Search for: "voice of god"

1761 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 27.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… Kol (voice of God) came forth and said to him: Rehoboam and Jeroboam shall divide the kingdom” (Shabb. 56 b.).

1762 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 151.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the voice of God through His prophet. Again and more energetically than before, the religious reformation was taken in hand. The idol “abominations” were removed …

1763 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 6, p. 17.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… warning voice of God, ere Ahab again encountered his tempter. But there the two must part company, and the king of Israel must henceforth decide for himself …

1764 Antiquities of the Jews, p. 4.103 (Titus Flavius Josephus)

… the voice of God himself So the people mourned for him thirty days: nor did ever any grief so deeply affect the Hebrews as did this upon the death of Moses: nor …

1765 History of Protestantism, vol. 1, p. 155.1 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the voice of God, and delivered up John Huss to the will of his enemies.Von der Hardt, tom. 4, p. 397.

1766 History of Protestantism, vol. 1, p. 299.3 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the voice of God. Luther now acknowledged no infallible guide on earth save the Bible. From this day forward there was a greater power in every word and a greater …

1767 History of Protestantism, vol. 2, p. 126.1 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the voice of God. The plan of a free justification stood revealed to him. It came like a sudden revelation — like the breaking of the day. In 1512 he published a …

1768 History of Protestantism, vol. 2, p. 591.3 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the voice of God... therefore he was deprived of his throne and his life.” If for Saul we read Charles IX, and for the prophet Samuel we substitute Pius V, as the writer …

1769 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 273.2 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the voice of God.” Ferdinand was then negotiating for the election of his son as King of the Romans, with the view of his succeeding him in the empire. “It will be …

1770 History of the Reformation, vol. 1, p. 60.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God himself. He knew it well. And therefore his troubles and his terrors led him to study with fresh zeal the writings of the prophets and of the …

1771 History of the Reformation, vol. 1, p. 100.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God, which was manifested with such energy and tenderness through the mouth of Luther. They would not understand the signs of the times; they were …

1772 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 296.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God, his calls becomes less frequent every day, and even cease entirely. This was the case with Lucerne.

1773 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 320.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God himself. He resolved to reply to the call. He was a prisoner within those lofty walls; what of that! he will devote his leisure to translating …

1774 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 320.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God for himself; as for Luther, henceforth he mingles with the crowd, and takes his station in the ranks of those who come to draw from the common …

1775 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 354.5 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God in his conscience as the voice of the devil; and accordingly the remainder of his history represents him as given up to the inspirations of …

1776 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 491.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God in his heart, no one at Noyon was so rigid as he in the observance of ecclesiastical regulations. And hence Gerard, remarking this disposition …

1777 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 808.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God, it had shown most clearly how great is the immorality of ultra montane socialism. “If the Christian consents to this enormous demand of the …

1778 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 843.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the voice of God. “I feel the Spirit of God,” he said, “speaking in my heart as he has spoken in the heart of him who wrote the book.” The words which had only made a temporary …

1779 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book II, p. 29.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the Voice of God, to the life of another day. As its echoes came in the still air across the cleft of the Tyropoeon, up the slopes of the Upper City, down the busy …

1780 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book II, p. 111.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the Voice of God to glorify Him; if He was nailed to the cross, the sun draped his brightness, and earth quaked; if He was laid in the tomb, Angels kept its watches …