Search for: "last generation"

101 Last Day Tokens, p. 36.1 (John Norton Loughborough)

… this last generation. While the visible workers are men, angels, who “desire to look into” the truths of the gospel, camp about those who, in the fear of the Lord …

102 Last Day Tokens, p. 36.2 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the last generation, but the same “everlasting gospel.” In the first of these three messages, however, there is, connected with the proclamation of the gospel …

104 Last Day Tokens, p. 49.2 (John Norton Loughborough)

… -the last generation-is not to pass until He shall come.

105 Last Day Tokens, p. 55.1 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the last generation? The last of these events-the falling of the stars-was fulfilled in 1833. Since that date we have entered upon the last generation, the generation …

106 The Bible Echo Articles February 24, 1896, page 61 paragraph 4

… this last generation a wonderful sign of loyalty. There is a special call to that portion of His law which has been set aside. “Hallow My Sabbaths.” “They shall …

107 Christ and the Sabbath, p. 4.3 (William Warren Prescott)

… the last generation, it would be the same. From the time when that promise was made, the record of which we have in Genesis 3:15 (“And I will put enmity between thee …

108 The Doctrine of Christ, p. 152 (William Warren Prescott)

Scoffers in the last generation

109 The Doctrine of Christ, p. 152.2 (William Warren Prescott)

… the last generation of men, living upon the earth just before the Lord appears, and up to the hour of his appearing, will remain here, busied with the things of …

110 The Biblical Institute, p. 27.5 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation. God did not send Noah to preach to the next to the last generation before the flood, but to the last. The very generation which was destroyed …

111 The Biblical Institute, p. 28.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation will be like those before the flood while the ark was preparing. Noah preached, and warned them of the coming flood, and they mocked. He built …

112 The Biblical Institute, p. 84.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation it would not be true. The apostle reasoned of a Judgment to come, Acts 17:31; 24:25; and it is recorded of Luther that he thought the day of Judgment …

113 The Biblical Institute

… the last generation? 16. What did the apostles say about the Judgment? References. 17. How far off did Luther think it was from his day? 18. What has our own generation …

114 The Biblical Institute, p. 111.4 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation in this country, runs to this issue and terminates. When the worshipers of the beast have received his mark, the servants of God are all …

115 The Biblical Institute, p. 141.2 (Uriah Smith)

… , or last generation, of the church are distinguished in the same way. Revelation 12:17. And when in the closing testimony of the book, the Lord declares that he …

116 The Biblical Institute

… the last generation of Christians? 49. What promise is given to the commandment-keepers who are waiting for the coming of Christ? 50. What is said of the Sabbath …

117 The Biblical Institute, p. 228.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of men, after the third angel has ceased his warning, and the work in the sanctuary is ended, and a mediator no longer stands between God …

118 The Biblical Institute, p. 229.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of the wicked, who are not permitted to slay the saints, can be said to have shed the blood of saints and prophets. The answer is, They designed …

119 The Biblical Institute, p. 238.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of the living. John says, A Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with him, a hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their …

120 The Biblical Institute, p. 250.2 (Uriah Smith)

… the last generation of the church; and there is in this testimony that which should startle and arouse us. This church, with the light respecting the soon coming …