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101 The Adventist Home, p. 293.5 (Ellen Gould White)

There are many children who profess to know the truth who do not render to their parents the honor and affection that are due to them, who manifest but little …

102 The Adventist Home, p. 299.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Then, children, ask God to do for you those things that you cannot do for yourselves. Tell Jesus everything. Lay open before Him the secrets of your heart; for …

103 The Adventist Home, p. 306.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Children have claims which their parents should acknowledge and respect. They have a right to such an education and training as will make them useful, respected …

104 The Adventist Home, p. 308.5 (Ellen Gould White)

There is danger of too severely criticizing small things. Criticism that is too severe, rules that are too rigid, lead to the disregard of all regulations …

105 The Adventist Home, p. 314.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Too often the parents are not united in their family government. The father, who is with his children but little, and is ignorant of their peculiarities of …

106 The Adventist Home, p. 318.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Home Religion Precedes That in the Church —In the home the foundation is laid for the prosperity of the church. The influences that rule in the home life are …

107 The Adventist Home, p. 319.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Parents make a most terrible mistake when they neglect the work of giving their children religious training, thinking that they will come out all right …

108 The Adventist Home, p. 320.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Parents, what course are you pursuing? Are you acting upon the idea that in religious matters your children should be left free of all restraint? Are you leaving …

109 The Adventist Home, p. 320.6 (Ellen Gould White)

Adapt Instruction to the Child's Age —As soon as the little ones are intelligent to understand, parents should tell them the story of Jesus that they may drink …

110 The Adventist Home, p. 321.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Parents, take your children with you into your religious exercises. Throw around them the arms of your faith, and consecrate them to Christ. Do not allow anything …

111 The Adventist Home, p. 323.3 (Ellen Gould White)

Parents are not to compel their children to have a form of religion, but they are to place eternal principles before them in an attractive light. The Signs of the Times, August 27, 1912 ( The Signs of the Times, May 14, 1894 ).

112 The Adventist Home, p. 323.5 (Ellen Gould White)

We need to present to the youth an inducement for right doing. Silver and gold is not sufficient for this. Let us reveal to them the love and mercy and grace of …

113 The Adventist Home, p. 324.3 (Ellen Gould White)

The father was to act as the priest of the household, and if the father was dead, the eldest son living was to perform this solemn act of sprinkling the doorpost …

114 The Adventist Home, p. 326.3 (Ellen Gould White)

Tragedy in Israel —The crime that brought the judgments of God upon Israel was that of licentiousness. The forwardness of women to entrap souls did not end …

115 The Adventist Home, p. 326.4 (Ellen Gould White)

The licentious practice of the Hebrews accomplished for them that which all the warfare of nations and the enchantments of Balaam could not do. They became …

116 The Adventist Home, p. 327.1 (Ellen Gould White)

The History to Be Repeated —Near the close of this earth's history Satan will work with all his powers in the same manner and with the same temptations wherewith …

117 The Adventist Home, p. 333.5 (Ellen Gould White)

A woman who will allow an unchaste word or hint to be uttered in her presence is not as God would have her; one that will permit any undue familiarity or impure suggestion does not preserve her godlike womanhood. Manuscript 4a, 1885 .

118 The Adventist Home, p. 345.5 (Ellen Gould White)

My sister, you cannot please God by maintaining your present attitude. Forgive your husband. He is your husband, and you will be blessed in striving to be a dutiful …

119 The Adventist Home, p. 346.5 (Ellen Gould White)

4. Why! oh, why! will men and women who might be respectable and good and reach heaven at last sell themselves to the devil so cheap, wound their bosom friends, disgrace …

120 The Adventist Home, p. 347.1 (Ellen Gould White)

5. But, if they will not do as they should, and if the innocent have forfeited the legal right to a divorce, by living with the guilty after his guilt is known, we …