Search for: Choice
1841 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. INVOLUNTARY.3 (Noah Webster)
2. Independent of will or choice. The motion of the heart and arteries is involuntary, but not against the will.
1842 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. INVOLUNTARY.4 (Noah Webster)
3. Not proceeding from choice; not done willingly; opposed to the will. A slave and a conquered nation yield an involuntary submission to a master.
1843 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. KING.2 (Noah Webster)
… by choice.
1844 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. LICKERISH.2 (Noah Webster)
1. Nice in the choice of food; dainty; as a lickerish palate.
1845 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. MISCHOOSE.1 (Noah Webster)
MISCHOOSE, v.t. mischooz’. To choose wrong; to make a wrong choice.
1846 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. MOTIVE.3 (Noah Webster)
… the choice, or moves the will. Thus we speak of good motives, and bad motives; strong and weak motives. The motive to continue at rest is ease or satisfaction; the …
1847 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. NEGATIVE.17 (Noah Webster)
3. To resist a choice or what is proposed.
1848 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. NOBLE.11 (Noah Webster)
9. Of the best kind; choice; excellent; as a noble vine. Jeremiah 2:21 .
1849 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. NOMINATE.5 (Noah Webster)
… election, choice or appointment; to proposed by name, or offer the name of a person as a candidate for an office or place. This is the principal use of the word …
1850 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. NOMINATING.1 (Noah Webster)
NOMINATING, ppr. Naming; proposing for an office or for choice by name.
1851 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. OFFER.24 (Noah Webster)
1. A proposal to be accepted or rejected; presentation to choice. The prince made liberal offers, but they were rejected.
1852 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. OPTION.2 (Noah Webster)
1. The power of choosing; the right of choice or election; as the archbishop’s option in collating to a vacant benefice.
1853 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. OPTION.5 (Noah Webster)
3. Choice; election; preference. He ought not to complain of his lot; it was his own option. We leave this to your own option.
1854 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. OPTIONAL.2 (Noah Webster)
1. Left to one’s wish or choice; depending on choice or preference. It is optional with you to go or stay.
1855 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. OPTIONAL.3 (Noah Webster)
2. Leaving something to choice.
1856 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. OR.4 (Noah Webster)
… a choice of either. He may study law or medicine or divinity, or he may enter into trade.
1857 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. PICK.20 (Noah Webster)
1. Choice; right of selection. You may have your pick.
1858 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. PITCH.29 (Noah Webster)
3. To fall; to fix choice; with on or upon.
1859 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. PLEASURE.8 (Noah Webster)
4. What the will dictates or prefers; will; choice; purpose; intention; command; as, use your pleasure.
1860 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. PLEASURE.13 (Noah Webster)
6. Arbitrary will or choice. He can vary his scheme at pleasure.