Search for: Jehova*
1781 The Review and Herald September 13, 1898, paragraph 11
… of Jehovah; if they trample upon his Sabbath, and honor the sabbath brought into existence by the man or sin,—they will treasure up against themselves the wrath …
1782 The Review and Herald October 18, 1898, paragraph 18
… Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day shall …
1783 The Review and Herald November 15, 1898, paragraph 1
… of Jehovah!
1784 The Review and Herald November 15, 1898, paragraph 7
… of Jehovah will hold its exalted place.
1785 The Review and Herald November 15, 1898, paragraph 12
… of Jehovah.
1786 The Review and Herald December 27, 1898, paragraph 11
… from Jehovah, refusing to do his will. They followed their unholy imagination and perverted ideas. “God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for …
1787 The Review and Herald May 9, 1899, Art. A, paragraph 3
… of Jehovah, and in the books of heaven their names are recorded as associate rebels with the first great apostate.
1788 The Review and Herald May 23, 1899, paragraph 13
… of Jehovah as his counselor, his reprover, his standard of character, and thus testifies to worlds unfallen and to this sinful world, that the law is immutable …
1789 The Review and Herald July 11, 1899, Art. A, paragraph 21
… of Jehovah. God desires his people to be ready, with souls aglow with his love, to impart as fast as they receive. They are to show what the truth has done for them …
1790 The Review and Herald July 18, 1899, Art. A, paragraph 7
… insult Jehovah, to grieve the Holy Spirit, and to prove disloyal to Christ.
1791 The Review and Herald July 18, 1899, paragraph 3
… of Jehovah, which dictate the duty of man to his fellow man, and so place themselves in a position where it is impossible for them to glorify God in their bodies …
1792 The Review and Herald October 10, 1899, paragraph 9
… of Jehovah endures. Christ came to live this law, and he declared, “I have kept my Father's commandments.”
1793 The Review and Herald December 26, 1899, Art. A, paragraph 14
… of Jehovah must be prepared to be arrested, to be brought before councils that have not for their standard the high and holy law of God.
1794 The Review and Herald December 26, 1899, Art. A, paragraph 15
… of Jehovah for the inventions of men, to cause oppression and suffering to human beings.
1795 The Review and Herald January 16, 1900, paragraph 1
… of Jehovah; sinners were at enmity with their Maker; Jesus came to make overtures of peace. At the appointed time angels were commissioned to announce his …
1796 The Review and Herald January 23, 1900, paragraph 6
… by Jehovah from Sinai can not live in the hearts of persons of disorderly, filthy habits. If ancient Israel could not so much as listen to the proclamation …
1797 The Review and Herald February 6, 1900, Art. A, paragraph 11
… of Jehovah will meet with trial and temptation; but these are only what Jesus met, and he declares: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and …
1798 The Review and Herald February 6, 1900, Art. A, paragraph 12
… of Jehovah. Shall we take their word for it? Shall we accept their assertions? How shall we distinguish God's true servants from the false prophets who Christ …
1799 The Review and Herald February 6, 1900, Art. A, paragraph 14
… by Jehovah disloyalty to the laws of the nations. Kingdoms have confederated to sustain a false sabbath institution, which has not a word of authority in …
1800 The Review and Herald April 17, 1900, paragraph 6
… insulted Jehovah by refusing to obey a “Thus saith the Lord.” He has thought to change times and laws; but has he done this? The words in the thirty-first chapter …