Search for: different order angels

161 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 2 August 19, 1851, page 12 paragraph 14

Different chains of important events, such as the trumpets, seals, churches and angels, beginning at a given point, and leading down the stream of time to a definite …

162 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 3 October 28, 1852, page 102 paragraph 7

… . The different order of angels have their location above, created for purposes infinitely glorious, above the condition of man. I am speaking of literal things …

163 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 5 March 28, 1854, page 76 paragraph 6

… a different course; but their extreme views of individual responsibility, and not being in a scriptural sense subject to their brethren, led them to still …

164 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6 November 14, 1854, page 105 paragraph 7

… highest orders of men and angels in his primeval nature. He must therefore be understood as being the Son of God in a much higher sense than any other being …

165 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 7 March 13, 1856, page 191 paragraph 12

… the order of the words, man, angel, and Son, the Saviour declares his own superiority to any of them. - Appendix, Note xiii, p.60 .

166 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 9 March 19, 1857, page 153 paragraph 3

… consecutive order during seven different periods. The seven angels with their seven trumpets, and the seven seals, are instances where it occurs in that …

167 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 10 September 10, 1857, page 145 paragraph 21

… on different days, they cannot all be fulfilled chronologically; and, if it is not necessary that all should be thus fulfilled, it may not be that any must; or …

168 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 12 July 15, 1858, page 65 paragraph 10

… third angel sounded; - and a third name is associated with the downfall of the Roman empire. The sounding of the trumpets manifestly denotes the order of the …

169 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 12 September 23, 1858, page 140 paragraph 7

… from different parts of Illinois, and from Wisconsin, as we hoped to see. The season has been so rainy, that many could not fully secure their grain in season …

170 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 13 March 3, 1859, page 114 paragraph 9

… the different religious systems and parties who (by the influence of the spirits of devils working in their hearts) will make use of every effort, and practice …

171 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 13 April 21, 1859, page 170 paragraph 23

… an angel or of any being of a different order from man, would be of no benefit to the human family. Man must see his duties, as man, exemplified in his own nature …

172 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 November 3, 1859, page 189 paragraph 5

… a different tale. They disgraced the name of Christ; and perhaps this was Satan’s device: to raise up a people who should disgrace the word, and the name of Christ …

173 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 16 August 28, 1860, page 113 paragraph 19

… . In order to which I would first observe, that although the “law” and the “commandment” are sometimes differently taken (the commandment meaning but a part of …

174 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 18 August 13, 1861, page 82 paragraph 3

… and angels cannot be controlled by mere physical power or by instincts. The department is higher than either of those; and all the arrangements in that department …

175 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 18 October 15, 1861, page 160 paragraph 24

… third angel’s message. I did not realize that it might be expected that different preachers would write something on it, or I should have written long since …

176 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 February 7, 1865, page 84 paragraph 13

… investigating different points of present truth. Quite an interest has already been awakened in the minds of many on the Sabbath question through their …

177 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 8 March 6, 1899, page 158 paragraph 9

… third angel’s message, we were shown that a different order of things must be brought in; but it has taken much time to understand what changes should be made …

178 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 February 15, 1895, page 157 paragraph 3

… entirely different purpose, should not be patterned after any other schools on the face of the earth. It is of no use to hold up an aim before a person, and then …

179 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 4, 1901, page 56 paragraph 7

… , in order to succeed, must be thoroughly organized, and unity of action must prevail in order to give it strength and permanence.

180 Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis, p. 101.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… a difference of opinion in our body on this point. But now, how is it? This matter has seen pushed to the front by E. J. Waggoner and those who have sustained him, through …