Search for: "last generation"

121 The Biblical Institute, p. 286.3 (Uriah Smith)

… , the last generation of Christians upon the earth. These are characterized by keeping the commandments of God, and having the testimony of Jesus Christ. In …

122 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 5.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of the inhabitants of the earth, and set forth so comprehensively all the aspects of the times, physical, moral, and political, in which …

123 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 209.3 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation, — the generation of the living with whose cases the work would close. How long it will take to examine the cases of all the dead, how soon the …

124 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 377.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of men, they are inclined to rest in this to the neglect of the spiritual part of religion. It is by their actions, doubtless, not by their …

125 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 446.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of Christians, the Christians of our own day; and he calls them the twelve tribes scattered abroad. How can this be? Paul explains in Romans …

126 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 450.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation the testimony is very emphatic on the subject of obtaining the white raiment. Revelation 3:5, 18. And though the 144,000 are accused of …

127 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 490.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation. Paul did not preach the hour of Judgment come. Luther and his coadjutors did not preach it. Paul reasoned of a Judgment to come, indefinitely …

128 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 519.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of Christians to live on the earth. We say the last generation; for the war of the dragon is directed against the remnant of the woman’s …

129 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 590.4 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of men. It proclaims the hour of God’s Judgment come. But the Judgment pertains to the closing up of the work of salvation for the world …

130 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 638.1 (Uriah Smith)

This chapter introduces the seven last plagues, a manifestation of Heaven’s unmingled wrath, and the fullness of its measure, for the last generation of the wicked. The work of mercy is then forever past.

131 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 645.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of the wicked can be said to have shed the blood of saints and prophets, since the last generation of saints are not to be slain. A reference …

132 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 679.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation, see on chapter 16:6.

133 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 692.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of saints are all to he slain, would have us believe. The word rendered which, in the expression, “and which had not worshiped the beast,” etc …

134 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 5.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of the inhabitants of the earth, and set forth so comprehensively all the aspects of the times, physical, moral, and political, in which …

135 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 235.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation, - the generation of the living, with whose cases the work would close. How long it will take to examine the cases of all the dead, how soon the …

136 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 406.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of men, they are inclined to rest in this to the neglect of the spiritual part of religion. It is by their actions, doubtless, not by their …

137 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 469.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of Christians, the Christians of our own day, and he calls them the twelve tribes scattered abroad. How can this be? Paul explains in Romans …

138 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 473.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation the testimony is very emphatic on the subject of obtaining the white raiment. Revelation 3:5, 18. And though the 144,000 are accused of …

139 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 521.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation. Paul did not preach the hour of judgment come. Luther and his coadjutors did not preach it. Paul reasoned of a judgment to come, indefinitely …

140 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 557.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of Christians to live on the earth. We say the last generation; for the war of the dragon is directed against the remnant of the woman’s …