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101 Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 42.2 (Ellen Gould White)

Observe system in the study of the Scriptures in your families. Neglect anything of a temporal nature; dispense with all unnecessary sewing and with needless …

102 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 42 (Ellen Gould White)

Chapter 8—Wholehearted Attachment to the Church

103 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 42.1 (Ellen Gould White)

Every believer should be wholehearted in his attachment to the church. Its prosperity should be his first interest, and unless he feels under sacred obligations …

104 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 42.2 (Ellen Gould White)

Those who rejoice in the precious light of truth should feel a burning desire to have it sent everywhere. There are a few faithful standard-bearers who never …

105 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 42.3 (Ellen Gould White)

There are others who will do as little as possible. They hoard their treasure, or lavish means upon themselves, grudgingly doling out a mere pittance to sustain …

106 Counsels on Stewardship, p. 209 (Ellen Gould White)

Chapter 42—The Peril of Covetousness

107 Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 42.1 (Ellen Gould White)

God requires that the church arouse from her lethargy and see what is the manner of service demanded of her at this time of peril. The lambs of the flock must …

109 Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 42.2 (Ellen Gould White)

As a people who claim to have advanced light, we are to devise ways and means by which to bring forth a corps of educated workmen for the various departments …

110 Counsels to Writers and Editors, p. 42.1 (Ellen Gould White)

The time is coming when we shall be separated and scattered, and each one of us will have to stand without the privilege of communion with those of like precious …

112 Darkness Before Dawn, p. 42.1 (Ellen Gould White)

But the people of God will not be misled. The teachings of this false Christ are not in accordance with the Scriptures. His blessing is pronounced upon the …

113 Darkness Before Dawn, p. 42.2 (Ellen Gould White)

And, furthermore, Satan is not permitted to counterfeit the manner of Christ's advent. The Saviour has warned His people against deception upon this point …

114 Darkness Before Dawn, p. 42 (Ellen Gould White)

The Safeguard of the Christian

115 Darkness Before Dawn, p. 42.3 (Ellen Gould White)

Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures and who have received the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion that …

116 Darkness Before Dawn, p. 42.4 (Ellen Gould White)

As the decree issued by the various rulers of Christendom against commandment keepers shall withdraw the protection of government and abandon them to …

117 Daughters of God, p. 42.1 (Ellen Gould White)

When David was a fugitive from the face of Saul, he had camped near the possessions of Nabal and had protected the flocks and the shepherds of this man.... In a time …

118 Daughters of God, p. 42.2 (Ellen Gould White)

One of Nabal's servants hastened to Abigail, the wife of Nabal, after he had dismissed David's young men, and told her what had happened. “Behold,” he said, “David …

119 Daughters of God, p. 42.3 (Ellen Gould White)

Without consulting her husband or telling him of her intention, Abigail made up an ample supply of provisions, which, laded upon asses, she sent forward in …

120 The Desire of Ages, p. 34.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… . Isaiah 42:4; 60:3 .