Search for: Choice
1781 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICE.14 (Noah Webster)
To make choice of, to choose; to select; to separate and take in preference.
1782 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICE.15 (Noah Webster)
1783 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICE.18 (Noah Webster)
My revenue is better than choice silver. Proverbs 8:19 .
1784 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICE.19 (Noah Webster)
2. Holding dear; preserving or using with care, as valuable; frugal; as, to be choice of time or of advantages.
1785 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICE.20 (Noah Webster)
3. Selecting with care, and due attention to preference; as, to be choice of ones company.
1786 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICE-DRAWN.1 (Noah Webster)
CHOICE-DRAWN, a. Selected with particular care.
1787 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICELY.1 (Noah Webster)
1788 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICELY.2 (Noah Webster)
1. With care in choosing; with nice regard to preference; with exact choice; as a band of men choicely collected.
1789 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICELY.4 (Noah Webster)
3. With great care; carefully; as a thing choicely preserved.
1790 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOICENESS.1 (Noah Webster)
CHOICENESS, n. Valuableness; particular value or worth; as the choiceness of a plant or of wine.
1791 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOOSE.2 (Noah Webster)
1. To pick out; to select; to take by way of preference from two or more things offered; to make choice of.
1792 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOOSE.14 (Noah Webster)
2. To have the power of choice. The phrase, he cannot choose but stay, denotes that he has not the power of choice, whether to stay or not.
1793 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CHOOSING.2 (Noah Webster)
CHOOSING, n. Choice; election.
1794 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. COMBAT.5 (Noah Webster)
After the fall of the republic, the Romans comabated only for the choice of maters.
1795 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. COMMUNICATE.6 (Noah Webster)
Common benefits are to be communicated with all, but peculiar benefits with choice.
1796 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. CONSTRAINT.2 (Noah Webster)
Not by constraint, but by my choice, I came.
1797 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. DELIBERATE.1 (Noah Webster)
… a choice or decision; to pause and consider. A wise prince will deliberate before he wages war.
1798 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. DELIBERATE.5 (Noah Webster)
1. Weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; circumspect; slow in determining; applies to persons; as a deliberate judge or counselor.
1799 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. DELIBERATION.2 (Noah Webster)
1. The act of deliberating; the act of weighing and examining the reasons for and against a choice or measure; consideration. We say, a measure has been taken with deliberation.
1800 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. DETERMINE.7 (Noah Webster)
… the choice; that is, to limit to a particular purpose or direction; as, this circumstance determined him to the study of law. Also, to give a direction to material …