron, “and bless me also.” Exodus 12:31, 32 .

1937 The Review and Herald June 17, 1915, Art. A, paragraph 7

… of Jehovah that had thus come to her, proved her salvation. By faith “Rahab perished not with them that believed not.” Hebrews 11:31. And her conversion was not …

1938 The Review and Herald June 17, 1915, Art. A, paragraph 9

… of Jehovah for the salvation of the heathen were almost wholly lost sight of, and it became necessary for him to set forth his plan anew. “All the ends of the world …

1939 The Review and Herald June 24, 1915, paragraph 4

Jehovah declared to the prophet that he would send his witnesses “unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, ... to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off.” “They shall …

1940 The Review and Herald July 1, 1915, Art. A, paragraph 1

… of Jehovah. His people have been permitted to look beyond the trials of the present to the triumphs of the future, when, the warfare having been accomplished …